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Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein Class Outline September 4, 2014.

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1 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein Class Outline September 4, 2014

2 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein Course Goals Define and explore the prospects for Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship. Engage in the creative process of identifying unfulfilled desires of the marketplace, developing a business plan and managing a business operation in today’s business environment 2

3 1. Course Outline – A. Unit 1: Entrepreneurship and the Economy – B. Unit 2: Going Into Business For Yourself – C. Unit 3: Researching and Planning Your Venture Managing Market Strategies – D. Unit 4: Marketing and Marketing Analysis – E. Unit 5: Managing Your Business Process – F. Unit 6: Accounting, Financial Reporting and Risk Management 2. Textbook – A. Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Glencoe 3 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein

4 3. Classroom Routine – A. Daily Structure – B. Behavior – C. Electronic Devices 4. Grading – A. 30% Quizes / 25% Exams / 25% Projects / 10% Homework / 10% Class Participation 5. Makeup Policy – A. Tests and Quizes must be made up following day – B. Plan ahead 4 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein

5 5. EI (Extra Instruction) – A. Before or After school – arrange with me – B. Extra effort will be considered 7. Additional Opportunities – A. Investment Club – B. Business Academy – C. FBLA 5 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein

6 8. Evacuation Procedure 6 Entrepreneurship Mr. Bernstein

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