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NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Implementation at NAVSEA Philadelphia.

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Presentation on theme: "NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Implementation at NAVSEA Philadelphia."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Content@ Implementation at NAVSEA Philadelphia

2 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Current Content@ Data Load Total Number of HM&E TMs Loaded: 3531 Ship Applicability –Combatants: 631 unique (1424 non-unique) –Minewarfare: 253 (763) –Carriers: 162 (1136) –Auxiliaries: 158 (1412) –Submarines: 50 (335) –Amphibs: 275 (1409) Non-unique numbers are not additive

3 Ingalls Shipbuilding TDMIS Configuration System Bath Iron Works NNSB/ AMSEC QED LCE * Content@ TM repository and workflow Content@ Web Server TDKM Distribution Environment PDF on Web Object and metadata updates NAVSEA Reviewers NAVSEA Editors NAVSEA Engineers Workflow Active lookup, not data replication Content@ Interoperability Architecture NAVSEA Technical Manuals Others Learning Proposed… Notification and Distribution of finished goods to other systems CDI Marine * NAVSSES Support Contractors

4 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Requirements for Implementation Current: –Epic Editor 4.3 # Compiled NAVSEAC2 DTD * Navy customizations for content@* –Content@ client 3.0.C7 with Navy customizations* –VPN client (requires coordination with firewall admins.), provided by JCALS* Future –Epic Editor 4.3 # Compiled NAVSEAC2 DTD * Navy customizations for content@* –Web Access with 128 bit browser * Provided by NAVSSES # Requires purchase by local site

5 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Security Cisco DEU and VPN; FIPS140 Compliant JCALS Web Access uses https protocol with 128 bit encryption (future implementation, post SWP3.1.2). –Currently being implemented

6 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department The Right Information to the Right Person in the Right Format at the Right Time Re-use driven auto publishing Assembly and Formatting Process Re-usable Objects Looseleaf updatesTechnical ManualsInteractive Electronic Technical Manuals Distance Support Right Information Right Format Print Shipped to ships On-Line Accessible to user on-demand via search portal PDF Distributed on CD-Rom Secure Intranet Distributed via TDKM infrastructure Right Person & Right Time

7 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Content@ Functionality Data Reuse/Effectivity

8 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Multiple Data Sets, Configurations, and Delivery Formats Ships Information Books Propulsion Operating Guides Training Aid Booklet Ship Alteration Data Technical Manuals Paper CD-ROM Web DDG51 DDG52 DDG53 DDG54 DDG55 DDG56 DDG57 DDG58 DDG59 Other Alteration Data Source Data Delivery Formats Versions

9 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Share & Re-use Content for Multiple Products Owner’s Guide Support Procedure Web Support Page Using the 6160 Using The 6160 1. Charge the handset 2. Power on the device 3. Refer to graphic

10 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Building Blocks Content@ SGML File Split and import of source file into shared or unique content units (MRUs) Transfer of metadata PC or Web client MRU

11 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Editing the Component Hierarchy built automatically upon import

12 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Publication hierarchy for DDG 74 SIB Underlying data may be shared between ships Or may be unique to a ship Tables and figures assumed to Be ship specific. These are all tables for DDG74 Master effectivity control file (XML) keeps track of which ship alterations are effective for each ship and each MRU

13 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Medadata on SIB Object List of effectivities (alterations) for this ship

14 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Web Access The reviewer, having received email notification via the workflow trigger, accesses a the PDF file for review.

15 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Tracking Effectivity Applying effectivity in a loose-leaf publishing environment is not only a question of filtering applicable data, it is also vitally important to know when and how the effectivity applies to the specific instance. Therefore it is essential to build an effectivity markup scheme with enough intelligence that, during the filtering process, not only is data filtered, but that the appropriate change markup is generated for the filtered data. For the purposes of sharing data, this information will be stored in an XML instance. Replaced switchboard 3S with load center 42

16 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Marking Effectivity When a change is marked, either text is wrapped with the change element or certain elements are marked with change attributes (delchlvl/inschlvl/chglvl). Effectivity markup mirrors this practice. However, instead of specifying a change level, the user specifies an effectivity control number. SSGTG 2SG NBPS. SGTG 2SG NBPS, is energized from ship service switchboard 3S load center 42. Load Center 42 This para is only effective for those vessels that have load center 42

17 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Filtering When data is exported for publishing the applicable effectivity control information is also exported. Using this information the shared data is filtered to reflect a specific technical manual. Using the preceding ECN and data example, a TM not listed in the ECN entry for 1092 would render the following: SSGTG 2SG NBPS. SGTG 2SG NBPS, is energized from ship service switchboard 3S. Since the effectivity marking “switchboard 3s” had an effectivity of “1092-default” the filtering program new to include it since this TM did not have and ECN of 1092.

18 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Filtering (cont.) SSGTG 2SG NBPS. SGTG 2SG NBPS, is energized from ship service load center 42. Load Center 42 This para is only effective for those vessels that have load center 42 Since a level of 0 was associated to this ECN, the filtering program treats any data marked with this value as baseline data. s9ddg-bg-mma-070 with and ECN level of 0 would render the following SGML instance after filtering:

19 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 NAVSEA Philadelphia Code 94 Integrated Logistics & Fleet Maintenance Department Filtering (cont.) SSGTG 2SG NBPS. SGTG 2SG NBPS, is energized from ship service switchboard 3S load center 42. Load Center 42 This para is only effective for those vessels that have load center 42 Since this TM had an ECN level specified as “A”, the filter treats any data marked with the value as data added post-baseline. Any effect tags are converted to change tags and any effectivity attributes are marked with the appropriate change attributes. s9ddg-bh-mma-070 with and ECN level of A would render the following SGML instance after filtering:

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