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Presentation to the Executive of the Carlisle Partnership 13 July 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to the Executive of the Carlisle Partnership 13 July 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to the Executive of the Carlisle Partnership 13 July 2009

2 Carlisle Growth Point  Background - National Context  National projections of household formation has led the Government to state that there needs to be an additional 240,000 new dwellings per annum  That means 2,000,000 new dwellings by 2016 and 3,000,000 by 2020  Such rates of development are greatly in excess of the 185,000 completed annually over the past few years  As there is a need to increase the delivery of new homes the Government announced a second round of Growth Point bids from local authorities

3 Carlisle Growth Point  Background – Local Context  The City Council made a bid to become a Growth Point as it was seen as an opportunity to develop Carlisle’s potential as the sub regional centre for Cumbria and South West Scotland;  This is recognised at the regional level by both the Regional Spatial Strategy and the Regional Economic Strategy; and  The need to grow Carlisle underpins “Growing Carlisle – the Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region which was prepared by this Partnership and adopted by the City Council.

4 Carlisle Growth Point  Background – Local Context continued  Growing Carlisle – the Economic Strategy for the Carlisle City Region’s underlying theme is that Carlisle’s economy needs to make a fundamental shift to avoid facing decline in real terms and deal with areas of social deprivation.  Its population needs to grow to support this economic shift and give Carlisle the critical mass it needs to function as a sub regional centre  The Council wishes to see the population grow to 119,000 by 2025.

5 Carlisle Growth Point Housing Targets Carlisle’s successful bid was to increase the annual housing target from 450 to 600 dwellings. This would accommodate the potential population growth The graph shows the annual housing completions since 2000 (average 424 per annum).

6 Carlisle Growth Point Programme of Development (PoD)  Following the initial award of Growth Point Status the Council was required to produce a POD, this developed the initial submission and highlighted:  That the requirement for over 230 affordable houses annually can be accommodated in the 600 additional dwellings  The Growth Point will help the deprived wards in the southern part of Carlisle, providing further employment and housing opportunities  The Council is working in Partnership with Cumbria County Council, Carlisle Renaissance, the Carlisle Partnership and the Cumbria Strategic Partnership  The PoD illustrated the work that the Partners are already undertaking to deliver economic growth, alleviate social deprivation, provide affordable housing and deliver the University of Cumbria  It identified the priority for the PoD to bring forward additional land through the Local Development Framework and meet the various conditions of the Growth Point award.

7 Carlisle Growth Point First housing developments will be on allocated sites mostly at Morton Outline application received at Morton and includes: housing - 825 dwellings employment -40,000 sq m of floorspace public open space including allotments Does not include the district centre or park & ride allocations

8 Carlisle Growth Point Impression of the Morton Development

9 Carlisle Growth Point Other sites through the LDF Process: The Council is undertaking the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment ( SHLAA) This includes the Call for Sites Much more land identified than needed Consultation will take this Autumn From this Consultation the preferred option will be developed Will be tested at an Examination in Public Could take two to three years.

10 Carlisle Growth Point  Community Infrastructure Fund  As part of the Growth Point Process the County Council as Highway Authority were asked to submit a Bid for the Community Infrastructure Funding for Transport  This has been done and the County have submitted their Full Business Case to improve access to the Housing Growth Point. The schemes bid for include:  New roundabout on the A7 to provide access to the Greymoorhill Housing Site  New link road on existing highway alignment to provide access between the A6 and the Carleton and/Garland housing development site  New roundabouts junctions at each end of the link road  Bus stop improvements/upgrades on the A6, A7 and A595 corridors  Cycling/walking route improvements around the A6, A7 and A595 corridor

11 Carlisle Growth Point  Use of Grant Funding Capacity Building: Planning Services LDF Team 2009/102010/112011/12 ££ Principal Planning Officer 43,20044,50045,800 Economic Development Projects: IT Infrastructure Connections 20,000 Environmental Studies: Update of Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 10,000 Water Cycle Study 75,000 Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Regulations 20,000 Total 168,20044,50045,800

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