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CHAPTER seven Marketing research.

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1 CHAPTER seven Marketing research

2 Previewing concepts (1)
Explain the importance of information to the company and its understanding of the marketplace Define the marketing information system and discuss its parts Outline the steps in the marketing research process Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

3 Previewing concepts (2)
Explain how companies analyse and distribute marketing information Discuss the special issues some marketing researchers face, including public policy and ethics issues Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

4 Prelude case: Market researching HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

5 What is a marketing information system?
A marketing information system (MIS) includes the people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyse, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

6 Figure 7.1 The marketing information system
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

7 Developing marketing information
Internal data Marketing intelligence Marketing research Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

8 Developing marketing information
Marketing Birmingham Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

9 Sources of competitive intelligence
Executives Engineers Scientists Purchasing agents Sales force Suppliers Resellers Customers Published information Competitors Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

10 P&G went dumpster diving for competitive information on Unilever
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

11 What is marketing research?
Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organisation. Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

12 Figure 7.2 The marketing research process
Defining the problem and research objectives Developing the research plan for collecting information Implementing the research plan Interpreting and reporting the findings Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

13 Research Objectives Exploratory research seeks to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest hypotheses Descriptive research describes thing like market potential or consumer attitudes Causal research seeks to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

14 Information Needs Information collected specifically for the purpose at hand is called primary data Information collected already for some other purpose is known as secondary data Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

15 Evaluating secondary data
How relevant is the data to the project at hand? How accurate is the data? How current is the data? Were the data collected by an impartial party? Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

16 Decisions associated with primary data collection
Research approach Contact method Sampling plan Research instruments Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

17 Primary data collection: research approaches
Observational Survey Experiment Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

18 What is ethnographic research?
Ethnographic research is a form of observational research that involves sending trained observers to watch and interact with consumers in their ‘natural habitat.’ Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

19 IDEO used ethnographic research to design a Marriott strategy
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

20 What is survey research?
Survey research is the gathering of primary data by asking people questions about their knowledge, attitudes, preferences, and buying behaviour. Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

21 Harris Interactive is a major provider of custom survey solutions
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

22 What is experimental research?
Experimental research is the gathering of primary data by select matched groups of subjects, giving them different treatments, controlling related factors and checking for differences in group responses. Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

23 Primary data collection: contact methods
Mail Telephone Personal Online Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

24 Strengths and weaknesses of contact methods
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

25 Personal interviewing
Focus group interviewing utilises a small sample of typical consumers under the direction of a group leader who elicits their reaction to a stimulus such as an ad or product concept Individual interviewing involves talking with people in their homes or offices on the street or in shopping centres Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

26 Greenfield Online overcomes the a weakness of online research by using panel members
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

27 Primary data collection: sampling plan
Sampling unit Sample size Sampling procedure Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

28 Designing a sample Who is to be surveyed?
How many people should be surveyed? How should the people in the sample be chosen? Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

29 Types of samples Probability Simple random Stratified random Cluster
Nonprobability Convenience Judgement Quota Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

30 Designing questionnaires
Should questions be closed-ended or open-ended? How should questions be worded? How should the questions be ordered? Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

31 Designing questionnaires
Marketing Birmingham Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

32 Mechanical instruments
Eye cameras People meters Checkout scanners Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

33 Analysing marketing information
Data may be analysed using advanced statistical methods and the development of econometric models Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

34 Marketing research for small business and non-profit organisations
Research can be based on simple observation Small scale surveys can be conducted using convenience samples Managers can conduct simple experiments Secondary information is easily available Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

35 Issues facing international marketing research
Diverse markets in different countries Difficulty finding good secondary data Difficulty recruiting good samples Communication modes (telephone, internet) may not be widespread Language is an obstacle Attitudes toward marketing research vary Illiteracy rates may limit participation Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

36 Public policy and ethics
Intrusions on consumer privacy Misuse of research findings Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

37 ShopperTrak uses video mining to monitor consumer behaviour
Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

38 Discussing the concepts (1)
Determine how the activities in Figure would apply to Reebok developing the information it needs to market a new running shoe. List three different sources of internal data useful for a mobile phone company. How could the data be useful for creating mobile phone services that provide greater customer value and satisfaction? Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

39 Discussing the concepts (2)
Outline the strengths and weaknesses of marketing research conducted online. How does your college use an intranet to help its students access data? List three ways, using limited resources, in which a director of fundraising for a small non-profit organisation could gather information about primary donor groups. Principles of Marketing 5e, © Pearson Education 2008

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