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Is there a Doctor in the house? Then take me to your leader. Engaging medical and clinical staff in Post Graduate accredited workbased leadership development.

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Presentation on theme: "Is there a Doctor in the house? Then take me to your leader. Engaging medical and clinical staff in Post Graduate accredited workbased leadership development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is there a Doctor in the house? Then take me to your leader. Engaging medical and clinical staff in Post Graduate accredited workbased leadership development


3 Jan Metcalfe Senior Learning Facilitator CETAD Workbased learning division Faculty of Health and Medicine Lancaster University

4 2 cases of leadership development 40 junior doctors 40 ward managers Key themes: Client connection Engaging participants Innovation in Teaching Learning and Assessment strategy

5 Client connection: programme design Validation of a PGC medical leadership for F2 doctors Traditional academic approach Focus on theory and content 3 modules Organisation / client needs Competency framework Collaborative design of bespoke programme Focus on learning and workplace development Post graduate level to meet both WM needs and also to meet M level requirements Director of Medical Education FHM professor/ NHS consultant Director of Nursing CETAD workbased learning centre

6 Client connection: programme delivery one cohort 40 students weekends lecture theatre Assessments 3 x 4000 word essays 2 cohorts time off work to attend away from workplace – dedicated training venue Assessments range of work related, workplace assessment tasks

7 Client connection: engaging participants Director introduces programme at WM meeting Explains benefits and also her expectations Told to attend Thoughts – how would you feel about the prospects of being on this programme


9 Engaging participants Building a learning community Style and approach focused on developing key learning processes Fun, interactive, experiential Explain the reasons why leadership development needed Sell the benefits to their practice Ensure content is specifically related to their context

10 Client connection Director of Medical Education Left us to it Told students didn't need to do assessments – just a tick box exercise for BMC Director of Nursing Lots of involvement behind the scenes regular review Attending workshops for specific input Collaborating on the nature of the assessments In house support Action learning sets facilitation

11 First assessment Analysing drivers for change in the NHS 4000 word essay To be submitted 8 weeks after workshop 9/40submit 5 fails 2 plagiarism Doh !!!! In class Group activity Quick - after day 2 Peer expectations Fantastic results - 68 -75 Celebratory

12 Ward managers assessments Group task to analyse drivers for change for impact on WM Personal development plan : linked to change, competence framework, MBTI and 360 feedback Change Management Project Proposal Reflective diary – leading others through change Design an evaluation for achievement of change in work context Final group presentation – design and conduct own evaluation of learning from programme, including evaluation of experience of working in action learning sets.

13 Ward Managers Their end of programme evaluation


15 And for the doctors……. Erratic attendance Not taking up tutorial support More essays Assessment submissions fewer and fewer Standard weak Yet enjoying the course !

16 How did we turn this around? Client connection to understand: what medical leadership development junior doctors need their personal development needs when learning needs to happen - to dovetail in with the medical development and clinical supervision And to agree how best to meet those needs

17 How did we turn this around? Client connection: to engage key stakeholder with the value and benefit of medical leadership development to workplace practice in understanding different learning needs, learning styles and learning processes to model organisation commitment and ownership for medical leadership development.

18 How did we turn this around? Student engagement: New programme Takes place during the working week Timetabled as part of their education programme Flexible timings to accommodate their work patterns, exams, job applications etc Highly interactive, participative, experiential Sell the benefits –in terms of a qualification –in terms of their CV –in terms of developing their practice –in terms of relevance to their experience

19 How did we turn this around? Assessments: First assessment : quick early, group based, in class 34 /41 participated and achieved marks between 62 – 75 Those who didn’t attend ( due to being on nights have asked if they can do an individual assessment Followed promptly by an individual assessment

20 Assessments Personal development plan – focused on medical leadership – timely for when they should be reviewing their development with their clinical supervisors – signed off by organisation Team working module – at time when they begin to have more responsibility for the contribution of others Assessed by a teamworking task based on a typical team scenario in workplace

21 Final assessment Assessment centre Range of activities : interviews, discussion groups, presentations, problem solving, work related scenarios Reflects what happens in workplace when applying for ST positions Also links to BMC sign off by Director of Medical Education

22 Our learning from these 2 cases Client connection: understand what they want, get inside what they really need, keep them involved Student engagement: need to stimulate their interest and motivate them to participate, need to promote benefit beyond a qualification, need to make relevant and connected to application to their context and roles as DOCTORS Assessments: innovative, creative, workplace, work related assessments, of tangible benefit to them

23 Our learning from this one organisation Be careful not to make assumptions ! One Trust Two clients 80 participants But not the same attitude and approach to developing and supporting the development of their staff So ongoing role for us to continue to support individual learning AND organisational learning


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