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CIS 1140 Network Fundamentals
Chapter 3 Transmission Basics and Networking Media Collected and Compiled By JD Willard MCSE, MCSA, Network+, Microsoft IT Academy Administrator Computer Information Systems Instructor Albany Technical College
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Objectives Explain basic data transmission concepts, including full duplexing, attenuation, and noise Describe the physical characteristics of coaxial cable, STP, UTP, and fiber-optic media Compare the benefits and limitations of different networking media Explain the principles behind and uses for serial connector cables Identify wiring standards and the best practices for cabling buildings and work areas
Transmission Basics In data networking, transmit means to issue signals to the network medium Transmission refers to either the process of transmitting or the progress of signals after they have been transmitted Transceiver Transmits and receives signals Cabling Basics Demo Cabling Demo
Analog and Digital Signals
Information transmitted via analog or digital signals Signal strength proportional to voltage In analog signals, voltage varies continuously and appears as a wavy line when graphed over time Wave’s amplitude (the height of the wave) is a measure of its strength at given point in time Frequency: number of times wave’s amplitude cycles from starting point, through highest amplitude and lowest amplitude, back to starting point over a fixed period of time Measured in Hz Wavelength: distance between corresponding points on a wave’s cycle Phase: progress of a wave over time in relationship to a fixed point Analog transmission susceptible to transmission flaws such as noise
Analog signal benefit over digital More variable
An example of an analog signal Analog signal benefit over digital More variable Convey greater subtleties with less energy Drawback of analog signals Varied and imprecise voltage Susceptible to transmission flaws
Analog and Digital Signals
Digital signals composed of pulses of precise, positive voltages and zero voltages Positive voltage represents 1 Zero voltage represents 0 Binary system: uses 1s and 0s to represent information Easy to convert between binary and decimal Bit: a single binary signal Byte: 8 bits Typically represents one piece of information Overhead: describes non-data information that must accompany data for a signal to be properly routed and interpreted
Transmission Direction: Simplex, Half-Duplex, and Duplex
Simplex transmission: signals may travel in only one direction (TV or Radio) Half-duplex transmission: signals may travel in both directions over a medium Only one direction at a time (Walkie Talkies or Intercom System) Full-duplex or duplex: signals free to travel in both directions over a medium simultaneously (Telephone) Used on data networks Channel: distinct communication path between nodes May be separated logically or physically Full Duplex vs Half Duplex Demo
Transmission Direction: Multiplexing
Multiplexing: transmission form allowing multiple signals to travel simultaneously over one medium Channel logically separated into subchannels Multiplexer (mux): combines multiple signals Sending end of channel Demultiplexer (demux): separates combined signals and regenerates them in original form Receiving end of channel
Relationships Between Nodes
Point-to-point transmission involves only one transmitter and one receiver. Point-to-multipoint transmission involves one transmitter and multiple receivers. Broadcasts involve one transmitter and multiple, undefined receivers Nonbroadcast point-to-multipoint transmission issues signals to multiple, defined recipients
Throughput and Bandwidth
Throughput: measure of amount of data transmitted during given time period Measured in bits per second, kilobits per second, megabits per second etc. Probably most significant factor in choosing transmission method Limited by signaling and multiplexing techniques used in given transmission method Transmission methods using fiber-optic cables achieve faster throughput than those using copper or wireless connections Noise and devices connected to transmission medium can limit throughput Bandwidth: difference between highest and lowest frequencies that a medium can transmit Range of frequencies Measured in Hertz or cycles 1 Hertz is the measure of a signal from its starting point to it’s highest amplitude to it’s lowest amplitude and back to the starting point
Baseband and Broadband
Baseband: digital signals sent through direct current (DC) pulses applied to a wire Requires exclusive use of wire’s capacity Baseband systems can transmit one signal at a time Half-duplex or duplex transmission Example: Ethernet Broadband: signals modulated as radiofrequency (RF) analog waves that use different frequency ranges Does not encode information as digital pulses Simplex transmission Communication Methods Demo
Transmission Flaws: Noise
Electromagnetic interference (EMI): waves emanating from electrical devices or cables Radio frequency interference (RFI): electromagnetic interference caused by radiowaves Crosstalk: signal traveling on a wire or cable infringes on signal traveling over adjacent wire or cable Certain amount of signal noise is unavoidable All forms of noise measured in decibels (dB)
Attenuation An analog signal distorted by noise and then amplified
Attenuation can be described as the loss of signal strength as the signal flows away from it’s source. It is caused by resistance on electrical networks and by optical loss on fiber optic networks. An analog signal distorted by noise and then amplified A digital signal distorted by noise and then repeated
Latency Delay between transmission and receipt of a signal
May cause network transmission errors Many possible causes: Cable length Intervening connectivity device (e.g., modems and routers) Round trip time (RTT): Time for packets to go from sender to receiver and back Cabling rated for maximum number of connected network segments Transmission methods assigned maximum segment lengths
Network Cables A cable is the medium that provides the physical foundation for data transmission Several types of cable are commonly used Some networks use only one type of cable, while others employ several cable types The type of cable chosen depends on: The size of the network The protocols being used The network’s physical layout, or topology Network Transmission Media Demo New and Old Cables and Connectors Demo
Common Media Characteristics: Throughput
Probably most significant factor in choosing transmission method Match networking needs with media characteristics Limited by signaling and multiplexing techniques used in given transmission method Transmission methods using fiber-optic cables achieve faster throughput than those using copper or wireless connections Laws of Physics, noise, and devices connected to transmission medium can limit throughput
Cost Precise costs difficult to pinpoint Media cost dependencies
Existing hardware, network size, labor costs Variables influencing final cost of implementing specific type of media Installation cost New infrastructure cost versus reuse Maintenance and support costs Cost of lower transmission rate affecting productivity Cost of downtime Cost of obsolescence
Noise Immunity Noise distorts data signals
Distortion rate dependent upon transmission media Fiber-optic: least susceptible to noise Limit noise impact on network Cable installation Far away from powerful electromagnetic forces Select media protecting signal from noise Antinoise algorithms
Size and Scalability Three specifications determine size and scalability of networking media: Maximum nodes per segment Depends on attenuation and latency Maximum segment length Depends on attenuation, latency, and segment type After certain distance, signal loses strength Cannot be accurately interpreted Populated segment contains end nodes Unpopulated: no end nodes Also called link segment Maximum network length Sum of network’s segment lengths Media Distance and Speed Limitations (5:48)
Connectors and Media Converters
Connectors are the pieces of hardware that connect the wire to the network device. Every medium requires a specific kind of connector Affect costs Installing and maintaining network Ease of adding new segments or nodes Technical expertise required to maintain network Media converter: hardware enabling networks or segments running on different media to interconnect and exchange signals Type of transceiver Device that transmits and receives signals Copper wire-to-fiber media converter Converting Media (5:10)
Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable is an older technology that is usually implemented with a bus topology. It is not suitable for ring or star topologies because the ends of the cable must be terminated. It is composed of two conductors, which share a common axis, within a single cable. Advantages Disadvantages Highly resistant to EMI (electromagnetic interference) Highly resistant to physical damage Expensive Inflexible construction (difficult to install) Unsupported by newer networking standards UTP, STP, and Coaxial Cabling (5:53)
Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable is built with the following components:
Two concentric metallic conductors: The inner conductor, which carries data signals. It is made of copper or copper coated with tin. The mesh conductor is a second physical channel that also grounds the cable. It is made of aluminum or copper coated tin. The insulator, which surrounds the inner conductor, keeps the signal separated from the mesh conductor. It is made of PVC plastic. The mesh conductor, which surrounds the insulator and grounds the cable. It is made of aluminum or copper coated tin. The PVC sheath, which is the cable encasement. It surrounds and protects the wire. It is made of PVC plastic. Coaxial Cable Demo
Coaxial Cable Types The table below describes the different coaxial cable grades. Grade Uses Resistance Rating RG-58 10Base2 Ethernet networking (also called Thinnet) 50 ohms RG-59 Cable TV and cable networking 75 ohms RG-6 Cable TV, satellite TV, and cable networking RG-6 has less signal loss than RG-59, and is a better choice for networking applications, especially where longer distances (over a few feet) are involved. RG-8 10Base5 Ethernet networking (also called Thicknet) When using coaxial cables, it is important to use cables with the same resistance (impedance) rating.
Coaxial Connectors Connectors: pieces of hardware connecting wire to network device Every networking medium requires specific kind of connector Connector Description Twisted onto the cable Used to create cable and satellite TV connections Used to connect a cable modem to a broadband cable connection Molded onto the cable Used in 10Base2 Ethernet networks F-type connector BNC Connectors Demo
Coaxial Connectors Connector Description
A DB15 serial connector serves as the attachment unit interface (AUI) on the NIC and on the transceiver Requires a drop cable from the NIC to the transceiver Connected to the transceiver is a Vampire Tap with a screw or “tooth” that pierces the cable to connect to the conducting core of a thick coaxial cable Used in 10Base5 Ethernet networks AUI 10BASE5 vampire tap & transceiver
Coaxial Cable Networks
Thin Ethernet, Thinnet, or Black Ethernet: more flexible and easier to handle and install than Thicknet 10BASE-2 Ethernet Requires RG-58 A/U coaxial cable, BNC-T connectors Each end of the cable segment must be terminated with a 50 ohm resistor Conforms to the Rule of network which states that a network can contain up to 5 cable segments, connected by 4 repeating devices, but only three of the cable segments can contain end nodes.
Coaxial Cable Networks
Thickwire Ethernet, Thicknet, Yellow Ethernet: original Ethernet medium 10BASE-5 Ethernet Standard Requires RG-8 coaxial cable, AUI connectors, Transceiver/Vampire Tap, and Drop cable. Each end of the cable segment must be terminated with a 50 ohm resistor Conforms to the Rule of network which states that a network can contain up to 5 cable segments, connected by 4 repeating devices, but only three of the cable segments can contain end nodes.
Twisted-Pair Cable Twisted pair cables support a wide variety of fast, modern network standards. Twisted pair cabling is composed of the following components: Two wires that carry the data signals (one conductor carries a positive signal; one carries a negative signal). They are made of 22 or 24 gauge copper wiring. PVC or plenum plastic insulation surrounds each wire. Plenum cable is fire resistant and non-toxic. It must be used when wiring above ceiling tiles. PVC cable cannot be used to wire above ceilings because it is toxic when burned. Two wires are twisted to reduce the effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and crosstalk. Because the wires are twisted, EMI should affect both wires equally and can be cancelled out. The number of twists per meter or foot determines how resistant the pair will be to noise but increases attenuation TIA/EIA 568 standard divides twisted-pair wiring into several categories Level 1 or CAT 3, 4, 5, 5e, 6, 6e, 7 Cable Categories (3:34)
Twisted-Pair Cable Advantages:
Is relatively inexpensive, easy to install, and capable of spanning significant distances before additional equipment is required Can accommodate several different topologies, but is most often used in a star topology Can handle the faster networking transmission rates in use today Multiple wire pairs are bundled together in an outer sheath. Twisted pair cable can be classified according to the makeup of the outer sheath: Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) has a grounded outer copper shield around the bundle of twisted pairs or around each pair. This provides added protection against EMI. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) does not have a grounded outer copper shield. UTP cables are easier to work with and are less expensive than shielded cables. UTP Cable Demo Twisted Pair Cabling and Connectors Demo
Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP)
The cable consists of insulated wire pairs that are surrounded by a metal shielding, such as foil The effectiveness of the shield depends on the environmental noise to which STP is subjected, the grounding mechanism, and the material, thickness, symmetry and consistency of the shielding Barrier to external electromagnetic forces Contains electrical energy of signals inside STP is more expensive than UTP, but does provide better immunity to EMI and RFI STP cable STP Cable Demo
UTP (Unshielded Twisted-Pair)
Less expensive, less resistant to noise than STP The cable contains color-coded pairs of insulated copper wires inside a plastic jacket Each pair has a different number of twists per inch, depending on the grade, to help eliminate interference from adjacent pairs or cables Categories: CAT 3 (Category 3): up to 10 Mbps of data at 16 MHz CAT 4 (Category 4): 16 Mbps throughput at up to 20 MHz CAT 5 (Category 5): up to 1000 Mbps throughput at 100 MHz CAT 5e (Enhanced Category 5): higher twist ratio 350 MHz CAT 6 (Category 6): six times the throughput of CAT 5. Wires encased in foil. 250 MHz CAT 6e (Enhanced Category 6): reduced attenuation and crosstalk. Capable of 550 MHz. CAT 7 (Category 7): signal rates up to 1 GHz. Contains sheilding and uses different connectors.
Twisted Pair Connectors
Description RJ-11 Has 4 connectors Supports up to 2 pairs of wires Uses a locking tab to keep connector secure in outlet Used primarily for telephone wiring RJ-45 Has 8 connectors Supports up to 4 pairs of wires Used for Ethernet and some token ring connections Copper Connectors (10:29)
Comparing STP and UTP Characteristics
Throughput: STP and UTP can both transmit data at 10, 100, and 1000 Mbps Depending on grade of cabling and transmission method used Cost: STP usually more expensive than UTP Connector: Both use RJ-45 for data and RJ-11 for phones Noise Immunity: STP more noise-resistant Size and scalability: Max segment length for both is 100 meters Maximum of 1024 nodes
Terminating Twisted Pair Cable
Patch cable Relatively short cable Connectors at both ends Proper cable termination techniques Basic requirement for two nodes to communicate Poor terminations: Lead to loss or noise TIA/EIA standards TIA/EIA 568A TIA/EIA 568B
TIA/EIA 568A Series In the T568A standard the green and green and white striped wire transmits data from the device, while the orange wire and the orange and white striped wire receives data from the network. TIA/EIA 568A standard terminations
TIA/EIA 568B Series In the T568B standard the orange and orange and white striped wire transmits data from the device, while the green wire and the green and white striped wire receives data from the network. It typically doesn’t matter which scheme you choose, but to avoid confusion and potential transmission errors you should ensure that you cable all wiring on your LAN according to one standard. TIA/EIA 568B standard terminations
Straight-Through Cable
Description Straight-through Computers connect to the network through a hub or switch with a straight- through cable. There are two standards for creating straight-through cables: T568A--To use this standard, arrange the wires from pins 1 to 8 in each connector in the following order: GW, G, OW, B, BW, O, BrW, Br. T568B--To use this standard, arrange the wires from pins 1 to 8 in each connector in the following order: OW, O, GW, B, BW, G, BrW, Br. It doesn't matter which standard you use, but once you choose a standard, you should do all your cables that way to avoid confusion during troubleshooting. Crossover and Straight Through Cables (6:27)
Crossover Cable Crossover cables are used to wire two computer’s network cards together without the use of a hub/switch or to wire two hubs/switches together through their data ports (stacking) To create a crossover cable wire one end of the cable 568A and the other end 568B
Device Connection When connecting Ethernet devices, it is important that the transmit (Tx) wires from one device are matched with the receive (Rx) wires on the other device. To help understand how to connect devices together, be aware of the following: Network interface cards in workstations and routers send data on the transmit pins and expect to receive data on the receive pins. Between any two ports used for connecting devices to a hub or a switch, crossing is automatically performed within the hub or the switch. Uplink ports on hubs and switches are not crossed.
Cable Type - Usage Cable Type Use
Straight-through A straight-through cable connects each wire to the same pin on each connector (pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2, etc.). Use a straight-through cable when the crossover is performed with a hub or a switch. Use a straight-through cable when connecting the following devices: Workstation to a regular port on a hub or switch Router to a regular port on a hub or a switch Regular port on a hub or switch to an uplink port on a hub or a switch Crossover A crossover cable matches the transmit (Tx) wires on one connector with the receive (Rx) wires on the other connector. Use a crossover cable when crossing is not performed automatically, or when crossover is being performed twice. Use a crossover cable when connecting the following devices: Workstation to a workstation, router to a router, or workstation to a router (in a back-to-back configuration) Uplink port on a hub or a switch to an uplink port on a hub or a switch Workstation or a router to the uplink port on a hub or a switch Hub or switch using a regular port to a hub or a switch using the regular port
Straight-through Patch Cable Assembly Instructions
Strip the cable jacket back about 3/4 of an inch from the end of the cable Sort the pairs so they fit into the connector in the correct order Insert the pairs into the connector Crimp the pins with a crimp tool Repeat for other end and test cable
Twisted Pair Wiring Tools
Termination tools Wire cutter Wire stripper Crimping tool After making cables: Verify data transmit and receive Crimpers (3:36)
Fiber-Optic Cable To connect computers using fiber optic cables, you need two fiber strands. One strand transmits signals, and the other strand receives signals. Fiber optic cabling is composed of the following components: Fiber-optic cable (fiber) One or more glass or plastic fibers at its center (core) carries the signal Cladding The cladding maintains the signal in the center of the core as the cable bends. It is made of a different density of plastic or glass. Kevlar strands Give the cable strength and allow it to avoid stretching A Plastic sheath covers the kevlar strands and protects the cladding and the core Data transmission Pulsing light sent from laser or light-emitting diode (LED) through central fibers A fiber-optic cable
Fiber-Optic Cable Advantages Disadvantages
Totally immune to EMI (electromagnetic interference) Highly resistant to eavesdropping Supports extremely high data transmission rates Allows greater cable distances without a repeater Industry standard for high-speed networking Very expensive Difficult to work with Special training required to attach connectors to cables Fiber Optic Cable Demo
Fiber Optic Characteristics
Throughput transmission rates exceed 10 Gigabits per second Cost most expensive of the transmission mediums Connector 10 different types of connectors typically use ST, SC, LC, or MTRJ connectors Noise immunity unaffected by EMI, RFI, or crosstalk Size and scalability segment lengths vary from 150 to 40,000 meters Suffers from optical loss degradation of light signal after it travels a certain distance away from its source
Fiber Optic Cables Type Description Single Mode (SMF) Multi-mode (MMF)
Transfers data through the core using a single light ray (the ray is also called a mode) The core diameter is around 10 microns Supports a large amount of data Cable lengths can extend a great distance Rarely used for shorter connections Due to cost Transfers data through the core using multiple light rays The core diameter is around 50 to 100 microns Cable lengths are limited in distance Common uses Cables connecting router to a switch Cables connecting server on network backbone Multimode and Singlemode Fiber (4:46)
Fiber Optic Connectors
Figure SC (subscriber connector or standard connector) Figure 3-33 ST (straight tip) connector Figure 3-36 MT-RJ (mechanical transfer-register jack) connector Figure 3-35 LC (local connector) Fiber Connectors (4:36)
Fiber-Optic Converters
Required to connect multimode fiber networks to single-mode fiber networks Also fiber- and copper-based parts of a network Single-mode to multimode converter Courtesy Omnitron Systems Technology
Serial Cables Data transmission style
Figure 3-37 DB-9 connector Figure 3-38 DB-25 connector Data transmission style - Pulses issued sequentially, not simultaneously RS-232 (Recommended Standard 232) EIA/TIA standard Physical layer specification Signal voltage, timing, compatible interface characteristics Connector types RJ-45 connectors, DB-9 connectors, DB-25 connectors RS-232 used between PC and router today RS-232 connections Straight-through, crossover, rollover
Structured Cabling Structured cabling specifies standards without regard for the type of media or transmission technology used on the network. Structured cabling is based on a hierarchical design that divides cabling into subsystems. You should be familiar with the principles of structured cabling before you attempt to design, install, or troubleshoot an organization’s cable plant. Cable plant hardware making up enterprise-wide cabling system
Structured Cabling Components Entrance facilities
MDF (main distribution frame) Cross-connect facilities IDF (intermediate distribution frame) Backbone wiring Telecommunications closet Horizontal wiring Work area TIA/EIA structured cabling in an enterprise TIA/EIA specifications for backbone cabling
Entrance facilities or Demarcation point (demarc)
When you contract with a local exchange carrier (LEC) for data or telephone services, they install a physical cable and a termination jack (Smart Jack) onto your premises. The demarcation point (demarc) is the line that marks the boundary between the telco equipment and the private network or telephone system. Typically, the LEC is responsible for all equipment on one side of the demarc, and the customer for all equipment on the other side of the demarc. The demarc is typically located in the bottom floor of a building, just inside the building. The demarc is often identified by an orange plastic cover on the wiring component. Demarcs and Smart Jacks (3:39)
Main Distribution Frame (MDF)
The main distribution frame (MDF), also known as the main cross-connect or the Equipment room, is the main wiring point for a building. The MDF is the interconnection point between the LAN/WAN and the service provider’s facility. The MDF is typically located on the bottom floor or basement. The LEC typically installs the demarc to the MDF. The location of significant networking hardware, such as servers and mainframe hosts. IDF and MDF (3:33)
Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) or Telecommunications Closet An intermediate distribution frame (IDF) is a smaller wiring distribution point within a building. IDFs are typically located on each floor directly above the MDF, although additional IDFs can be added on each floor as necessary. The IDF or telecommunications closet contains connectivity for groups of workstations in an area, plus cross connections to equipment rooms
Vertical cross connect
Backbone Wiring Backbone wiring or Vertical cross-connect: interconnection between telecommunications closets, equipment rooms, and entrance facilities Vertical cross connect A vertical cross connect connects the MDF on the main floor to IDFs on upper floors. Cabling runs vertically (up and down) between the MDF and the IDFs. Horizontal cross connect A horizontal cross connect connects IDFs on the same floor. Cabling runs horizontally (sideways) between the IDFs.
Work Area The Work Area encompasses all patch cables and horizontal wiring necessary to connect workstations, printers, and other network devices from NICs to telecommunications closet
TIA/EIA structured cabling in a building
Horizontal Wiring Horizontal wiring is the wiring connecting workstations to the closest telecommunications closet
Horizontal Wiring Subsystem
Horizontal wiring subsystem —TIA/EIA recognizes three possible cabling types for horizontal wiring: STP, UTP, or fiber-optic. The maximum allowable distance for horizontal wiring subsystem is 100 m. This span includes 90 m to connect a data jack on the wall to the telecommunications closet plus a maximum of 10 m to connect a workstation to the data jack on the wall plus the cross connect.
Patch panel Patch panel A patch panel is a device that typically connects individual stranded wires into female RJ-45 connectors. For example, you might connect 4 pairs of wires from a punchdown block to a port on the patch panel. On the patch panel, you then connect drop cables (cables with RJ-45 connectors) to the patch panel on one end and a computer on the other end.
Wiring Rack Punchdown block Patch Panel
“Telco Room” Only twisted pair can be terminated in the punch down block.
Data Outlet
Data Outlet
Installing Cable Many network problems can be traced to poor cable installation techniques Two methods of inserting UTP twisted pairs into RJ-45 plugs: TIA/EIA 568A and TIA/EIA 568B Straight-through cable allows signals to pass “straight through” between terminations. Straight-through cables are used when connecting a PC to a Hub or Switch or when connecting Hubs together through their uplink ports. Crossover cable: termination locations of transmit and receive wires on one end of cable reversed. Crossover cables are used when connecting a PC directly to another PC without going through a Hub or when connecting or “stacking” two hubs together through their data ports. Installation tips to prevent Physical layer failures See Pages in the text Plenum and Non-Plenum Cabling (4:22)
Summary Information can be transmitted via two methods: analog or digital In multiplexing, the single medium is logically separated into multiple channels, or subchannels Throughput is the amount of data that the medium can transmit during a given period of time Baseband is a form of transmission in which digital signals are sent through direct current pulses applied to the wire Noise is interference that distorts an analog or digital signal Analog and digital signals may suffer attenuation Cable length contributes to latency, as does the presence of any intervening connectivity device
Summary (continued) Coaxial cable consists of a central copper core surrounded by a plastic insulator, a braided metal shielding, and an outer plastic cover (sheath) Twisted-pair cable consists of color-coded pairs of insulated copper wires There are two types of twisted-pair cables: STP and UTP There are a number of Physical layer specifications for Ethernet networks Fiber-optic cable provides the benefits of very high throughput, very high resistance to noise, and excellent security Fiber cable variations fall into two categories: single-mode and multimode Structured cabling is based on a hierarchical design that divides cabling into subsystems The best practice for installing cable is to follow the TIA/EIA 568 specifications and the manufacturer’s recommendations
The End
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