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Text connections as a tool to inspire writing

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1 Text connections as a tool to inspire writing
Kelly Maggard Clark Middle School 8th grade Language Arts Hot Topics in Literacy September 19, 2009

2 Why do we make text connections?
“…readers make connections to synthesize new learning and assimilate it into their knowledge banks.” (Rog, ) “…[readers] comprehend better when they think about the connections they make between the text, their lives, and the larger world.” (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000)

3 Best Practices Authentic – applying the text to genuine issues in students’ lives Reflective – students reflect on own lives in order to compare to text

4 How do text connections help writing?
“Often these [connections] give students ideas for longer written responses. Personal narrative pieces emerge from text-to-self connections the kids have made in their reading.” (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000) Poetry, short stories, and scripts can all be products of text connections Kentucky On-Demand writing in Language Arts often requires students to make a text connection prior to writing

5 Sample On-Demand prompts
Sample Writing Task- Grade 5 Situation: Grandparents and other important adults in our lives often teach us new skills for which we are very thankful. However, in today’s busy world, we don’t take the time to write a thank you letter to those adults who have helped us learn something new, even though we know they would really appreciate receiving our written thanks. Writing Task: Write a letter to a grandparent or other adult telling about a time when that person taught you something new. Explain that you have just read A Visit With Grandpa and that, like Justin in the story, you are thankful for this person helping you learn new skills.

6 Sample On-Demand prompts
Sample Writing Task- Grade 8 Situation: Read the following quotation: “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”—Anne Frank Writing Task: Write a speech to present to your peers informing them of the qualities exhibited by people who are “good at heart.” Support your response with details or examples. Sample Writing Task- Grade 12 Writing Task: According to the passage, some people believe “it is the music companies that must adapt, not the users.” Take a position on this issue. Write a speech or a letter to persuade appropriate members of the music industry to support your position.

7 Three types of text connections
Text-to-text Text-to-self Text-to-world (Zimmerman & Keane, 1997)

8 Text-to-text What book, magazine, or movie does this remind you of?
How are these characters similar to other characters? How does this author remind you of another author?

9 Text-to-self What events in your life does this remind you of?
Who do the characters remind you of? What do the characters’ emotions remind you of? Which character do you have something in common with?

10 Text-to-world What does this remind you of in the real world?
Have you read an article or seen a story on the news that was similar to this text? How are the events similar to events that occur in the world?

11 Connections chart A simple way to encourage students to make text connections Teach chart at the beginning of the year, that way it can be replicated with many different texts. Charts can be kept in journals and used as prewriting

12 Connections Chart T-2-T T-2-S T-2-W Pass out chart

13 Teacher Modeling with Harris and Me
T-2-T T-2-S T-2-W This reminds me of “Twilight.” When Bella met Edward, he took her by surprise. He was like no one she had ever met, and not what she expected. I felt that in Harris and Me, “Me” was surprised by Harris and how blunt he was. Harris was unexpected, also. This reminds me of my first day at a new school. I was very nervous to meet everyone, and not quite sure how to act. “Me” was nervous when he was meeting his new family for the first time. Foster children are often shuffled from home to home. They have a hard time adjusting to their new lives. Read “Harris and Me” aloud

14 Small group connections with “Harris and Me”
Use post it to write one connection you can make with the text Meeting new people Putting on an act for people People that have surprised you You may choose which kind of connection Bring post-it up front and put on board Sharing Pass out Post-its

15 “Homeward Bound” by Simon and Garfunkel
Listen to the song, read lyrics Whole group- discuss meaning of song and some lines or phrases that stood out Complete connections chart individually or as a group Whole group sharing Pass out lyrics

16 Article: “Bullying widespread in US schools”
Read passage Discuss in small groups what emotions or phrases might stand out Complete connections chart Whole group sharing

17 How can this connections chart lead into other writing?
Brainstorm in small groups Share with whole group

18 How can this connections chart lead into other writing?
Personal narrative Poem Book review Character development for short story Article On Demand Letter Persuasive writing

19 Persuasive letter calling for change Article for school paper
Personal Narrative Short Story Poem Journal entry from a character’s perspective New chapter of book Book Review Persuasive letter calling for change Article for school paper Digital book trailer

20 Writing prompt (10 min) Choose ONE of the following types of writing:
Diary entry from a character’s perspective Personal Narrative Persuasive letter to friend Use any of the connections that you made today as your inspiration for your writing!

21 Works Cited (2001, Apr. 24). Bullying Widespread in U.S. Schools. National Institute of Health Retrieved Jun. 8, 2009, from (2007). In KDE Released Items. Retrieved Jun. 8, 2009, from    Harvey, S, & A. Goudvis. (2007). Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and Engagement. Portland, Stenhouse Publishers.   Keene, E, & S. Zimmermann. (2007). Mosaic of Thought, Second Edition: The Power of Comprehension Strategy Instruction. Portsmouth, Heinemann.   Paulsen, G. (2007). Harris and Me. Harcourt Paperbacks.   Rog, L. (2003). Guided Reading Basics. Portland, Stenhouse Publishers.

22 T-2-T T-2-S T-2-W

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