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The story of 5 entrepreneurs…. Business Management.

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1 The story of 5 entrepreneurs…

2 Business Management

3  Define entrepreneurship.  Explain the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship through a SWOT analysis.  Explain the nature of business activities.  Describe the general types of businesses.  Compare the characteristics of different types of business ownership.


5  Entrepreneurship is the process of starting and managing your own business.  An entrepreneur is someone who attempts to earn money and make profits by taking the risk of owning and operating their business.

6 What personality traits, qualities, or skills are needed in order to be a successful entrepreneur?

7  Risk taker  Decision maker  Hard worker  Ambitious  Goal setter  Enjoys challenges  Can adapt to changes

8 StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats Inter nal Exter nal Operations Finances Personnel Customers Economy Government


10  An organization that produces or distributes a good or service for profit is called a business.  Profit (the difference between earned income and costs) is the goal of business ownership!

11 Every business engages in at least three major activities. 1. Production making a product or providing a service 2. Marketing activities between the business and customers (buying / selling) 3. Finance deals with all of the money matters involved in running a business


13  Produce goods used by other businesses or organizations to make things: ◦ Mining coal ◦ Extracting oil ◦ Constructing buildings ◦ Building businesses ◦ Manufacturing airplanes ◦ Assembling televisions ◦ Growing crops

14  Sell products or services to the end consumer  Engaged in marketing (wholesalers and retailers), in finance (banks and investment companies), and providing services (medical offices, fitness centers, hotels)

15  Service Businesses – type of commercial business that use mostly labor to offer intangible products to satisfy consumer needs  Industry – refers to all businesses within a category that do similar work (i.e., the automotive industry)

16 Service Businesses Industries


18 o Sole Proprietorship o Partnership o Corporation o Organizational Alliances o Franchise

19  About 3/4 of all businesses in the United States are sole proprietorships.  A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person.  Sole proprietors usually have a special skill by which they can earn a living (i.e. plumbers, contractors, wedding planners, etc.).

20  Owner is boss  Owner receives all profits  Personally know employees & customers  Makes all decisions  May lack necessary skills & abilities  May lack funding  Owner bears all losses (unlimited liability)  Business ends upon death of the owner AdvantagesDisadvantages

21  A partnership is a business owned by two or more people who share its risks and rewards.  A partnership agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of each partner.

22  Skills & abilities pooled  Sources of capital increase ◦ Investment ◦ Credit  Unlimited liability  Disagreement among partners  All partners share risk ◦ May be held responsible for partner’s mistakes  Difficulty in withdrawing from partnership AdvantagesDisadvantages

23  Small businesses provide 55% of jobs.  There are 1/2 million businesses started each year – only the strong survive!  Within the first three years, one out of every four or five businesses will close.  About half cease operations within 6 to 7 years.

24  Only 15 – 20 percent of all businesses in the United States are corporations.  Corporations are responsible for 80% of all business that is conducted in the United States.

25  A corporation is a company that is registered by a state and operates apart from its owners.  The owner must get a corporate charter (business license) from the state where the main office will be located.  To raise money, the owners can sell stock (shares in the company) to stockholders.  The company must have a board of directors to govern the corporation.

26  Double taxation ◦ Company taxed on income ◦ Stockholders taxed on profits  Government regulations  Complex business to run ◦ Stockholders’ records ◦ Charter restrictions AdvantagesDisadvantages  Available sources of capital  Limited liability of stockholders  Permanency of existence  Ease in transferring ownership

27 Complete the worksheet using the website listed.

28 LLC S-corporations Nonprofit corporations Quasi-public corporations

29  Also known as LLC  Relatively new form of ownership  Hybrid of a partnership and corporation ◦ Owners protected from personal liability ◦ Profits / losses pass directly to owners without taxation to the company itself

30  Small business that is taxed like a partnership or sole proprietorship but has up to 35 shareholders

31  Does not pay taxes, does not exist to make a profit  In the United States, nonprofits provide nearly 1/3 of the GDP.  Examples include: ◦ Loudoun County Public Schools ◦ United Way ◦ Educational Testing Service (the SATs) ◦ Hospitals

32  Businesses that are important to society but lack the profit potential to attract investors  Usually operated by local, state, or federal government  Government provides financial support (subsidy)  Government imposes regulatory controls  Examples include: ◦ Interstate highways (Massachusetts & PA turnpike … state- owned) ◦ Local water & sewer systems (Loudoun Water) ◦ Los Angeles County Museum of Art

33 Joint Venture Cooperatives

34  Agreement among two or more businesses to work together to provide a good or a service  Each business shares the costs of doing business as well as the profits  Many web-based companies rely extensively on joint ventures.  Also commonly seen when businesses expand into foreign countries

35  Business owned and operated by its user- members for the purpose of supplying themselves with goods and services  Operates similarly to a corporation (stockholders, charter)  Provides members with cost and profit advantages  Popular in agriculture for buying & selling crops


37  A franchise is a legal agreement to use the name and sell the products of a parent company in a designated geographic area.  Franchisee: person who buys the rights to operate the business  Franchisor: recognized company that allows independent owners to use their name  The franchisee pays the franchisor an annual fee and a share of the profits.

38  Owner receives thorough business training  Uses a tested management system  Owner is guaranteed a certain geographic area  Usually widely recognized names  High initial cost  Owner has to follow strict rules and regulations  Judged by performance of peers AdvantagesDisadvantages

39  Many businesses start as one form of business ownership, but move into other forms later.  Example: Ben & Jerry’s started as a partnership, became a Subchapter S Corporation, and then eventually became the corporation we know today.


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