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Chapter 5 Copyright Prentice-Hall 2003
Firewalls Chapter 5 Copyright Prentice-Hall 2003
Figure 5-1: Border Firewall
Passed Packet (Egress) Passed Packet (Ingress) Attack Packet Hardened Client PC Internet (Not Trusted) Attacker Internet Border Firewall Dropped Packet (Ingress) Hardened Server Log File Internal Corporate Network (Trusted)
Figure 5-2: Types of Firewall Inspection
Packet Inspection Examines IP, TCP,UDP, and ICMP header contents Static packet filtering looks at individual packets in isolation. Misses many attacks Stateful inspection inspects packets in the context of the packet’s role in an ongoing or incipient conversation Stateful inspection is the proffered packet inspection method today
Figure 5-2: Types of Firewall Inspection
Application Inspection Examines application layer messages Stops some attacks that packet inspection cannot Network Address Translation Hides the IP address of internal hosts to thwart sniffers Benignly spoofs source IP addresses in outgoing packets
Figure 5-2: Types of Firewall Inspection
Denial-of-Service Inspection Recognizes incipient DoS attacks and takes steps to stop them Limited to a few common types of attacks Authentication Only packets from users who have proven their identity are allowed through Not commonly user, but can be valuable
Figure 5-2: Types of Firewall Inspection
Virtual Private Network Handling Virtual private networks offer message-by- message confidentiality, authentication, message integrity, and anti-replay protection VPN protection often works in parallel with other types of inspection instead of being integrated with them
Figure 5-2: Types of Firewall Inspection
Integrated Firewalls Most commercial products combine multiple types of filtering Some freeware and shareware firewall products offer only one types of filtering
Firewalls Types of Firewalls Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture
Screening router firewalls Computer-based firewalls Firewall appliances Host firewalls (firewalls on clients and servers) Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture Configuring, Testing, and Maintenance
Figure 5-3: Firewall Hardware and Software
Screening Router Firewalls Add firewall software to router Usually provide light filtering only Expensive for the processing power—usually must upgrade hardware, too Screens out incoming “noise” of simple scanning attacks to make the detection of serious attacks easier Good location for egress filtering—can eliminate scanning responses, even from the router
Figure 5-3: Firewall Hardware and Software
Computer-Based Firewalls Add firewall software to server with an existing operating system: Windows or UNIX Can be purchased with power to handle any load Easy to use because know operating system Firewall vendor might bundle software with hardened hardware and operating system software
Figure 5-3: Firewall Hardware and Software
Computer-Based Firewalls General-purpose operating systems result in slower processing Security: Attackers may be able to hack the operating system Change filtering rules to allow attack packets in Change filtering rules to drop legitimate packets
Figure 5-3: Firewall Hardware and Software
Firewall Appliances Boxes with minimal operating systems Therefore, difficult to hack Setup is minimal Not customized to specific firm’s situation Must be able to update
Figure 5-3: Firewall Hardware and Software
Host Firewalls Installed on hosts themselves (servers and sometimes clients) Enhanced security because of host-specific knowledge For example, filter out everything but webserver transmissions on a webserver
Figure 5-3: Firewall Hardware and Software
Host Firewalls Defense in depth Normally used in conjunction with other firewalls Although on single host computers attached to internet, might be only firewall
Figure 5-3: Firewall Hardware and Software
Host Firewalls If not centrally managed, configuration can be a nightmare Especially if rule sets change frequently Client firewalls typically must be configured by ordinary users Might misconfigure or reject the firewall Need to centrally manage remote employee computers
Figure 5-4: Drivers of Performance Requirements: Traffic Volume and Complexity of Filtering
Number of Filtering Rules, Of rules, etc. Performance Requirements Traffic Volume (Packets per Second)
Firewalls Types of Firewalls Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture
Static Packet Inspection Stateful Packet Inspection NAT Application Firewalls Firewall Architecture Configuring, Testing, and Maintenance
Figure 5-5: Static Packet Filter Firewall
Corporate Network The Internet Permit (Pass) IP-H TCP-H Application Message IP-H UDP-H Application Message Deny (Drop) IP-H ICMP Message Arriving Packets Examined One at a Time, in Isolation Only IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP Headers Examined Static Packet Filter Firewall Log File
Figure 5-6: Access Control List (ACL) For Ingress Filtering at a Border Router
1. If source IP address = 10.*.*.*, DENY [private IP address range] 2. If source IP address = *.* to *.*, DENY [private IP address range] 3. If source IP address = *.*, DENY [private IP address range] 4. If source IP address = *.*, DENY [internal address range] 5. If source IP address = , DENY [black-holed address of attacker] 6. If TCP SYN=1 AND FIN=1, DENY [crafted attack packet]
Figure 5-6: Access Control List (ACL) for Ingress Filtering at a Border Router
7. If destination IP address = AND TCP destination port=80 OR 443, PASS [connection to a public webserver] 8. If TCP SYN=1 AND ACK=0, DENY [attempt to open a connection from the outside] 9. If TCP destination port = 20, DENY [FTP data connection] 10. If TCP destination port = 21, DENY [FTP supervisory control connection] 11. If TCP destination port = 23, DENY [Telnet data connection] 12. If TCP destination port = 135 through 139, DENY [NetBIOS connection for clients]
Figure 5-6: Access Control List (ACL) for Ingress Filtering at a Border Router
13. If TCP destination port = 513, DENY [UNIX rlogin without password] 14. If TCP destination port = 514, DENY [UNIX rsh launch shell without login] 15. If TCP destination port = 22, DENY [SSH for secure login, but some versions are insecure] 16. If UDP destination port=69, DENY [Trivial File Transfer Protocol; no login necessary] 17. If ICMP Type = 0, PASS [allow incoming echo reply messages] DENY ALL
Figure 5-7: Access Control List (ACL) for Egress Filtering at a Border Router
1. If source IP address = 10.*.*.*, DENY [private IP address range] 2. If source IP address = *.* to *.*, DENY [private IP address range] 3. If source IP address = *.*, DENY [private IP address range] 4. If source IP address NOT = *.*, DENY [not in internal address range] 5. If ICMP Type = 8, PASS [allow outgoing echo messages] 6. If Protocol=ICMP, DENY [drop all other outgoing ICMP messages]
Figure 5-7: Access Control List (ACL) for Egress Filtering at a Border Router
7. If TCP RST=1, DENY [do not allow outgoing resets; used in host scanning] 8. If source IP address = and TCP source port = 80 OR 443, PERMIT [public webserver] 9. If TCP source port=0 through 49151, DENY [well-known and registered ports] 10. If UDP source port=0 through 49151, DENY [well-known and registered ports] 11. If TCP source port =49152 through 65,536, PASS [allow outgoing client connections] 12. If UDP source port = through 65,536, PERMIT [allow outgoing client connections] 13. DENY ALL
Firewalls Types of Firewalls Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture
Static Packet Inspection Stateful Packet Inspection NAT Application Firewalls Firewall Architecture Configuring, Testing, and Maintenance
Figure 5-8: Stateful Inspection Firewalls
State of Connection: Open or Closed State: Order of packet within a dialog Often simply whether the packet is part of an open connection
Figure 5-8: Stateful Inspection Firewalls
Stateful Firewall Operation For TCP, record two IP addresses and port numbers in state table as OK (open) (Figure 5-9) By default, permit connections from internal clients (on trusted network) to external servers (on untrusted network) This default behavior can be changed with an ACL Accept future packets between these hosts and ports with little or no inspection
Figure 5-9: Stateful Inspection Firewall Operation I
2. Establish Connection 1. TCP SYN Segment From: :62600 To: :80 3. TCP SYN Segment From: :62600 To: :80 External Webserver Note: Outgoing Connections Allowed By Default Stateful Firewall Internal Client PC Connection Table Type Internal IP Internal Port External IP External Port Status TCP 62600 80 OK
Figure 5-9: Stateful Inspection Firewall Operation I
External Webserver 6. TCP SYN/ACK Segment From: :80 To: :62600 Stateful Firewall 4. TCP SYN/ACK Segment From: :80 To: :62600 Internal Client PC 5. Check Connection OK Connection Table Type Internal IP Internal Port External IP External Port Status TCP 62600 80 OK
Figure 5-8: Stateful Inspection Firewalls
Stateful Firewall Operation For UDP, also record two IP addresses in port numbers in the state table Connection Table Type Internal IP Internal Port External IP External Port Status TCP 62600 80 OK UDP 63206 69 OK
Figure 5-8: Stateful Inspection Firewalls
Static Packet Filter Firewalls are Stateless Filter one packet at a time, in isolation If a TCP SYN/ACK segment is sent, cannot tell if there was a previous SYN to open a connection But stateful firewalls can (Figure 5-10)
Figure 5-10: Stateful Firewall Operation II
Attacker Spoofing External Webserver 1. Spoofed TCP SYN/ACK Segment From: :80 To: :64640 Internal Client PC 2. Check Connection Table: No Connection Match: Drop Connection Table Type Internal IP Internal Port External IP External Port Status TCP 62600 80 OK UDP 63206 69 OK
Figure 5-8: Stateful Inspection Firewalls
Static Packet Filter Firewalls are Stateless Filter one packet at a time, in isolation Cannot deal with port-switching applications But stateful firewalls can (Figure 5-11)
Figure 5-11: Port-Switching Applications with Stateful Firewalls
2. To Establish Connection 1. TCP SYN Segment From: :62600 To: :21 3. TCP SYN Segment From: :62600 To: :21 External FTP Server Internal Client PC Stateful Firewall State Table Type Internal IP Internal Port External IP External Port Status Step 2 TCP 62600 21 OK
Figure 5-11: Port-Switching Applications with Stateful Firewalls
External FTP Server 6. TCP SYN/ACK Segment From: :21 To: :62600 Use Ports 20 and for Data Transfers 4. TCP SYN/ACK Segment From: :21 To: :62600 Use Ports 20 and for Data Transfers Internal Client PC Stateful Firewall 5. To Allow, Establish Second Connection State Table Type Internal IP Internal Port External IP External Port Status Step 2 TCP 62600 21 OK TCP 55336 20 OK Step 5
Figure 5-8: Stateful Inspection Firewalls
Stateful Inspection Access Control Lists (ACLs) Primary allow or deny applications Simple because probing attacks that are not part of conversations do not need specific rules because they are dropped automatically In integrated firewalls, ACL rules can specify that messages using a particular application protocol or server be authenticated or passed to an application firewall for inspection
Firewalls Types of Firewalls Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture
Static Packet Inspection Stateful Packet Inspection NAT Application Firewalls Firewall Architecture Configuring, Testing, and Maintenance
Figure 5-12: Network Address Translation (NAT)
From , Port 61000 From , Port 55380 1 Server Host 2 Internet Client NAT Firewall 3 To , Port 55380 4 Sniffer To , Port 61000 Internal External IP Addr Port IP Addr Port Translation Table 61000 55380 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Firewalls Types of Firewalls Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture
Static Packet Inspection Stateful Packet Inspection NAT Application Firewalls Firewall Architecture Configuring, Testing, and Maintenance
Figure 5-13: Application Firewall Operation
2. Filtering 3. Examined HTTP Request From 1. HTTP Request From 4. HTTP Response to 6. Examined HTTP Response To Browser HTTP Proxy Webserver Application 5. Filtering on Post Out, Hostname, URL, MIME, etc. In FTP Proxy SMTP ( ) Proxy Webserver Client PC Outbound Filtering on Put Inbound and Outbound Filtering on Obsolete Commands, Content Application Firewall
Figure 5-14: Header Destruction With Application Firewalls
Header Removed Arriving Packet New Packet X App MSG (HTTP) App MSG (HTTP) Orig. TCP Hdr Orig. IP Hdr App MSG (HTTP) New TCP Hdr New IP Hdr Application Firewall Attacker Webserver Application Firewall Strips Original Headers from Arriving Packets Creates New Packet with New Headers This Stops All Header-Based Packet Attacks
Figure 5-15: Protocol Spoofing
Trojan Horse 2. Protocol is Not HTTP Firewall Stops The Transmission X 1. Trojan Transmits on Port 80 to Get Through Simple Packet Filter Firewall Application Firewall Internal Client PC Attacker
Figure 5-16: Circuit Firewall
1. Authentication 3. Passed Transmission: No Filtering 2. Transmission 4. Reply 5. Passed Reply: No Filtering Webserver Circuit Firewall (SOCKS v5) External Client
Firewalls Types of Firewalls Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture
Single site in large organization Home firewall SOHO firewall router Distributed firewall architecture Configuring, Testing, and Maintenance
Figure 5-17: Single-Site Firewall Architecture for a Larger Firm with a Single Site
2. Main Firewall Last Rule=Deny All 1. Screening Router Last Rule=Permit All 3. Internal Firewall Internet x Subnet 4. Client Host Firewall Public Webserver External DNS Server 6. DMZ SMTP Relay Proxy HTTP Proxy Server Marketing Client on x Subnet Accounting Server on x Subnet 5. Server Host Firewall
Figure 5-18: Home Firewall
PC Firewall Always-On Connection Home PC Internet Service Provider UTP Cord Coaxial Cable Broadband Modem
Figure 5-19: SOHO Firewall Router
Internet Service Provider UTP Ethernet Switch UTP User PC UTP Broadband Modem (DSL or Cable) SOHO Router --- DHCP Sever, NAT Firewall, and Limited Application Firewall User PC User PC Many Access Routers Combine the Router and Ethernet Switch in a Single Box
Figure 5-20: Distributed Firewall Architecture
Management Console Internet Home PC Firewall Site A Site B
Figure 5-21: Other Security Architecture Issues
Host and Application Security (Chapters 6 and 9) Antivirus Protection (Chapter 4) Intrusion Detection Systems (Chapter 10) Virtual Private Networks (Chapter 8) Policy Enforcement System
Firewalls Types of Firewalls Inspection Methods Firewall Architecture
Configuring, Testing, and Maintenance
Figure 5-22: Configuring, Testing, and Maintaining Firewalls
Firewall Misconfiguration is a Serious Problem ACL rules must be executed in series Easy to make misordering problems Easy to make syntax errors
Figure 5-22: Configuring, Testing, and Maintaining Firewalls
Create Policies Before ACLs Policies are easier to read than ACLs Can be reviewed by others more easily than ACLs Policies drive ACL development Policies also drive testing
Figure 5-22: Configuring, Testing, and Maintaining Firewalls
Must test Firewalls with Security Audits Only way to tell if policies are being supported Must be driven by policies Maintaining Firewalls New threats appear constantly ACLs must be updated constantly if firewall is to be effective
Figure 5-23: FireWall-1 Modular Management Architecture
Log Files Policy Policy Firewall Module Enforces Policy Sends Log Entries Application Module (GUI) Create, Edit Policies Management Module Stores Policies Stores Log Files Log File Entry Log File Data Firewall Module Enforces Policy Sends Log Entries Application Module (GUI) Read Log Files
Figure 5-24: FireWall-1 Service Architecture
2. Statefully Filtered Packet 1. Arriving Packet 3. DoS Protection Optional Authentications Internal Client External Server FireWall-1 Firewall 4. Content Vectoring Protocol Statefully Filtered Packet Plus Application Inspection Third-Party Application Inspection Firewall
Figure 5-25: Security Level-Based Stateful Filtering in PIX Firewalls
Automatically Accept Connection Internet Security Level Inside=100 Security Level Outside=0 Router Automatically Reject Connection Internal Network Security Level=60 Connections Are Allowed from More Secure Networks to Less Secure Networks
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