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Lesson Three Weddings 泉港二中英语组 林梅琴 Weddings Chinese Wedding.

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2 Lesson Three Weddings 泉港二中英语组 林梅琴

3 Weddings

4 Chinese Wedding


6 新郎 : 许 生 新娘 : 周雪梅



9 West Wedding

10 Weddings history

11 1. Have you ever been to a wedding party? 2. Who was getting married? 3. How many people were there? 4. What time did it start/finish? 5. What did they wear? 6. What did people do? 7. Did you have a wonderful time?

12 Weddings… in church "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part".

13 从今天开始, 无论顺 境、逆境 ; 无论贫穷 还是富有 ; 无论健康 还是疾病, 都不能将 我们分开, 直到生命 的最后一天。

14 bride bridegroom best man f) a man who is about to get married or has just got married a) a friend of the groom who helps him during the wedding ceremony d) a woman who is about to get married or has just got married

15 ceremony entrance wedding reception b) a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people e) an important social or religious occasion c) a door or gate that you go through to enter a place


17 crown entrance

18 Read the text and try to remember what to do and what not to do.

19 Indonesian Weddings

20 What to do: What not to do: I can go without an invitation. I shouldn’t go to the ceremony without asking first. I can attend the reception after the ceremony. I have to put money into the box at the entrance of the reception. I don’t have to contribute a lot of money. I can’t drink alcohol at the wedding reception. Indonesian women don’t have to cover their heads. Indonesian Weddings can have to shouldn’t don’t have to can’t can don’t have to Discuss in groups and report

21 Greek Weddings



24 before the wedding ceremony during the wedding ceremony after the wedding ceremony The groom has to ask the bride’s father for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The best man should help the priest to put crowns on the heads of the couple. A long silk ribbon has to link the crowns to symbolise a happy and long life for the couple. The guests can attend a wedding reception. The party can last through the night. Guests can smash dishes on the floor and pin money to the bride’s dress for good luck. has to should has to can

25 Listen and decide which ones are true (T) and which ones are false (F).

26 1. Indonesian families only invite people they have known for a long time. 2. The reception is before the wedding. 3. Guests usually give money as a present 4. In Greek culture, the bridegroom has to ask for the bride’s hand in marriage. 5. The bride and bridegroom’s wedding crowns are made of gold. 6. A piece of ribbon links the wedding crowns together. F F T T F T

27 Language points 1. even if 即使 Even if you know the secret you should keep silent. 即使你知道这个秘密, 你也应该保 持沉默。

28 2. close family 近亲 close friend 亲密的朋友 Sit close against the wall. 紧靠墙坐着 ( 指距离近 ) close 势均力敌的 ; 几乎相等的 a close game 一场不相上下的 比赛。

29 3. contribute (oneself) to sth. contribution n make contribution to sth/sb 捐献、捐赠;捐 ( 钱 ) He contributed a lot of food and clothes to the poor. 他为穷人捐了很 多的食品和衣服。

30 (2) 献身于 … He contributed himself to doing research. 他投身于研究工作。 (3) 投稿, 撰稿。 He contributed poem to a newspaper. 他向报社投了一篇诗 稿。

31 (4) 贡献 He made great contribution to the country. 他为国家做出了巨大贡献。 He made great contribution to the invention of computer. 他对 计算机的发明做出了巨大贡献 。

32 4. …help put crowns made of flowers… = …help put crowns which are made of flowers… 动词的过去分词可 后置定语, 也可以转换成被动语态的定语 从句。 Finally they found the pot buried underground. = Finally they found the pot which was buried underground.

33 match the words to their meanings 1. have to 2.don’t have to 3. can 4. can’t 5. ought 6. ought not to a)not necessary b)necessary c)not allowed/not possible d)allowed/possib le e)not advisable f)advisable

34 Complete the passage below with the following words: have to, don’t have to, can’t, can, ought to, ought not to Weddings are happy occasions but when my sister got married last year, my mum and sister did not agree on anything. First It was the dress. My mum said, “Lisa, you ______ wear a white dress,” and my sister replied, “I ____________ wear white. I ____wear pink if I like.” have to don’t have to can

35 Next it was the invitations. My mum Said, “ Lisa, you really _______ invite Sally,” and my sister replied, “I ___________ invite her---we have too many people already.” Then it was the flowers. My mum said, “you ____ have lilies. I’ve heard that they’re bad luck,” and my sister replied, “of course I ___ have lilies! I don’t believe they’re unlucky!” and then it was the cake!“ You really _______ have a fruit cake, Lisa,” said my mum, but Lisa wanted chocolate. Finally, I told them that they really ___________ argue so much because it makes me hate weddings for life! ought to don’t have to can’t can ought to ought not to

36 Vocabulary: word building You can often make nouns from verbs by adding the suffixes “ –tion” and “- ance”. However, spellings may change somewhat. Make nouns from these verbs by competing the table.

37 Verbs invite receive attend enter contribute Nouns invitation reception attendance entrance contribution

38 Use the verbs and nouns above to complete the sentences below. 1. Have you been ______ to Ben’s party? Yes, I received an ________ to his party today. 2. Jeremy, you didn’t ______ class this morning. __________ is necessary if you want to pass! invited invitation attend Attendance

39 3. The room has a secret ________ you can only _____ if you know where it is. 4. We had a lovely wedding _________. We ____________ so many beautiful presents! 5. You ought to _________ money. But your ___________ doesn’t need to be big. entrance enter reception have received contribute contribution

40 What happens at wedding in your town/city? Use modal verbs and expressions from the lesson to write about some of these things. clothes, reception, ceremony, flowers, presents, songs, food, speeches

41 Discuss our school rules in groups, by using the modals: have to / not have to, can/can’t, should/ shouldn’t. For example: Presenter: Can you tell us our school rules? A: Yes you can’t dye your hair colorful. B: ……. C: …….

42 Homework Write eight sentences giving advice to a foreigner who is going to a wedding in your town /city.

43 Thank you

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