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Titanium & Aluminium L.O

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Presentation on theme: "Titanium & Aluminium L.O"— Presentation transcript:

1 Titanium & Aluminium L.O
Give reasons for the uses of aluminium, titanium, and their alloys (D) Explain why the metals are expensive to extract (C) Explain the benefits of recycling metals (A)

2 Starter For each complete the word equation & then do symbol equations:- Iron Nitrate + Zinc Lead Sulphate + Iron Silver Nitrate + Copper Calcium Sulphate + Magnesium Quest:- What type of reactions are these an example of?

3 Aluminium Aluminium alloy has a LOW density – therefore better than steel for wheels Has a thin layer of aluminium oxide on it’s surface stopping H2O + O2 molecules corroding the Al atoms Pure Al = too soft. Alloy of 93% Al mixed with Si + Fe

4 Uses of Al As the Si & Fe atoms disrupt the regular pattern of Al they slide over each other less easily = stronger, but still light.

5 Titanium Aluminium and titanium exist in the earth as minerals
Aluminium usually comes from aluminium oxide in the bauxite ore Most titanium exists normally as titanium oxide

6 Extraction There are limited amounts of the ores of both metals….. So they’re expensive Not easy to extract because you can’t heat them with Carbon (Al is higher in the reactivity series) Its atoms are joined very strongly to oxygen atoms

7 If you heat titanium oxide with carbon you make titanium carbide but it makes it brittle
Al is extracted by electrolysis – this is expensive Titanium is extracted by a multi-step process – this is expensive as so much energy is needed

8 Reduce, reuse, recycle Recycling Al uses only 10% of the energy needed to make cans from bauxite. Creates less pollution

9 Practical AC1.12.1 The density of aluminium and other metals
Aluminium is used to make a huge variety of items, from car wheels to aeroplanes, from cooking foil to drinks cans. But why? This investigation gives you the chance to begin to find out.

10 Explain why lead is not used for overhead electricity cables.
Al Ti Pb Cu Fe Density (g/cm3) 2.7 4.54 11.3 8.92 7.86 Electrical conductivity, (10–8 siemens/m) 0.382 0.024 0.046 0.593 0.10 Tensile strength (MPa) Between 50 and 110 230 15 Between 220 and 430 210 Use the data to suggest why aluminium and titanium are used to make aeroplanes. Which would be the better material for overhead electricity cables – aluminium or titanium? Give reasons for your choice. Explain why lead is not used for overhead electricity cables. Explain why an aluminium car uses less fuel than an otherwise identical steel car over the same journey.

11 Out of 5 Give reasons for the uses of aluminium, titanium, and their alloys (D) Explain why the metals are expensive to extract (C) Explain the benefits of recycling metals (A)

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