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Intrusive Igneous Rocks, part 3
Syenite, Phonolite, Ijolite, Carbonatite, Ultramafic Rocks and Lamprophyre
IUGS Intrusive Igneous Rock Chart
General Intrusive Rocks Classification
Photo # igclas1.gif
Position on IUGS Diagram
Syenites are on the border between the QAP and the APF triangles The remaining rocks are in the APF triangle Phonolite is actually an extrusive or hypabyssal equivalent of nepheline syenite The ultramafic rocks and lamprophyre are very rich in mafic minerals Consequently they cannot be plotted on the main part of the main IUGS diagram They plot on Figure2-2c (p. 27, Winter) in a separatetriangle
Syenite Intrusive igneous, plutonic Q = 0-5 P/(A+P) is 10-35
Name is for Syene (near Aswan), Egypt - Pliny the Elder named granite-like rocks from this area for the locality
Syenite Mineralogy Major mineral is feldspar, with greater than 65% alkali feldspar (K-spar or albite) K-spar is typically orthoclase, microcline or perthite - in dikes sanidine may be present The ferromagnesian minerals are usually < 20% Biotite is often present and is usually brown
Syenite Mineralogy Plagioclase, if present, is generally subhedral and is often zoned (normal or oscillatory) Small amounts of feldspathoids, like nepheline and sodalite, may be present - if more than 5% of these minerals are present, the rock is called nepheline (or sodalite) syenite Accessory minerals: Titanite, apatite, ilmenite, magnetite, zircon, and monzonite
Syenite Photomicrograph
Process: Albite and K-spar are mutually soluble in the crystalline state to a limited extent Mutual solubility is greater at high temperature As a high-temperature K-rich alkali feldspar cools past the solvus into the two-feldspar domain, the dissolved albite exsolves to form irregular lamellae of albite within the potassium-feldspar host (perthite) Perthite texture in twinned alkali feldspar (perthite) crystals in Syenite [CN, medium power.]
Syenite Hand Specimen Photo
K-feldspar megacrysts Pyroxene Location: Brenner Pluton, Yukon Photo: James Lang Photo 3 jl_pos7m.jpg
Alkali Syenite Intrusive igneous, plutonic Q = 0-5 P/(A+P) is 0-10
Alkali Syenite Mineralogy
A syenite rich in sodium, this rock has strongly perthitic K-spars or anorthoclase Plagioclase is albite to sodic oligoclase. Mafic minerals include iron-rich biotite, iron or sodic amphiboles including hastingsite, arfvedsonite, or riebeckite, and pyroxene is either aegirine-augite or aegirine. Accessory feldspathoids may be present
Nepheline Syenite Intrusive igneous, plutonic P/(A+P) is 10-35
F = 0-10 Foid syenite composed of granular aggregates, typically orthoclase, microcline, microperthite, cryptoperthite, or albite. Other essential felsics: nepheline Accessory feldspathoids: cancrinite, sodalite, hauyne, or nosean
Mafic Minerals in Nepheline Syenite
Mafics are soda-rich Amphiboles arfvedsonite, or hastingsite Pyroxenes aegirine-augite, aegirine, or titanaugite
Nepheline Syenite Photomicrograph
Large, simple-twinned crystal of perthite (alkali feldspar exhibiting wispy exsolution lamellae) Equant, colorless crystals of nepheline. The turbid areas of the nepheline crystals are where it has been altered to sericite (fine-grained muscovite). Slide also shows green alkali pyroxene (bottom left, interference color distorted by green body color) and altered biotite [CN, low power]
Nephelinite Nephelinite (alkaline mafic lava) consisting of equant, low-birefringence crystals of nepheline and euhedral crystals of alkali pyroxene, often showing zoning, set in a glassy groundmass Presence of the feldspathoid nepheline indicates that the magma was silica-undersaturated CN, medium power
Nephelinite Nephelinite (alkaline mafic lava) consisting of equant, sometimes 6-sided colorless crystals of nepheline and euhedral to subhedral greeny-brown crystals of alkali pyroxene PP, medium power
Larvikite Intrusive igneous, plutonic
Pearl gray alkali syenite, sometimes opalescent, which grades into monzonite Typically coarse textured The name is for the locality, Larvik, Norway
Larvikite Mineralogy Prominent crystals are rhombs of very finely twinned sodic-plagioclase and alkali feldspar Mafics are diopsidic augite and titanaugite Accessory apatite, ilmenite, titaniferous magnetite, nepheline, olivine, or biotite Often used as a decorative stone because of a beautiful opalescence when polished
Larvikite Polished Section Photo
Polished surface on coarse-grained larvikite rock, a type of syenite from Norway - widely marketed under the trade name 'Blue Pearl' Composed mainly of large crystals of alkali feldspar (K + Na), with lesser amounts of dark minerals The large crystal in middle of photo is about 2 centimeters long, and shows a hint of concentric growth layers The rock is particularly attractive because the feldspar cleavage surfaces (visible as bright areas in photo) show as pearly pale blue iridescent flashes Location: Larvik district, southeast coast of Norway Photo # cag121m.jpg Photo: Carlo Giovanella
Ijolite Intrusive igneous, plutonic to hypabyssal F = 60-100 M = 30-70
Sodium > potassium The name is for the locality parish Ijo, Finland
Ijolite Mineralogy A feldspathoid-rich rock, containing essential nepheline (50-70%) Essential: pyroxene, generally aegirine Ijolites, carbonatites, and syenites are often associated, and are often rich in alkali elements The silicate and carbonatite minerals have similar trace and minor element chemistries, including high values of Ba, Sr, Ce, La, Zr, P, and Cl Frequent host rocks for rare-earth and apatite minerals
Carbonatite Intrusive igneous, hypabyssal
Igneous rock in which the carbonate minerals are primary Apatite and pyrochlore are often considered essential Accessory: Siderite, calcite, dolomite, or ankerite Less common accessory minerals: Mg-rich magnetite, phlogopite, and pyrite
Carbonatite Occurrence
Carbonatites occur as plugs with surface areas of up to 8 km2. They are enclosed in mafic alkaline rings. Mafic rocks include biotite pyroxenite, ijolite, nephelinite (35% nepheline, 65% mafic on average), and jacupirangite (rocks consisting of pure magnetite, magnetite with accessory pyroxene, pyroxene with accessory magnetite, or pyroxene and nepheline with biotite and olivine).
Carbonatite Origin The similarity between silicate and carbonate phase trace and minor elements has convinced most petrologists that the carbonatites must originate together with the silicates, possibly from the same source, and not from limestones, as early workers had suggested
Extrusive Rock Classification
Photo # igclas4.gif
Phonolite Igneous extrusive, hypabyssal?
The rock is usually a lava, but may occur in shallow dikes Name, from the Gr. phone, meaning sound Supposedly the rock rings when struck with a hammer Other names are clinkstone and echodolite
Phonolite Mineralogy An aphanitic rock composed of alkali feldspar, often anorthoclase or sanidine, nepheline, and mafics Other feldspathoids may replace nepheline
Ultramafic Rocks Igneous intrusive, plutonic M 90
Examples: dunite, peridotite, and pyroxenite
Ultramafic Classification Diagram
Photo #igclas3.gif
Mineralogy of Ultramafic Rocks
Ultramafic rocks are composed of minerals near the top of Bowen’s Reaction series These minerals, especially iron-rich varieties, are prone to weathering. Serpentine minerals are common weathering products of olivine or pyroxene Serpentine may be accompanied by talc, another weathering product, or by magnesite, formed by the precipitation of MgCO3 from sea-water after the release of Mg ion
Mineralogical Changes in Ultramafic Rocks
Magnetite is a very common accessory mineral in felsic to mafic rocks In ultramafic rocks, almost all of the iron is associated with various mafic silicates minerals, so there is no iron oxide phase present Opaque accessory mineral is often chromite If enough chromite is present, the rock may become an ore of chromium In hand specimen, chromite is mostly easily seen in fresh specimens of dunite
Mineralogical Changes in Ultramafic Rocks
Titanium is often present, and titanoaugites or other titanium rich minerals may be present
Pyroxenite Intrusive igneous, plutonic ol/(ol + cpx +opx) < 40%
M 90
Pyroxenite Mineralogy
Some pyroxenites contain more iron and are predominantly composed of opx - either hypersthene or bronzite Bronzite is named for the noticeable bronze reflection (Schiller luster) that may be seen in hand specimen. If clinopyroxene is present it is often the variety diallage which shows well-developed parting parallel to {100} in the augite-diopside composition range. Ti-bearing augite or aegirine is also possible
Pyroxenite Mineralogy
Accessory minerals include: Hornblende, generally brown, may be present Chromite - Crystals may be diamond or square shaped - crystals in hand specimen are small, seldom showing octahedral habit
Clinopyroxenite This rock is dominated by the clinopyroxene augite
Location: West Point, GA Photo #norite_X.jpg Mistakeingly identified in UNC collection
Bronzitite Intrusive igneous, plutonic
A type of pyroxenite composed almost exclusively of bronzite Accessory minerals may include olivine, picotite (chromian spinel), chromite, hornblende. Secondary serpentine may be present Also called bronzite
Bronzitite Photomicrograph
Almost all of the grains in this photomicrograph are hypersthene This rock also contains some interstitial plagioclase, better seen in plane light. Photo #bronzX.jpg Location: Stillwater Complex, Montana
Hypersthene Photomicrograph
Orthopyroxenes are noted for having low, first-order interference colors Also note the cleavages that intersect at about 90 degrees. Another identifying characteristic of orthopyroxene is its parallel extinction. Photo # opx_X.jpg
Peridotite Intrusive igneous, plutonic ol/(ol + cpx +opx) > 40%
M 90% The mineralogy is similar to the pyroxenites, except that a mica, phlogopite, is often present The rock is feldspar free Name - from the French name for olivine, péridot
Dunite Dunite is olivine peridotite Ol > 90%
Dunite Photomicrograph
Almost all of the grains in this rock are olivine - note the high order interference colors of olivine Secondary calcite occurs as veinlets through the sample Photo # dunite.jpg
Harzburgite Intrusive igneous, plutonic
Harzburgite is a type of peridotite in which the major minerals are orthopyroxene (generally near enstatite) and Mg-rich olivine. M 90% ol/(ol+opx+cpx) = 40-90 cpx/(ol+opx+cpx) < 5%.
Harzburgite Harzburgite is believed to represent depleted mantle material after the removal of a basaltic component Name - for the locality, Harzburg, Germany
Chromitite Intrusive igneous, plutonic
Igneous rock composed of 95%+ of chromite Similar rocks with larger percentages of ferromagnesian minerals may be named for the mineral, e.g. olivine chromitite Rock is denser than most other ultramafic rocks
Hornblendite Intrusive igneous, plutonic M 90%
hb/(hb+px+ol) > 90%
Kimberlite Potassium-rich peridotites which usually occur as “pipes” which originate in the mantle Usually have an abundant volatile content, especially CO2 and H2O Found in old (>2500 my), stable continental areas but are themselves much younger, often Mesozoic in age Kimberlite magmas intrude along deep fractures, sometimes extensions of ocean fracture zones Name - for the locality Kimberly, South Africa
Kimberlite Xenoliths Kimberlites are most interesting scientifically because they carry a rich variety of xenoliths and xenocrysts Many are these xenoliths are believed to be part of the mantle or deep crust They are pieces that fell into the kimberlite magma during its passage to the surface Xenoliths include garnet peridotites, lherzolites, and eclogites, which are believed to be samples of the mantle lithosphere and even the upper asthenosphere
Kimberlite Mineralogical Alteration
Kimberlites often show signs of alteration Olivine is transformed to serpentine, usually antigorite Phlogopite is transformed to chlorite, or vermiculite, with accompanying magnetite and/or calcite
Kimberlite breccia Kimberlites may also occur as breccia
This probably represents turbulent emplacement, where the magma is mixed with many different kinds of xenoliths Xenoliths from depth are rounded, probably as the result of wear during the ascent, and the upper xenoliths are more angular
Kimberlite Composition
Intrusive igneous, dike or pipe Kimberlite is a porphyritic peridotite or peridotite breccia Essential: Olivine, usually altered to serpentine, and phlogopite (commonly chloritized) Accessory: carbonates Groundmass is usually calcite, serpentine, chlorite, phlogopite and accessory minerals such as chromian pyrope, ilmenite, magnetite, and perovskite
Lherzolite Photomicrograph
The picture shows olivine (right side of picture), orthopyroxene (lower left) and clinopyroxene (upper left) Lherzolites contain over 60% olivine, and some clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene Photo #r_4.gif Lherzolite is a major constituent of the mantle and the source of most basaltic magmas.
Lamprophyre Lamprophyre chemical composition is very similar to that of alkaline olivine basalt Lamprophyres are widespread but volumetrically insignificant rocks Occurrence: As dikes, often cutting granitic batholiths or stocks - dikes may be radiating or may form a dike swarm of sub-parallel dikes Dikes are small - a few meters, at most, thick, but may be miles long
Lamprophyre Composition
Fine-grained, dark-colored, often containing mafic phenocrysts, but never felsic phenocrysts Groundmass is predominantly felsic and may include plagioclase, nepheline, sanidine, melalilite ([(Na,Ca)2(Mg,Al)(Al,Si)2O7], and analcite (NaAlSi2O6.H2O), a zeolite Xenoliths of country rock are common
Lamprophyre Parent Rock
Parent material of lamprophyres is probably alkaline olivine basalt Movement of alkaline olivine basalt magma toward the surface might induce decompressive melting, and the resulting magma could be injected into fractures resulting from compressive failure Mafic phenocrysts would have formed early, before injection
Lamprophyre Composition
Intrusive igneous, diaschist Lamprophyre rocks are melanocratic or mesotype hypabyssal rocks Mafic phenocrysts occur in a fine-grained groundmass Name, from the Greek lampros, meaning bright, in allusion to the bright reflection from biotite phenocrysts found in some lamprophyres
Lamprophyre Mineralogy
Mafic minerals are olivine (or serpentine), biotite, hornblende (usually green), and pyroxene (green diopside or Fe-Ti augite, which is purplish) Felsic minerals are often alkaline, such as alkali feldspar (K-spar or albite) and Na-rich nepheline Plagioclase is common, while quartz may be present Often associated with carbonatites
Nepheline Diorite Lamprophyre
Intrusive igneous, diaschist A dioritic lamprophyre is one in which the major feldspar is plagioclase In addition this rock contains the feldspathoid nepheline
Lamprophyre Photomicrograph
Lamprophyre (alkaline mafic dike-rock) with microphenocrysts of biotite and pyroxene CN
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