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Published byHannah Morrison Modified over 9 years ago
Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting June 25, 2013 Money Follows the Person
Agenda Welcome MFP Staff Update MFP Data MFP Housing Update MFP Waivers 2
33 Demonstration Benchmark Data 3
4 MFP Demonstration Data 4 MFP participants in the community by population As of 5/31/2013
5 MFP Demonstration Data 5 Number of transitions by type of community residence As of 5/31/2013
6 MFP Demonstration Data 6 Number of MFP participants in the community by qualified facility As of 5/31/2013
MFP Housing Strategies
888 MFP Participants’ Housing Needs MFP Enrollees will transition to the community into MFP qualified residences – either by: Returning to existing homes/housing; Moving into a group home or other supported residential setting; OR Seeking new housing – the topic of this presentation
9 MFP Qualified Residences In the MFP Demonstration, a Qualified Residence is: a home owned or leased to the individual or family member; an apartment with the individual holding the lease with a lockable entrance and control and domain over living, sleeping, bathing and cooking areas; cannot require acceptance of services as a condition of tenancy; or a community based residence with no more that 4 unrelated individuals. Focus of this presentation will be on those choosing the option to live in an apartment setting.
10 MFP Demonstration Support for Housing Goals MFP Strategic Housing Partnership Coordinator 5 Regional Housing Coordinators within Regional Housing Network Entities Housing Search Entities Adaptive Services Coordinator One time set up expenses such as: furniture, bedding, security deposit, service installation
11 MFP Strategic Housing Partnership Coordinator Individual at the state level responsible to develop ideas, strategies and partnerships that support the development of new housing opportunities for MFP Participants with input from the Regional Housing Coordinators. Oversee the implementation of the 811 Project Rental Assistance grant for EOHHS.
12 Regional Housing Coordinators A contracted position working within the Regional Housing Network whose primary responsibilities will be to: develop affordable, accessible housing opportunities for MFP participants in their designated region; track and report the number of these units in the region to meet MFP goals; ensure, confirm and track that such identified units meet the MFP definition of qualified residences; engage and establish on-going relationships with local and regional entities that administer/manage affordable housing opportunities; and coordinate 811 program referrals at the regional level.
13 Massachusetts Regional Housing Network For 30 years, nine regionally based non-profit member agencies of this network have championed the value of working on a regional level to address the needs of their constituents. They: engage policy makers, landlords, community leaders, and investors to protect and to create affordable housing; are efficient innovators, committed to restoring housing choice, and returning every Massachusetts family home; consistently identify regional issues and work collaboratively with one another, as well as local government officials, local housing authorities, private landlords, private housing developments and other agencies working on housing concerns to find regional solutions to those issues;
14 Regional Housing Network (continued) cover the Commonwealth and available to all 351 cities and towns for assistance with housing development, management, and policy setting. All of this is in addition to their core work of implementing and managing innovative and traditional housing programs designed to assist people of all income levels; manage over 19,000 Housing Choice Vouchers which allows low income families and individuals to live in decent, safe and sanitary housing; work housing homeless families on behalf of the Commonwealth; and will administer the 811 Project Rental Assistance vouchers on behalf of DHCD. An RFR process will be utilized to select 5 of these entities to work on behalf of the MFP Demonstration to develop and monitor housing options regionally.
15 Housing Search Entities An MRC-qualified person or organization that specializes in securing affordable homes or apartments for MFP eligible participants. Currently 6 organizations have been qualified to provide housing search activities. Two additional organizations are in the process of being qualified, and two more proposals are under review. Contracts for qualified HSEs are in process. Open, rolling procurement on Comm-PASS. Payment of $1000 with $400 for initial tasks and $600 at placement. Contact Nina Rosenberg at MRC at (617) 204-3827 for more information.
16 HSE Qualified Entities Must have successful experience assisting elders and/or individuals with disabilities to secure affordable & accessible housing. Must demonstrate knowledge of: Local public and private housing resources State & federal housing programs. Must work closely with MFP participants, transition coordinators & case managers to ensure complete and timely housing applications. Will coordinate with Regional Housing Coordinators on housing options developed through the regional networks.
17 Qualified Housing Search Entities Advocates – Greater Boston, Central, Southeast Regions AIDS Action Committee – Greater Boston Region Hearth, Inc. – Greater Boston Region Housing Assistance Corporation – Greater Boston Region Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership – Greater Boston South Middlesex Opportunity Council – Central Region This RFQ is open for interested applicants – additional HSEs will be qualified on an on-going basis.
18 Relationship of Transition Coordination Entities, Housing Search Entities and Regional Housing Coordinators The Transition Coordinator (TC) will assist the MFP participant to select a Housing Search Entity (HSE) from the qualified pool when the individual identifies an apartment or rental unit as their choice of “qualified residence.” The TC completes and sends a simple referral form to the selected HSE and a copy to the Regional Housing Coordinator. If the referral is accepted by the HSE, then they will complete a more comprehensive Housing Needs and Preferences assessment to identify needs and any barriers to securing housing.
19 Relationship of Transition Coordination Entities, Housing Search Entities and Regional Housing Coordinators (continued) TC assists the participant in completing required forms and gathering documentation as part of the Housing Search process. The HSEs and RHCs will regularly share all housing options that have been or are under development within the region for MFP participants. The HSE will work with the TC and participant to follow up on recommended options. TC, HSE and RHC will be in regular communication until the individual is successfully housed in the community.
20 MFP Participant, with Transition Coordinator Housing Search Entity Regional Housing Coordinator Transition Coordinator Shares Info about housing availability/leads in region Copy referral Works with MFP participant to find housing to meet their needs and preferences Identifies need for apartment in community; chooses HSE assists participant to complete applications/ forms, etc. Housing Search Process
21 Adaptive Services Coordinator Staff of Mass. Rehab Commission’s Waiver Unit. Manages all major home accessibility modification projects for MFP participants. Coordinates projects with MFP participants, their transition coordinators and case managers and all other involved parties. MFP home modifications may be available only for MFP qualified residences, but not including staffed residential programs.
22 Housing Tools MFP Housing Needs and Preference Tool MFP Housing Search Entity Manual UMASS On-line Training Resources MassAccess Housing Registry MassHousing Directory Training will be available for TCs and HSEs
23 Housing Strategies Use of Existing State and Local Housing Targeted Resources Community Based Housing Facilities Consolidated Fund (DDS and DMH) Non elder Vouchers through Lynn Housing Authority Mass Housing Set aside (DDS and DMH) Home Modification Loan Program Supported Housing Program (EOEA) Assisted Living (those that meet MFP criteria) New Resources Section 811 Project Rental Assistance MFP funds for access modification & one time setup costs
24 Projecting Need Using data from Mathematica 2011 Annual Report for all MFP States Using MA MFP target of transitioning 2,192 individuals: 1,358 elders 510 with physical disabilities 182 with mental illness 142 with intellectual disabilities
25 Applying Mathematica Averages* Qualified Residence OverallEldersPhysical Dis. Intellect. Dis. OtherUnknown Home28.7%44.3%31.2%3.7%31.9%15.8% Apartment30.4%23.9%43.5%15.1%10.6%28.1% Assisted Living 9%13.6%8.1%5.4%5.9%6.3% Group Home 19.9%7.3%7.4%71.4%12.3%16.4% Unknown11.9%10.9%9.8%4.5%39.3%33.4% *Based on data gathered nationally by Mathematica of all MFP projects through 2011
26 Applying Mathematica Averages to Massachusetts MFP Projections Elderly 1358 Physically Disabled 510 Intellectual Disability 142 Mental Illness/Other 182 Total 2192 Home 601159 5 58823 Apartment 324221 21 19585 Assisted Living 176 41 7 10234 Group Home 99 37 101 22259 Unknown 148 49 6 71274
27 Next Steps Finalize and release RHC RFR - target for July 15 th Finalize HSE Training Manual – target for July 12 th Outreach to entities to respond to HSE RFR - quarterly, most recent one done in May Qualify new responses to HSE RFR-on-going Orientation for new MFP Strategic Housing Partnership Coordinator – target by August 15 th Update of all prior housing related materials to correct for new transition coordination model- August 30th
28 Next Steps (continued) Gather housing needs data from enrollees-monthly Collaborate with DHCD on the roll out of the 811 PRA funded units once Cooperative Agreement signed between DHCD and HUD-meetings every 2 weeks Provide training to Transition Coordination, HSE and Regional Housing Coordination entities-, target by October 30 th Provide training to entities making referrals to 811 program- TBD
29 Discussion
30 MFP Waivers
31 MFP Waivers Implementation - Topics Outline initial approach to implementing MFP waivers Describe the MFP waivers and the waiver services offered Provide Information on how to access the MFP waivers
32 MFP Waivers- Implementation Short term approach: ■Conduct eligibility determinations and case management using the UMass Waiver Unit ■Build on existing ABI waiver service providers ■Ramp up over the next 6 months Longer term: ■MRC and DDS will do case management – based on the Hutchinson settlement agreement ■Will clarify timing of these changes as we go forward
33 Money Follows the Person Waivers MassHealth has two new 1915(c) HCBS waivers. MFP Community Living (MFP-CL) Waiver For participants who do not need 24 hour supports or supervision Provides access to a variety of community-based waiver services MFP Residential Supports (MFP-RS) Waiver Participants who require supervision and staffing 24/7 and receive services in provider-operated and staffed settings Residential habilitation in a group home serving no more than 4 individuals Assisted living services Shared living
34 MFP Waiver Eligibility Applicants must: Be living in a nursing home or long-stay hospital for at least 90 consecutive days, excluding Medicare rehabilitation days; Be 18 years old or older and have a disability, or be age 65 or older; Meet the requirements for participation in the MFP Demonstration, including transitioning to an a MFP qualified residence in the community; Be able to be safely served in the community within the terms of the waiver.
35 MFP Community Living Waiver Services ■Adult Companion ■Chore Service ■Community Family Training ■Day Services ■Home Accessibility Adaptations ■Home Health Aide ■Homemaker ■Independent Living Supports ■Individual Support and Community Habilitation ■Occupational Therapy ■Peer Support ■Personal Care ■Physical Therapy ■Prevocational Services ■Respite ■Shared Home Supports ■Skilled Nursing ■Specialized Medical Equipment ■Speech Therapy ■Supported Employment ■Supportive Home Care Aide ■Transportation ■Vehicle Modification
36 MFP Community Living Waiver The MFP-CL Waiver is for participants who do not need 24 hour supports or supervision Service Limit of 12-hours per day on the following services, separately, or in combination: Homemaker Home Health Aide Personal Care Adult Companion Individual Support and Community Habilitation Supportive Home Care Aide
37 MFP Residential Supports Waiver Services ■Residential Habilitation (group home) ■Shared Living – 24 Hour Supports ■Assisted Living Services ■Day Services ■Home Accessibility Adaptations ■Individual Support and Community Habilitation ■Occupational Therapy ■Peer Support ■Physical Therapy ■Prevocational Services ■Residential Family Training ■Skilled Nursing ■Specialized Medical Equipment ■Speech Therapy ■Supported Employment ■Transportation
38 MFP Residential Supports Waiver The MFP-RS Waiver is for participants who need 24 hour supervision and staffing The Participant must be assessed to need a residential support service within the terms of the MFP-RS Waiver Provides access to 3 types of residential supports: 1.Group Home (up to 4 people) 2.Shared Living – 24 Hour Supports 3.MFP Qualified Assisted Living
39 The MFP Waivers will allow participant to self-direct certain waiver services Employer Authority, similar to PCA program Allows the participant to select, train, schedule and supervise their own worker Fiscal Intermediary will process payroll including handling withholdings and tax paperwork Participant Direction in MFP Waivers Self-Directed Services with Employer AuthorityMFP-CL WaiverMFP-RS Waiver Adult CompanionYNA Chore ServicesYNA HomemakerYNA Individual Support and Community HabilitationYY Peer SupportYY Waiver Personal CareYNA
40 All waiver participants will work with a case manager As part of their person-centered planning process, each waiver participant will have a risk assessment The case manager will develop a 24-hour back-up plan for each MFP Participant Case manager can engage support broker for the participants as necessary Case Management in the MFP Waivers
41 ■Members participating in either the MFP-CL or MFP-RS waiver will be enrolled into the managed behavioral health plan through the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP) ■Access to managed behavioral health services will help to address the significant role that behavioral health issues play in causing institutional placement and undermining community stability ■The MFP-BH Waiver provides access to the full range of community, outpatient, and inpatient services through MBHP for all such participants. 1915(b) MFP Behavioral Health Managed Care (MFP-BH) Waiver
42 Visit the MassHealth website for MFP Member Enrollment Process information and find: MassHealth Waiver applications MFP Brochures Send completed MFP Waiver applications to: UMass MFP Waiver Unit 333 South Street Shrewsbury, MA For more information contact UMass Waiver Unit at 855-499-5109 or TTY 800-596-1746 Email: Waiver Applications for Members
43 Mass Rehab Commission contracts with some providers, such as home/vehicle mod providers, and residential service providers MRC maintains open RFRs for certain waiver services Providers of many MFP waiver services enroll directly as MassHealth Providers Provider Contracting and Enrollment
44 Provider Enrollment ■MassHealth has engaged UMass to manage provider enrollment and credentialing activities for enrolled waiver providers. ■Monthly Technical Assistance Sessions offer support for interested providers. UMass meets with individual providers upon request. ■If you already enrolled as an ABI waiver provider you will only need to submit information to become qualified for additional waiver services.
45 For More Information About Enrolling as a Provider Later this week, the MassHealth website will have links for the MFP Demonstration and the home and community based waivers. Both links will have information on: ■ MassHealth MFP Demonstration Assistive Technology Provider Application MassHealth ABI and MFP Waiver Provider Applications and other forms Links to the MassHealth Provider Regulations, MRC Provider Services Standards and Provider Rates Contact information for providers about any enrollment questions or assistance with the enrollment process
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