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Washington State Hospital Association January 30, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State Hospital Association January 30, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State Hospital Association January 30, 2008

2 Presenters Carol Wozniak Living Will Registry Manager Washington State Department of Health Tom Byron Chief Information Officer Washington State Hospital Association (moderator)

3 Web cast Presentation Objectives Describe the Living Will Registry Demonstrate how to register and retrieve documents online Identify providers who are eligible to receive 24/7 registry access Explain how your hospital can apply for registry access approval Offer marketing strategies

4 What is the WA State Living Will Registry? Secure, online database that preserves the end-of-life preferences of Washington State residents It’s free! Signing up is easy Accessible to authorized health care providers

5 Created by SHB 2342 (2006) Representative James Moeller, Primary sponsor of the bill Stakeholders identified a need to make health care declarations more widely available to health care providers Natural Death Act RCW 70.122 was changed to include the registry

6 Do other states have registries? Living will registries are a growing trend Only a handful of state-sponsored registries exist and they are new in concept – Vermont, Montana, Arizona National, independent registries also exist

7 What documents may be submitted? Health Care Directive Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Mental Health Advanced Directive Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment - POLST

8 How to register and file documents? 1. Prepare your health care declaration documents 2. Fill out the simple Registration Agreement form online 3. Mail or fax copies of your forms to the Registry

9 What happens next? 1. The Registry electronically stores your information and assigns you a unique registration ID number 2. You will receive: Stickers to place on your driver’s license, ID card and/or health insurance card A wallet card with your registration ID number 3. Each year you will receive a letter reminding you to update your documents

10 Online demonstration on how to: 1. Register and file documents 2. Retrieve filed documents 3. Apply for registry access authorization




14 Welcome Letter

15 Wallet Card – Front side

16 Wallet Card – Back side


18 US0000049137



21 Eligible health care providers who may receive 24/7 registry access using ONLY the patient’s name and birth date: Medical Practice Providers Hospitals Nursing Homes Home Health Agencies Hospice Agencies Boarding Homes State Hospitals caring for the mentally ill Facilities licensed under RCW 71.12.455 Clinics that are part of a community mental health service delivery system

22 How do health care providers apply? Complete the “Facilities Access Application” form online Select a Registry Manager within your organization to be the contact person An approving authority needs to sign, date, and fax the application to DOH




26 Once your application is approved… Your Registry Manager will receive an email message confirming authorization The email will include your organization’s unique access codes and instructions for retrieving and storing documents The step-by-step instructions will guide your Registry Manager through the process of adding and deleting users and creating usage reports

27 This report allows you to select a specific time period to view documents that were accessed, the day and time they were accessed, and who accessed the document. Documents Accessed 01/01/2008 – 01/09/2008 Last NameFirst NameAccess DateAccess TimeAccessed AtAccessed By DoeJohn01/03/20081:37:00 PMWA State Dept of HealthCarol Wozniak RecordTest01/04/20081:39:00 PMWA State Dept of HealthJeffrey Weldon SmithMary01/08/20081:46:00 PMWA State Dept of HealthMarena Kerr Sample report – Documents Accessed

28 This report allows you to search a specific registrant to view who has accessed his/her documents, on what day and time, and the provider who accessed the documents. Registrant Access Report – Document Accessed Last NameFirst NameAccess DateAccess TimeAccessed AtAccessed By DoeJohn01/03/20081:37:00 PMCascade Nursing HomeNancy Smith DoeJohn01/04/20088:39:00 AMSwedish HospitalWilliam Harris DoeJohn01/07/20089:46:00 AMUniversity HospitalLois Roberts Sample report – Registrant Access

29 Why use the living will registry? Health care providers can be assured their patients’ documents are up to date Take the guesswork out of where your patients’ important documents are kept Gives providers accurate information about their patients’ end of life treatment wishes

30 An added bonus… The registry is FREE FREE to WA residents wishing to store their health care decision making documents AND FREE to health care providers wishing to store and retrieve their patients’ decision making documents

31 Marketing Materials Patient brochure Physician brochure Poster Fact Sheet Website Written news articles

32 Patient Brochure

33 Physician Brochure

34 Wall Poster 11 x 17

35 How to order marketing materials? Contact the WA State Medical Assoc. or the Dept. of Health for free brochures and posters For WSMA members, next month you’ll receive sample brochures and a cover letter in your mail For an in depth interview on the registry read January ’08’s WSMA “Reporter” cover story

36 Ways you can help to market the registry Distribute registry brochures in your admissions, chaplain, trauma, and social work departments Add the link to your hospital’s website Educate your staff about the importance of using the registry Feature an article in your newsletter

37 What other ideas should we consider? Public education campaign Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) TV commercial Radio spots Joint mailings Key presentations Icon endorsements

38 How do hospitals sign up? Visit Questions? Call Carol Wozniak 360-236-4369 Email Order brochures? Order online Email requests

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