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EMBEDDED SYSTEMS G.V.P.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Affiliated to J.N.T.U. By By D.Ramya Deepthi D.Ramya Deepthi & V.Soujanya V.Soujanya.

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Presentation on theme: "EMBEDDED SYSTEMS G.V.P.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Affiliated to J.N.T.U. By By D.Ramya Deepthi D.Ramya Deepthi & V.Soujanya V.Soujanya."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS G.V.P.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Affiliated to J.N.T.U. By By D.Ramya Deepthi D.Ramya Deepthi & V.Soujanya V.Soujanya

2 INDEX Introduction Characteristics Categories Embedded System Architecture Applications Recent Trends of Embedded Systems

3 1.INTRODUCTION: An Embedded System is defined as a computing device that does a specific focused job. They are self-contained programs that are embedded within a piece of hardware. Embedded software is also known as ‘FIRMWARE’.

4 2.CHARACTERISTICS: Reliability Performance Power consumption Cost Size Limited user interface Software upgradation capability

5 3.CATEGORIES: Stand-alone embedded systems Real-time systems Networked Information Appliances Mobile Devices

6 Digital camera Desktop Computer Internet Weather Monitoring System NETWORKED INFORMATION APPLIANCES HARD REAL-TIME EMBEDDED SYSTEMSTAND-ALONE EMBEDDED SYSTEM Missile embedded with a tracking system Aircraft

7 4.EMBEDDED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE. Hardware OS Application Software

8 4.1) HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE. Output device communi cation interfaces Application- specific circuitry RAMROM CPU Input Devic e

9 4.2)SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE. 1.Operating System a) Communication Software b) File System c) Kernel d) Libraries e) Device Manager 2.Application Programming Interface (API) 3.Application Software OS API AS a b c d e

10 Components of Software:  The Operating System  Kernel  Device Manager  Communication Protocol Software  Libraries  File Systems  The Application Programming Interface  The Application Software

11 Application Software Function Calls To create,suspend and delete tasks To do task scheduling for meeting real-time requirements. To facilitate inter-task communication and synchronization between tasks. To allocate and free memory To access the I/O devices To access the communication protocol stack

12 5.APPLICATIONS: Consumer appliances Consumer appliances Office automation Office automation Industrial automation Industrial automation Medical electronics Medical electronics Computer Networking Computer Networking Tele communications Tele communications Wireless Technologies Wireless Technologies Instrumentation Instrumentation Security Security Finance Finance

13 6.RECENT TRENDS: Memory Operating Systems Communication interfaces and networking capability Programming languages Development tools




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