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Presentation on theme: "COUNTRY REPORT SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR WORMEN IN VIETNAM."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Definition of social protection in Vietnam Social protection is ensuring people with minimum income and minimum access of services ‘s quality in health, houses, pure water and information via inproving self- capability of social protection of people, assistance from State, activities of insurance and voluntary contribution system from organizations and individuals in managing and controlling risks of unemployment, old age, illness, natural disaster and market economy, etc, leading to decrease or be unemployed in temporary and permanence. 2

3 2. Objectives of social protection in Vietnam Objectives of social protection policy is for everyone, In which, it is focued on the poors, people who have extremely difficult circumstance, ethnic minority in poor district, commune, especially people who get difficulty / risks from natural disaster, fire, accidents in life that they or their family can not afford to overcome and tend to be falled in poverty, etc 3

4 SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM IN VIETNAM Employment and minimum income guarantee for the poor Social insurance Social assistance Basic social service Job creationCompulsory social insurance Regular social assistance Preferential credit Vocational training Job seeking support (domestic and abroad) Public employment Poverty reduction Sickness Maternity Employment injury and occupational diseases Pension Survivor Voluntory social insurance Pension Survivor Unemployment insurance Supplemental pension insurance Take caring at social protection institutions and at communities Cash transfer Emergency social assistance Education Vocation Housing Clean water Information

5 Existing programs on social protection for women in MSMEs -Vocational training for women (including start- up business program) - Microfinance programmes -The project on HIV/AIDs prevention at workplace -The project on sexual harrasment prevention at workplace -The Gender Economic Development Working Group

6 3. Some projects and activities The project on HIV/AIDs prevention at workplace The project on sexual harrasment prevention at workplace The Gender Economic Development Working Group: provide tools for members to: (1) create opportunities and favorable environment for women to establish and run business effectively; (2) support the group of disadvantaged women to eliminate hunger and reduce poverty; (3) provide recommendations and lobby policies on gender in business.

7 4. Gaps and challenges in implementing social protection programs for women in MSMEs social protection for women and girls are unsatisfactory and not sustainble raising awareness of gender integration into policies in general and social protection policies in particular are short of expectation in both quantity and quality aspects. Gender equality awareness is still limited. The real gender equality has not yet gained in social protection

8 Labor relations in MSMEs

9 Women business owners Men business owners Contribution for social insurance insurance Contri bution for health insura nce Contribut ion for unemploy ment insurance Paid maternal leave Unpaid maternal leave Paid maternal leave Paid annual leave retirem ent lump - sum Death Direct compensation for occupational accidents and diseases Sick leave Welfare by sex of the owner or manager interprises Source: Charactertics of the Vietnames business environment eviden from a SME survey in 2013. CIEM-Dos-Ilssa

10 10 Vocational Training Retraining Credit Labour Mobility Support Job Introduction Temporary/public work Active labour market policy

11 11 Priority credit program for development production of the poor and poor family Object: Includesfour groups: poor, poor households in 61 poor districts, household of ethnic minorities who have no or not enough land for production, demand and conversion sectors of households ethnic minorities in particular difficult.. The result: Poor credit programme has a positive effect on production and livelihood of poor households. 97% of confirmed loan borrowing is useful for household 87% of loans have a positive impact on the incomes of household and 10% rated as no effect, evaluate the rate negative effects is very low (1%).. Programmes on active labour market

12 Percentage of employees to participate in social insurance in the short term total labor force

13 Online Coaching for Women Start-up Business - Women’s demand for this service is getting bigger. - Women need to be gathered by occupation group and online coaching will be held for each group. Each group should have some people who already participated in online coaching to share experiences with the newcomers.

14 Social assistance a) Regular social assistance - The elderly 80+ years old without pension or social insurance benefit -People with extremely difficult conditions (orphans, single poor elderly) b) Unexpected social assistance - Granted for people who have lost their property or lives in case of natural disasters, fire, epidemics, hunger etc).

15 - Search/ Archive for clinics supported by government - Online Consultation on Women’s Diseases, Maternal and Child Health - Online Consultation on Sexual Violence/Abuse Women’s access to e-services Women’s health

16 Lessons learned in implementing social protection programs for women MSMEs campaigns and raising awareness among relevant agencies of gender integration in social security Institutionalise the “System of monitoring and assessment of gender equality amend regulations featuring gender discrimination conduct research and develop services International organisations provide technical and financial support organise training in gender integration for relevant officials enhance inspection and supervision, and penalisation of violations Develop technical documents to guide the application of the monitoring and assessment system at all levels Develop an update database system on social security for women direct indirect



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