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Adam Leidigh Brandon Pyle Bernardo Ruiz Daniel Nakamura Arianna Campos.

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Presentation on theme: "Adam Leidigh Brandon Pyle Bernardo Ruiz Daniel Nakamura Arianna Campos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adam Leidigh Brandon Pyle Bernardo Ruiz Daniel Nakamura Arianna Campos


3  Up-and-coming computing technology that uses the internet (the “cloud”) and central remote servers to maintain information and applications.  Allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access.  More efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth.  Three segments: ◦ Applications ◦ Platforms ◦ Infrastructure


5  4 Layers  Clients – the computer hardware or software that relies on the cloud service ◦ Mobile, Thin Client, Thick Client  Application – the program the cloud computing company offers (replaces software) ◦ Many different applications  Platform – packages, services, or infrastructure offered from the company that runs the application ◦ Services, Solutions, Storage  Infrastructure – mode of delivery, typically through virtualization  Servers – the computer hardware or software products created to deliver the cloud services ◦ Maintained by service company

6  Private Cloud ◦ Also called an internal cloud, is a cloud that operates on private networks ◦ Offer higher security and better reliability but cost more  Hybrid Cloud ◦ Mix of private and public cloud offerings  Public Cloud ◦ Mainly web applications and services ◦ More common than others Hybrid

7  Al Gore gave us the Internet  Broadband got cheap  Not everyone had to build in house data centers  The computer running the application could be far from the person using it  Only a fast connection was needed which led to SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE (SaaS)

8  Large enterprises had complex requirements  Data outside firewall  Cost vs. usage

9 With VIRTUALIZATION : Applications and infrastructure are independent and allowing servers to be shared by applications. Runs everywhere Doesn’t have to run in you data center or in your applications providers center. -Computing Service that charges based on the computing resources you use aka Pay As You Go Open source software must be utilized in order for cloud to “grow”

10  Lack of confidence by business leaders in cloud computing  Possible solution ◦ Introduce them to internal clouds first, eventually incorporating a system that keeps some information in house and some information public.

11  Helps global corporations work effectively from locations around the world.  Cost Savings. $50.00 per user of Google App Enterprise version vs. Microsoft Office Pro $499.99.  Saves time, provides real time updates. ◦ Installing and configuring the OS, running multiple applications, and providing database connections

12  Using IBM Blue Cloud software and services to turn existing corporate data centers into its own private cloud protected by a firewall.

13  By law corporations must know where physical copies of their documents are at all times.  Complying with Sarbanes -Oxley on corporate financial reporting.  Complying with Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPPA), which sets rules for security and privacy of medical records.

14  Google’s search engine and applications are some of the early products of efforts.  Microsoft released online software called Windows Live for photo-sharing, file storage and other applications served from new data centers.  Yahoo has taken the same steps.  IBM has devoted 200 researchers to this project.  just broadened access for software developers to its “Elastic Compute Cloud” ◦ Lets small software companies pay for processing power streamed from Amazon’s data centers.

15  Potential uses are widespread.  According Business Week, “Google, Microsoft, and others are also building online services designed to give consumers greater access to information to help manage their health care.”

16  Technical standards for connecting various computer systems and pieces of software could slow the progress on new products.  U.S. broadband penetrations lags in Europe and Asia.  Without high-speed connections, especially wireless ones, services wont be widely accessible.  Privacy protection.

17  Convenience and Simplicity  Flexibility  Hybrid that allowed any software to be easily ran as a service in a data center that someone owns and manages that led to VIRTUALIZATION.

18  Reduce IT Infrastructure costs  Business benefits from the ability to efficiently ramp up & power down  Introduce New IT services  Financial Savings  Streamline processes and Increased Innovation  Assist with Cost savings in terms of Wasted Resources  Utilize Service in a Single Day

19  1) Where is my data stored? ◦ Can be found in many different places  2) What do I do when I can't access my data? ◦ Reset computer router, Reload program  3) What can't I do? ◦ Limited power  4) Is it safe? ◦ Off sourced material

20  5) Do I need to keep copies of my data at home? ◦ YES!  6) Are my files too big? ◦ Size only matters in the actual storage  7) What happens if you go out of business? ◦ Occupied storage space would be liqudated  8) What happens if I forget to pay for a month?

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