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Jeopardy Pulses Secondary HTN Angina Pectoris Heart Failure Congenital Heart Disease Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q.

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2 Jeopardy Pulses Secondary HTN Angina Pectoris Heart Failure Congenital Heart Disease Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Pulses A physical finding with arterial pulse waveform showing alternating strong and weak beats

4 $100 Answer from Pulses What is Pulsus Alternans

5 $200 Question from Pulses A pulse with two peaks during systole

6 $200 Answer from Pulses What is Bisferiens Pulsus

7 $300 Question from Pulses Inspiratory weakening of the pulse

8 $300 Answer from Pulses What is Pulses Paradoxus

9 $400 Question from Pulses Reflects the open tricuspid valve and the relatively passive filling of the ventricles

10 $400 Answer from Pulses What is a rapid y descent

11 $500 Question from Pulses Failure of the JVP to fall with inspiration

12 $500 Answer from Pulses What is Kussmaul Sign

13 $100 Question from Secondary Hypertension Clinical findings of central obesity with moon facies, buffalo hump, supraclavicular fat pads, protuberant abdomen, and thin extremities

14 $100 Answer from Secondary Hypertension What is Cushing Syndrome

15 $200 Question from Secondary Hypertension Unilateral adrenal adenoma is Known as…

16 $200 Answer from Secondary Hypertension What is Conn syndrome

17 $300 Question from Secondary Hypertension Most common cause of secondary hypertension

18 $300 Answer from Secondary Hypertension What is Renal Parenchymal Disease

19 $400 Question from Secondary Hypertension Two findings on CXR found in coarctation of the aorta?

20 $400 Answer from Secondary Hypertension What are Scalloping of ribs and 3 or backward E sign?

21 $500 Question from Secondary Hypertension Rule of Tens in found in this form of Secondary Hypertension

22 $500 Answer from Secondary Hypertension What is pheochromocytoma?

23 $100 Question from Angina Pectoris Clenching a fist over the mid chest

24 $100 Answer from Angina Pectoris What is Levine Sign

25 $200 Question from Angina Pectoris Coronary vasospasm that tends to involve right coronary artery. There may be no fixed stenoses.

26 $200 Answer from Angina Pectoris What is prinzmetal (variant) angina

27 $300 Question from Angina Pectoris Diagnosis of angina pectoris is strongly supported if it promptly and invariably shortens the attack

28 $300 Answer from Angina Pectoris What is sublingual nitroglycerin

29 $400 Question from Angina Pectoris Angina Pectoris with normal coronary arteries and without other identifiable causes

30 $400 Answer from Angina Pectoris What is Syndrome X

31 $500 Question from Angina Pectoris Known as increasing the elevation and speed of a treadmill every 3 minutes until limited by symptoms

32 $500 Answer from Angina Pectoris What is Bruce Protocol

33 $100 Question from Heart Failure The most common complaint of left sided heart failure

34 $100 Answer from Heart Failure What is shortness of breath

35 $200 Question from Heart Failure Structural heart disease that is strongly associated with the development of heart failure but no symptoms or sign

36 $200 Answer from Heart Failure What is Stage B Heart Failure

37 $300 Question from Heart Failure Expressed or elevated when ventricular filling pressures are high

38 $300 Answer from Heart Failure B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)

39 $400 Question from Heart Failure Ejection fraction is the fraction of blood pumped out of a ventricle with each beat. This is the lower limits of a normal value…

40 $400 Answer from Heart Failure What is considered a Normal Ejection Fraction > 50 to 55%

41 $500 Question from Heart Failure The most useful diagnostic modality for Heart Failure.

42 $500 Answer from Heart Failure Echocardiography

43 $100 Question from Congenital Heart Disease Atrial Septal Defect associated with atrioventricular septal defect

44 $100 Answer from Congenital Heart Disease Ostium Primum

45 $200 Question from Congenital Heart Disease In ASD, a patient may develop a right to left shunt that results in cyanosis

46 $200 Answer from Congenital Heart Disease Eisenmenger Syndrome

47 $300 Question from Congenital Heart Disease Most common congenital heart disease

48 $300 Answer from Congenital Heart Disease VSD

49 $400 Question from Congenital Heart Disease 1.VSD 2.RV outflow obstruction from infundibular stenosis Pulmonic stenosis 3.RVH 4.Overriding aorta

50 $400 Answer from Congenital Heart Disease What is Tetralogy of Fallot

51 $500 Question from Congenital Heart Disease Keeps ductus arteriosus patent

52 $500 Answer from Congenital Heart Disease Prostaglandins—likely maternal

53 Final Jeopardy Harsh, ejection crescendo-decrescendo murmur primarily at URSB (aortic area) but transmits to (carotids) neck and LLSB (apex) +/- Thrill +/- S4 +/- early ejection click Loudness is not related to its severity +/-Paradoxically splitting of A2 and P2 with expiration

54 Final Jeopardy Answer What is Aortic Stenosis

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