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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AADMER"— Presentation transcript:

ADELINA KAMAL Head, Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Division Assistant Director, Cross-Sectoral Cooperation ASEAN Secretariat Meeting of the ISDR Asia Partnership 29-31 March 2011, Jakarta

2 ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER)
ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management AHA Centre

ESTABLISHING AHA CENTRE 3 SOME KEY ACTIVITIES IN 2011 4 Building disaster resilience in asean

4 ASEAN in a nutshell 10 countries of Southeast Asia Almost 44 years old
9% of world population, close to 600 million ASEAN Charter: providing the legal personality in Dec 2008 ASEAN vision of becoming one community by 2015

5 Disaster Facts …. Highly exposed to natural hazards, with floods, storms, earthquakes and landslides as the most frequent Varying levels of exposure and vulnerability to different hazards Different capacity in handling the disasters Significant disasters in the last 6 years Two mega disasters: Dec 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and May 2008 Cyclone Nargis Multiple medium-scale disasters, almost simultaneously in the last two years

6 AADMER - For a more united and coordinated RESPONSE toward disasters within the region
Signed in July 2005, ratified by all ten countries in ASEAN, entered into force on 24 December 2009 Objective: Reduce disaster losses in ASEAN region, and jointly respond to disaster emergencies A legal framework for all ASEAN Member States and serves as a common platform in responding to disasters within ASEAN The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response or AADMER was developed and signed in July 2005 following the tsunami. It entered into force on 24 December 2009, the Christmas Eve. The objective is to reduce disaster losses in ASEAN region, and jointly respond to disaster emergencies. AADMER is a legally-binding instrument, binding all the ten countries, serving as a common platform in responding to disasters within ASEAN. The Agreement establishes the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre), as the operational coordination body and engine of AADMER. ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre) as the operational coordination body and engine of AADMER Building disaster resilience in asean TEST

7 Aadmer: asean agreement on disaster management and response: general obligations
Cooperate in developing & implementing measures to reduce disaster losses Immediately respond to a disaster occurring within the territory If causing possible impacts on another country, respond promptly to a request for information Promptly respond to a request for assistance Take legislative, administrative and other necessary measures Institutionalisation of AADMER at national level Building disaster resilience in asean

8 Aadmer: asean agreement on disaster management and response: THE CONTENT
Disaster Risk Identification, Assessment & Monitoring Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Disaster Preparedness Emergency Response Rehabilitation Technical Cooperation & Scientific Research AHA Centre - TOR Building disaster resilience in asean

9 Aadmer: asean agreement on disaster management and response: ARRANGEMENTS
A Ministerial-level Conference of the Parties (COP) to monitor and evaluate National Focal Point and Competent Authorities from each country ASEAN Secretariat as the Secretariat to the COP and Custodian of the Fund AHA Centre as the operational engine of the AADMER Institutionalisation of AADMER at national level Building disaster resilience in asean

National Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Home Affairs, Brunei Darussalam Relief and Resettlement Department, Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Myanmar National Committee for Disaster Management, Cambodia National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, Philippines National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), Indonesia Current Chair Singapore Civil Defence Force, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore National Disaster Management Office, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Lao PDR Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Ministry of Interior, Thailand National Security Division, Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia Dept of Dyke Management and Flood, Storm Control, Viet Nam Has also been designated as AADMER National Focal Point

11 Background AADMER Work Programme ( ) was endorsed in March 2010 in Singapore There are two phases of implementation: Phase 1 ( ) Phase 2 ( ) ACDM has also identified 14 flagship programmes to be implemented as priority activities in Phase 1 implementation

12 AADMER Work Programme (2010-2015)
Operationalising the AADMER into concrete outputs and activities Risk Assessment, Monitoring and Early Warning Prevention and Mitigation Preparedness and Response Recovery Resource Mobilisation Institutionalisation of AADMER Partnership STRATEGIC COMPONENTS BUILDING BLOCKS Information Management and Comm. Tech. Outreach and Mainstreaming Training and Knowledge Management Monitoring and Evaluation Introduction and Guiding Principle To anticipate the entry into force of the Agreement, we developed the Work Programme for AADMER, which translates the AADMER into concrete actions and initiatives to be implemented in the next five years. As the development of the Work Programme was initiated 12 months after Nargis and when the operation was still ongoing, we benefit a lot from our experience in Nargis and use a lot of the lessons from Nargis as inputs for many of the activities under the Work Programme. Like AADMER, the Work Programme is comprehensive and all aspects of disaster management. It outlines a detailed road map for four strategic components, and six building blocks and drivers to provide a firm foundation for the strategic components and synergy among the various parts of the work Programme. As part of the implementation arrangement, AHA Centre will be the main operational engine in executing the activities in the Work Programme, together with the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management, and the ASEAN Secretariat providing policy coordination support. Endorsed by the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management in March 2010 as a rolling plan Building disaster resilience in asean

13 Regional efforts: a force multiplier
Emphasise on initiatives that are regional in nature Build on and add value to national initiatives Espouse efforts that synergise existing networks and potential partnerships with all stakeholders Recognise contributions of various groups of stakeholders, including vulnerable groups Encourage linkages with other thematic programmes in ASEAN, promote multi-sectoral approach Building disaster resilience in asean

ESTABLISHING AHA CENTRE 3 SOME KEY ACTIVITIES IN 2011 4 Building disaster resilience in asean

15 Flagship Projects 2010-2012 Preparedness and Response
ASEAN Disaster and Emergency Response Logistics System Fully-functional Emergency Rapid Assessment Team (ERAT) Familiarisation and Institutionalisation of SASOP ERAT Training, Feb 2011 ERAT Assessment, Oct 2010

16 Flagship Projects 2. Risk Assessment, Early Warning & Monitoring ASEAN’s roadmap on Disaster Risk Assessment Satellite-based Disaster Monitoring System GIS-based Disaster Information-Sharing Platform for Early Warning Online Southeast Asia Disaster Map (OSA-Map) Integrated Knowledgebase of Disaster Data, Risk, Modeling, Monitoring, & GIS for ASEAN Disaster Risk Reduction Deployment of Disaster AWARE for AHA Centre All Hazard Warning, Analysis and Risk Evaluation system

17 Flagship Projects 2010-2012 3. Prevention & Mitigation 4. Recovery
Building Disaster-Resilient ASEAN Cities Capacity-building for Community-based DRR Setting up of Mechanisms for Risk Financing 4. Recovery Production of a Disaster Recovery Toolbox 5. Outreach & Mainstreaming Building a culture of disaster-resilience in ASEAN, including through the ASEAN Day for Disaster Management (ADDM)

18 Flagship Projects 2010-2012 Partnership Modalities
6. Training and Knowledge Management Systems Identifying priority training needs Training of ASEAN Trainers and Subject Matter Experts for AADMER Setting up of an “ASEAN Resource Centre” as part of the AHA Centre Partnership Modalities Partnership levels (support for regional flagship projects, or flagship projects at national level) Partnership areas (inception, implementation, framework development, monitoring, etc) Partnership types: technical cooperation, loaning or seconding of experts, funding support

ESTABLISHING AHA CENTRE 3 SOME KEY ACTIVITIES IN 2011 4 Building disaster resilience in asean

The AHA Centre shall be established for the purpose of facilitating co-operation and co-ordination among the parties, and with relevant United Nations and international organisations, in promoting regional collaboration (Article 20.1) The AHA Centre shall work on the basis that the Party will act first to manage and respond to disasters. In the event that the Party requires assistance to cope with such situation, in addition to direct request to any Assisting Entity, it may seek assistance from the AHA Centre to facilitate such request (Article 20.2) According to the Agreement, the AHA Centre should facilitate …… It should work on the basis that the affected country will act first …. Building disaster resilience in asean

21 Aha centre is being established in Jakarta ….

22 Aha centre is being established in Jakarta ….
Located in the prime area of Jakarta With facilities such as big auditorium and conference hall BPPT Building 1, Jl. Thamrin, 17th Floor ( 800 sqm) The whole floor of 800 sqm has been dedicated for the AHA Centre PLUS, back-up and redundant facilities to ensure the continuity of the AHA Centre Indonesia will contribute up to USD600,000 for 2011 in addition to existing facilities ASEAN Member States will provide annual contributions for the operational budget

23 Aha centre is being established in Jakarta ….
A mirror capacity to be built at the outskirt of Jakarta An ICT back-up facility for the AHA Centre to be provided separately in the Cyber Building in Jakarta AHA Centre in Jakarta

24 Aha centre will be connected to all NDMOs in ASEAN , other ASEAN centres and partners’ facilities
ASEAN Earthquake Information Centre in Jakarta AHA Centre will be connected to all NDMOs in ASEAN countries on a 24/7 basis ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre in Singapore

25 Core Competence of AHA Centre
Coordination Engine (operational coordination engine for fast and collective response) “Value Creation Engine” Core competence of AHA Centre and the strengths of AHA Centre The application of technology to enhance the core competence Resource Mobilisation (centre point for mobilisation of ASEAN standby assets and emergency logistics) Knowledge Management (regional hub for knowledge and information, good practices and lessons learnt)

ESTABLISHING AHA CENTRE 3 SOME KEY ACTIVITIES IN 2011 4 Building disaster resilience in asean

27 immediately provide assistance to affected countries
DONOR COUNTRIES, UNITED NATIONS, PRIVATE SECTOR, RED CROSS, NGOs, CIVILIANS, MILITARIES immediately provide assistance to affected countries

28 Developing ‘concept of operations’ for cooperating with ASEAN partners in responding to disasters
To facilitate and define ASEAN’s response options To define coordination points and interface with other humanitarian actors at the operational level Joint SOPs, joint action plans, joint exercises, etc

29 Some Key Activities in 2011 Indonesia 2011 Signing of the Agreement on the Establishment of the AHA Centre during the 18th ASEAN Summit, May 2011, Jakarta Official launch for the AHA Centre, back to back with the First Conference of the Parties (COP) to the AADMER and a Regional Conference on Disaster Management, June or July 2011, Jakarta Joint Commemoration for the ASEAN Day for Disaster Management and International Day for Disaster Reduction, October 2011, Bangkok ASEAN Workshop on Risk Financing, November 2011, Jakarta AHA Centre

30 Thank you … 30


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