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Scenarios USGS Land Cover Change Study Alaska-Canada Climate-Biome Shift Permafrost Dynamics North Slope Climate Analysis Sitka Hydropower Arctic Sea.

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2 Scenarios USGS Land Cover Change Study Alaska-Canada Climate-Biome Shift Permafrost Dynamics North Slope Climate Analysis Sitka Hydropower Arctic Sea Ice Trends Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model IPY – Ecosystems & Society DEC – Oil Spill Preparedness

3 Network Collaboration

4 Example - Primary Data Are Temperature Precipitation Days of freeze/thaw Growing season length Evapotranspiration

5 Example - Models To "run" a model, the planet is a 3D grid, Apply the basic equations, and Evaluate the results. ml

6 Example - Geovisualization Link climate projections to ecosystem change Fire Behavior Soil Temperature Permafrost Dynamics Biome Shift Hydrologic Change Terrestrial & Marine Interfaces Landscape & Community Connectivity

7 Example - Geovisualization

8 Geovisualization Complex Data Complex Models Complex Scenarios Geovisualization simplifies the communication Geovisualization builds a powerful story But must be used correctly

9 Broadband Data Geographic Demographic Economic Telecoms

10 Broadband Geographic Data Geospatial Data from SNAP, Geographic Information Network of Alaska Alaska Dept of Transportation (RoW) Anchor Institutions Schools – Distance Learning Clinics – Telemedicine Ports & Airports

11 Broadband Demographic Data Decennial Census Data Business Surveys Alaska Permanent Fund Data Annual Earnings by Occupation (NAICS)

12 Broadband Economic Data Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) Compensation/Earnings by Occupation (SIC, NAICS) National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Alaska unemployment and wages (by location)

13 Broadband Model Alaska Model may not look like other models Differences due to Data Collection/Source Data Aggregation Data Scale Model parameters Model analysis Outcome Scenarios

14 Broadband Model References “The Economic Impact of Stimulating Broadband Nationally.” Connected Nation, Inc. “The Effects of Broadband Deployment on Output and Employment: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of U.S. Data. The Brookings Institute. “Infrastructure and Productivity: An Extension to Private Infrastructure and IT Productivity. Journal of Econometrics, “Productivity and ICT: A Review of the Evidence.” “Broadband and Economic Development: A Municipal Case Study from Florida.” Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies. “The Broadband Bonus: Estimating Broadband Internet’s Economic Value.” Telecommunications Policy “Evidence of a Modest Price Decline in US Broadband Services.” Information Economics and Policy “What’s Spurious, what’s real? Measuring the Productivity Impacts of ICT at the Firm-level.” Empirical Economics 30 “Building the Rural Economy through High-Growth Entrepreneurs.” Economic Review-Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. “Costs and Benefits from Infrastructure Competition. Estimating Welfare Effects from Broadband Access Competition.” Telecommunications Policy. “Broadband and Contributions to Economic Growth: Lessons from the U.S. Experience.” Telecommunications Policy “Infrastructure Investment and Rural Economic Development: and Evaluation of USDA’s Broadband Loan Program.” Growth and Change “Estimating the Impact of the Broadband Stimulus Plan. Columbia Institute for Tele-information “The Economic Impact of Broadband on Growth: A Simultaneous Approach.” Telecommunications Policy “Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Development: A Simultaneous Approach.” The American Economic Review.

15 Broadband Geovisualization Broadband Project data, Estimates, Uncertainty, & Metadata

16 Keith Cunningham, PI 1997: PhD - Neural Network Modeling 1993 - 2004: President of Spatial Data Research 2004 - present: President of Mobile Mapping Corp 2009-present: Research Assistant Professor Digital Elevation Modeling Geovisualization Remote Sensing LiDAR & SAR

17 Joseph Little, Co-I 2005: PhD – University of New Mexico 2005-Present: Assistant Professor of Economics-UAF -Non-Market Valuation -Applied Economic Analysis -Survey/Experimental Methods 2010-Present: Director, MS in Resource and Applied Economics Program

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