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Many of the educated and well qualified youths in Uganda are unemployed. Some have stayed for more than ten years without getting employed. In our district.

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Presentation on theme: "Many of the educated and well qualified youths in Uganda are unemployed. Some have stayed for more than ten years without getting employed. In our district."— Presentation transcript:

1 Many of the educated and well qualified youths in Uganda are unemployed. Some have stayed for more than ten years without getting employed. In our district alone, we have about 3000 educated and qualified youths who are unemployed. We have more than 5000 school dropouts and leavers who lack skills to enable them create jobs for themselves and have a meaningful life. If this trend is to continues, then Ugandan youths will have a doomed future Creating mass employment for Ugandan youths is a project idea planned to create employment for unemployed youths in Uganda. Youth unemployment exists because the population of Uganda is increasing rapidly and many youths are completing their education at different levels. Job creation in Uganda is very low compared to the number of people who are looking for jobs. Many youths who are affected most by unemployment situation in Uganda are between the age of 15 to 35 years and these are the grate work force of the nation. Youth unemployment problem exists because the population of Uganda is increasing rapidly and many youths are graduates from so many Universities and institutions found in the country The causes of youth unemployment in Uganda include inappropriate education system, mismatch in the skills required for certain jobs, high retirement age, rural - urban migration, poor counseling and career guidance in schools, poor saving culture, unfair banking regulations, corruption and poor quality education. This has made hundreds of thousands of youths in Uganda to be unemployed. Some people have tried to address the problem of youth unemployment but have not succeeded very well because most of them are to a more extent profit oriented but our project is going to be purely a social enterprise whose bottom line is the life of people. So this project is needed in our community/country because it will help a lot in solving the problem of youth unemployment

2 The Project Description Project Goal The goal of the project is to help youths in our community/country be job creators objectives: To train 50 selected unemployed youths in entrepreneurship skills and empower them with soft loans of US$ 500 to each so as to enable them start up small and medium enterprises in two years. To set up a vocational training centre with a modern talent identification unit which can train 100 youths within two years. Activities In January 2014 the project will select the 50 unemployed youths. The minimum criteria will be at least senior four level, those who are able to read and write and should not be more than 35 years old. The participants will have to submit a simple business plan to help us evaluate their business they have proposed to undertake. The selected youths will be trained in entrepreneurship skills within five days and after training, they will be given a soft loan of US$ 500 each to help them start a business. The business will operate for one year and in every month an interest rate of 1% per month will be charged. The project will hire trainers in entrepreneurship skills. The project will also set up a vocational training centre to train the youths in the following skills; carpentry and joinery, brick laying and concrete practices, welding and metal fabrication, tailoring design and garment cutting, driving and mechanics, painting, soap making, shoe making and repair, saloon and hair dressing and catering and hotel management. This type of training is very good because after one has been trained, one can create his/her job in the service sector industry. The trainers will be hired on part time basis. The training will take two years and in each year there will be two terms each lasting for four months. The target group for vocational training will be the youth in our community first because they will be able to come for training and go back to their respective homes since they will be nearer to the training centre. The project will need youths who are 15-35 years and have attained an education level of primary seven as minimum education standard.

3 The project will partner with a local church in our community called Liberty Ministries International Asinge church. The church will provide a training venue at a subsidized cost and will hire us space for vocational training at a reduced cost. The project will acquire tents to be used as training venue. The church has security for our properties. The project will hire trainers in vocational skills as part timers. The trainers are within our reach. Each youth will be required to contribute US$ 100 per term towards the cost of training. After training, the project will provide to those who will need tools and equipments as a loan which should be paid with 1 % interest rate per month. The project will take two years both the entrepreneurship and vocational training and will end in 2015. After 2015, the project will continue operating by itself without external funding. STAFFING The project will have two mangers one in charge of training youths in entrepreneurship skills and providing soft loans and recovering back the loan. He/she will have five field officers to help monitor the youth enterprises The second manger will be in charge of vocational training centre and will work with one secretary, trainers, and one non staff. The organization has got qualified youths who will work as volunteers and two adults in the community have volunteered to work as mentors. We also have a qualified accountant who will also a volunteer. EVALUATION The project managers will continually monitor the project activities to ensure that the project proceeds as scheduled. Progress of the project will be reported to the community and funding agency as required. It is anticipated that through the project implementation, short term and long-term outcomes will take place. The following outcomes will be accomplished; increased job creation among the youths in Uganda and increased income by the beneficiaries of the project Improved standard of living by the project beneficiaries and their families Increased community stability and thus peace and economic development will be attained in the community

4 To determine the success of the project in achieving he stated goal, information will be gathered on both the short and long term community impacts The short term community I impacts will include increased income by youth as a result of being self employed. The long term outcomes will happen within the next two to five years. We will continue to evaluate the project and gather information in the following area: Total number of youths trained in vocational and entrepreneurship skills Toa l number of self employed youths as a result of the project Successful completion of the project resulting in an improved economic and social condition of the youths in Uganda Impact created and its potential and innovativeness. The project has great impact because many youths will be job creators in both short and long term. The entrepreneurship skills and loan to be given to the youths and the vocational skills to be acquired will enable many youths initiate their own business and work shops and they will be able to generate income. The young participants will pass on their knowledge and create network effects where the entire community will start to learn new skills and develop. This will create impacts in the community and this will be innovative. The provision of soft loan at 1% interest rate is friendly to the poor youths and many youths are able to return back the loan with the small interest. it will not exploit them. The low cost of skill training is innovative because many youths will be able to acquire vocational training skills and will be able to have a skill to enable them earn a living. Sustainability of the project The project is a social enterprise and will generate a very small income from the interest charged from the loan given. So the project will have a revolving fund to help continue with the project. Also the vocational training centre will charge US$ 100 per month as cost sharing for training. And to those youths who will get loan inform of tools and equipments will also pay interest rate of 1% per month. So the project will generate some income to help sustain the project.

5 Project budget Estimates in US$ for the training of youths in entrepreneurships and vocational s period of two years ItemNumber of UnitsUnit CostTotal Cost Selection of youths502100 Lunch and tea break during training 55 people10x5daysx552750 Training materials50 youth10500 Loan50 youths50025000 Venue1 hall50x5days250 Sub Total28600 Equipments and toolsLump sum20,000 Trainers10 people100x10x24months24,000 Venue (hire of space)100x50 meters100x24months2400 Tents81008,000 Hall hire1100x24months2,400 Training MaterialsLump sum2,000 Furniture (tables and chairs)60503,000 Overhead cost3,000 Sub Total64,800 Grand Total93,400

6 NGO’s feedback Basing on the skill development on every youth, the enterprises undertaken by the youth should be closely monitored avoid diversion and mismanagement of money given to them said coordinator of one of the civil society organization. She also added that beneficiaries should be motivated with other incentives basing on the performance of the enterprises. Academia/Retired civil servants feedback Truly the idea of talent identification will even benefit those people who do not have qualifications but they know how to read and write. They said instructions of higher learning today only admit students with qualification of Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) yet many youths who have dropped out of school and didn’t mange to attain many qualification therefore these people are left out. But with these two solutions of entrepreneurship skill training and vocational training on various talents identified will help create more jobs for the youth and thus curb the unemployment problem in Uganda. Community, Associations/Business people These category of people said currently in Uganda the banks regulations for getting loans is not friendly to the people without collaterals and if you have security then the interest rate of any loan is so high ranges from 20% and above. One of the business people said right now in Uganda there are people who give loans but with an interest rate to 30% which most youths cannot afford But this project solution of providing loans at interest rate of 1% this means that even the poorest youth can afford to get a loan and start up a business of his/her choice and this will reduce unemployment in Uganda Youths Feed back A meeting was conducted together with the youth and they said it’s one of the great ideas one has ever thought to think of their problems so they were very grateful. They said the two solutions will help curb their problem of unemployment in Uganda which no body has ever thought of attending to in the this project is going to address it. Some people who are tying to help them are to large extend profit minded. One of the youth said “these are ideas needed in the society because it captures all the youth irrespective of all their level of education”. The youth in various capacities welcomed the idea, but they said this should only target only the youths they are the most affected by unemployment. The seed money given to them inform of equipments/tools to start their own workshops is very good and even the interest rate of 1% per month is payable as long as the workshops start generating income.

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