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THE 10,000 DAY WAR Objective: Analyze the cause and events of the Vietnamese warStd 11.9.3g.

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2 THE 10,000 DAY WAR Objective: Analyze the cause and events of the Vietnamese warStd 11.9.3g

3 Background -French  French got kicked out of Indo-China during WWII  Asia for Asians  Japanese lost WWII  Vietnamese thought that they had their own country  French came back  Pair share – Is it fair for the Vietnamese to want their own country after WWII? Do they deserve it?

4 Background - US  French could not handle fighting the Vietnamese themselves  Assistance from the US  Korea was a Stalemate  Focused on Domino theory in Vietnam  Fight the Vietminh (Communist)  France pulls out  Vietnam splits to North (Communist) and South (Democratic)  Country wide elections got cancelled out of fear


6 Background – US involvement  Vietcong – communist in the South – fought US and killed US supported president  Gulf of Tonkin  USS Maddox fired upon  Returned fire and damaged N Vietnamese boat  2 day later thought they were attacked  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution  Gave Pres. Johnson power over military  Everything was done in secret

7 Round 1 – We’re here, now what?  “once on the tiger’s back, we cannot be sure of picking the place to dismount.”  Increase troops in Vietnam  Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) was weak and needed support of America


9 Round 1 - Fighting  Superior weapons but not useable in jungle  Couldn’t tell enemy from civilian  More Vietcong bodies the sooner they would surrender  Napalm & Agent Orange to find Vietcong  Turn to drugs to get over their guilt/low morale  Others fought patriotically like WWII vets




13 Napalm!

14 Round 1 - Home  Draft – working class  Protests  Hawks  Doves

15 Round 2 – Background  Tet – New Years truce  Vietcong dressed as civilians holding funerals  Surprise attack – 100 towns & 12 bases  Vietcong lost – 32,000 dead  Or did they?  US Public shocked thought enemy was close to defeat  Johnsondoesn’t run for president

16 Vietnam, 1968

17 Helicopters!


19 Round 2 - Nixon  Nixon won ‘68 election  Pull out of Vietnam  Vietnamization  turn control over to Vietnamese troops  Peace with Honor  Hoped S. Vietnam stay in power One last bombing Also bombed Cambodia, Laos for good measure

20 Round 2 - Last Fight  My Lai  Massacred 200 innocent Vietnamese  Invade Cambodia  Clear Ho Chi Minh Trail  Pentagon Papers  Showed Johnson lied about staying out of Vietnam during campaign  Peace never happened on Nixon’s terms  N Vietnamese wanted it their way

21 Seeing this on TV led to a loss of support at home


23 Hippie bashing!!!

24 Hippies/Anti-war

25 The End?  58,000 killed 303,000 wounded Americans  2 millions Vietnamese killed  US struggled with out come  Vets came home to uncertainty  More problems after US left Vietnam  Fighting between Hawks & Doves  War Powers Act – 1973 President must  inform congress of action within 48 hours  Has 90 days before congress must approve  America now must consider risks before war  Suspicious of government

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