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What does the music remind you?. Remarriage Group /collective wedding Traditional weddings.

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Presentation on theme: "What does the music remind you?. Remarriage Group /collective wedding Traditional weddings."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the music remind you?

2 Remarriage Group /collective wedding Traditional weddings

3 Discussion : Have you ever been to a wedding party? Who was getting married? What are you most interested in during the wedding?

4 in church "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part". Weddings… 从今天开始, 无论顺境、逆 境 ; 无论贫穷 还是富有 ; 无 论健康还是疾 病, 都不能将我 们分开, 直到生 命的最后一天。

5 a) a friend of the groom who helps him during the wedding ceremony b) a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people c) a door or gate you go through to enter a place d) a woman who is about to get married or has just got married e) an important social or religious occasions f) a man who is about to get married or has just got married 6 wedding reception 3 best man4 ceremony1 bride2 bridegroom Match the words to their definition: 5 entrance 3 5 6 2 1 4

6 bride bridegroom bridesmaid best man

7 entrance crown wedding reception candies invitation

8 Indonesian wedding Reading

9 1.I go without an invitation. 2.I attend the reception after the ceremony. 3.I put money into the box at the entrance of the reception. What to do: can ought to

10 1.You to go to the ceremony without asking first. 2.You contribute a lot of money. 3.You drink alcohol at the wedding reception. 4.Indonesian women cover their heads. What not to do: oughtn’t don’t have to can’t don’t have to

11 Greek wedding

12 Greek Weddings The has to in marriage. The should help on the heads of the couple. A long silk ribbon that links the crowns is a symbol of. The guests can, which can last through the night. Guests can on the floor and put money to the bride’s dress for. groom ask the bride’s father for his daughter’s hand best manput crowns a happy and long life for the couple attend a wedding reception throw dishes good luck after the wedding ceremony during the wedding ceremony before the wedding ceremony

13 1.Indonesian families only invite people they have know for a long time. 2.The reception is before the wedding. 3.Guests usually give money as a present. 4.In Greek culture, the bridegroom has to ask for the bride’s hand in marriage. 5.The bride and bridegroom’s wedding crowns are made of gold. 6.A piece of ribbon links the wedding crowns together. F T F F T T Listen to the tape and decide:

14 1 even if 2 receive an invitation accept the invitation 3 because it is only for close family 4 at the entrance to 即使 收到邀请 接受邀请 在进 …… 的入口处 近亲 (adj): 密友 close friend Eg: I’ll help you ~ you don’t ask me. Eg: He his parents’ letter,but he didn’t the money in it. receivedaccept

15 Discuss our school rules in groups, by using the modals: have to / not have to, can/can’t, should/ shouldn’t. For example: Presenter: Can you tell us our school rules? A: Yes you can’t dye your hair colorful. B: ……. C: …….

16 5 contribute (oneself) to sth. n:contribution make contribution to sth/sb Eg: 他专心科研 他为国家做出了巨大贡献 He contributed himself to doing research. He made great contribution to the country. 贡献

17 1…help put crowns made of flowers… =…help put crowns which are made of flowers… 动词的过去分词可直接引导后置定 语,也可补充上关系词和 be 把它转换成定语从 句 Can you see the boy called Tom? Can you see the boy who is called Tom?

18 HomeworkHomework Write eight sentences giving advice to a foreigner who is going to a wedding in your town /city.

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