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Friday, 04 September 2015 1 Freitag, 4. September 2015 1 AER European Citizens´Forum 18th of April 2011 match and connect Project for young entrepreneurs.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, 04 September 2015 1 Freitag, 4. September 2015 1 AER European Citizens´Forum 18th of April 2011 match and connect Project for young entrepreneurs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, 04 September 2015 1 Freitag, 4. September 2015 1 AER European Citizens´Forum 18th of April 2011 match and connect Project for young entrepreneurs Kompass – Center for Entrepreneurs Susanna Selvadurai Frankfurt Main Germany

2 Kompass – Centre for Entrepreneurs  Since 2000 KOMPASS is dedicated to provide counselling and training to promote start-ups and young entrepreneurs.  Kompass’s work is based on a socioeconomic consultation and qualification approach. Along with financial and market economics aspects, this approach considers not only personal aspects such as motivation, social background, specifics of the business sector and mentalities, but also expertise and entrepreneurial core skills  Kompass has provided entrepreneurship services to over 17.000 clients to date.  According to the last survey, (conducted in 2010), over 4.000 entrepreneurs have successfully started new businesses Durch Beteiligung an überregionalen Aktivitäten und europäischen Modellprojekten hat sich die KOMPASS GmbH eine über die Grenzen des Rhein-Main-Gebiets herausragende Reputation erworben.

3 Friday, 04 September 2015 3 4 + 1-Phase-Model Orientation & Information Planning & Qualifications Start-up & Implement Success & Growth Pre-Start-up P H A S E Post-Start-up P H A S E get information Approach & Admission use knowledge meet the team Information 1-2-1 with a business advisor assessment of business competencies Research get qualifications Business & revenue registration Ongoing coaching Strategy planning Start up: - budgeting & finance concepts - business plan development register your business register for VAT & Revenue - calculate chances & risks - - workshop to create business ideas Ongoing coaching

4 Kompass – Centre for Entrepreneurs  Since 2000 Kompass activities have contributed to a 15% growth in regional entrepreneurship (vs. 8% nationally), placing Frankfurt in the top tier of entrepreneurial cities in Germany.  Kompass provides a platform for orientation and direction for entrepreneurs  we link our partners and sponsors, to create a place where our clients have access to workshops, training and counselling and easy access to our partner institutions.  Kompass provides transnational services: concept development and implementation of projects, training and educational measures to promote entrepreneurship.

5 Friday, 04 September 2015 5 JUMPP Women enterprises Chambers of Crafts & Commerce Frankfurt Economic Develop. GmbH Kompass Town of Frankfurt Job Center Uni- versities FIZRKW ConCap Micro- finance Banks of garanties Planning Association Hessen SWAK HRT AER Employers & Trade Association Govern- ment Ministery of Hessen Dep. for Creative Economy

6 match and connect unemployed youths starts their own businesses Initial position:  Unemployment rates among young people remain constantly on a high level  In 2008 5.000 unemployed youths in Frankfurt were looking for future perspectives and job opportunities.  Many initiatives are aimed at providing job opportunities, but little has been done to promote young entrepreneurs.

7 match and connect unemployed youths starts their own businesses Objective:  The objective of our programme match and connect had been to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among youths.

8 match and connect unemployed youths starts their own businesses Project partner: Federal employment office Special department of the ministry of labour to promote students and university graduates successful senior entrepreneurs

9 match and connect instruments Instruments: 0. Information for advisers of the labour offices 1. Information for unemployed youth´s selected by the labour office 2. Profiling 3. Computer based entrepreneurship games 4. Workshops and Seminars in Planning and Qualification 5. Practical training in companies 6. Mentoring programme 7. Market test phase 8. Get together

10 match and connect innovative approach for young entrepreneurs Innovative approach – a combination of:  mentoring; the mentor = entrepreneur shares his knowledge and experience in matters of operational technical issues within the professional fields  individual counselling and coaching  training and qualification  practical training in SMEs to get practical experience in the areas of business strategy, marketing, sales, communication and efficient processes. Additional to the practical training students get a good understanding of the challenges of entrepreneurship  get together – young professionals meet members of the business community and other institutions

11 match and connect unemployed youths starts their own businesses Duration of the project: 12 month ► 12 interested youths during the duration of the project Results: 6 of the initial participants had immigration backgrounds 4 start-ups were completed during the project period 3 of the young entrepreneurs had immigration backgrounds

12 match and connect obstacles Obstacles: not all consultants of the labour office could be convinced that self employment is a good alternative to permanent positions some of the participants were not aware of the requirements on competencies of being an entrepreneur time constraints of the labour office banks are very hesitating to provide loans to young entrepreneurs for some of the participants we could not find a company for practical training in the same industry

13 match and connect recommendations Recommendations for future programmes: different programmes for different target groups (university graduates, craftsmen, schools, etc.) training in soft skills as well as in economical skills combination of mentoring methods as a main successfactor: every student should be hand matched with an experienced business mentor guidance by the mentor should continue after the launch a combination of practical training and “get together’s” as important success factors

14 match and connect recommendations combination of guaranteed funds: to give banks an incentive to provide loans to young entrepreneurs possibilities for international exchange should be provided young people need to be encouraged to develop ideas on being self employed - therefore programmes should start on a previous level (e.g. seminars about market trends, workshops to create a business idea, get together with senior entrepreneurs)

15 match and connect recommendations Thank you for your kind attention!

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