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Welcome to Petrea Rehabilitation Centre - The Way Towards a Better Life - - Päivi Dahl, General Manager

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1 Welcome to Petrea Rehabilitation Centre - The Way Towards a Better Life - - Päivi Dahl, General Manager

2 Petrea Rehabilitation Centre - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life - Petrea is located in a scenic surroundings near the centre of Turku. The Petrea complex was built in 1972 and is a good example of the architecture in Finland at that time.

3 In Petrea, outdoor activities are an important element of rehabilitation. Our clients are able to experience the empowering effect of nature. - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

4 We want our clients to feel theand learn to notice the healing of the nature Ulkoilukuva ja orava We want our clients to feel and to experience the healing power of nature. - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

5 A short history of Petrea Petrea Rehabilitation Centre 1972-1992 Center for Rehabilitation Assessment and Studies. Founded by KELA, the Social Insurance institution of Finland - science and practice hand in hand 1992 The scientific unit becomes part of KELA, the rest becomes KELA´s rehabilitation service unit 2003 Rehabilitation Company Petrea of KELA 2007 Petrea Rehabilitation Centre, gowerned by Petrea Foundation

6 Kelan tutkimusosasto Kelan Turun atk-ryhmä Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 1972 - 1980 Petrea Rehabilitation Centre

7 Petrea today Services - Focus on adults in working life - Medical and vocational rehabilitation - 3000 clients/year - 40 000 rehabilitation days/year Resources - 144 beds - 116 staff members Economy - Turnover appx 7 M€ - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

8 Staff in Petrea Doctors11 Psychologists10 Social workers16 Nurses9 Vocational rehabilitation supervisors13 Nutrition therapists2 Physical therapists15 Occupational therapists3 Client services16 Kitchen staff14 Administration7 Total116

9 Assessment of working capacity Rehabilitation courses for clients affected by diseases or disorders Work training Work welfare services Meetings and conferences etrea Vocational rehabilitation Main service areas in Petrea The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life

10 Rehabilitation courses in 2010 Mental health 17 Musculosceletal disorders32 Heart disorders4 Dystonia 2 Epilepsy 1 etrea Vocational courses6 - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

11 An important goal is to find the joy and motivation of physical exercise. During the intensive period in Petrea individually/for the specific group tailored exercise programs are made, based on clients health and disabilities. - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

12 Ruokailu Petrea is very ”Green” when it comes to nutrition. Clients are encouraged to adopt a healthier diet to promote their well-being. Not too much, not too little, but versatile according to one’s energy requirements.

13 Discussions in peer groups about health issues or life situations give perspective and support. - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

14 Petrea´s multiprofessional teams provide individual support and supervision for its clients to identify new career possibilities. Special workshops are founded to experiment different kinds of work (e.g. auto-, cloth-, woodwork and computer lab workshops) - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

15 Petrea has a little shop where articles made in the Petrea workshops are for sale.

16 etrea Challenges for Petrea to support the increasing clients´needs to provide ”right rehab products” for business and authorities (companies, labour insurance companies, labour office, KELA..) To struggle against time (earlier rehab services for the clients) and money (to find the ”purchaser” - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

17 etrea Thank you for your attention! - The Petrea Way Towards a Better Life -

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