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Building a High-Impact Resume

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1 Building a High-Impact Resume
Presented by Pam Gibellino, B.S., M.Ed. Coordinator of Career Services Edison Community College

2 First Things First Who you are, in 15 seconds or less

3 Key Points Begin early; resumes are a work in progress
Keep an on-going skills analysis Promote your strengths Create strong, positive images Target your audience’s needs – what you have to offer Use action verbs and key words Employ these C’s of effective communication: Clarity Conciseness Concreteness Correctness

4 What gives a resume IMPACT?

5 Excellent Appearance Meaningful Content Audience Appeal Information Displayed Effectively

6 Appearance Attractiveness Appropriate Sections Effective Ordering
Proper Balance Parallelism Enhancements Quality paper

7 Content What is the best way to market YOU?
Do I need an objective statement? What about a profile statement? Where should you put emphasis? What are your achievements? Any other EXTRAS? How else can you “shine”?

8 Audience Appeal Is your resume “EMPLOYER” centered?
Do your skills match their needs? What makes you “stand out”? What’s makes you an “ideal” candidate?

9 Display Determine resume “type” Chronological Functional Combination
Optimize use of “sections” Apply enhancements and formatting Emphasize key information through page placement Check for readability

10 How does your resume stack up?

11 Step 1 – A BASIC Resume Uses Word or other template
Reflects the basic “nuts and bolts” Contains basic sections, such as Education Experience Reference Statement May not fill the page Contains basic font and point size Lacks enhancements, such as bold or italicize


13 Use caution before using resume templates!

14 Step 2 – A BETTER Resume Has a nice appearance Is well organized
Basic information is displayed nicely Some enhancements have been applied Uses bullets and formatting effectively


16 Step 3 – A GREAT Resume with High Impact!
Exceptional appearance Optimal display of key information “Stand out” information such as achievements, application of skills, leadership, community involvement, etc.

See the sample resumes on the Career Services web page Also visit for additional samples and career advice!

18 Career Portfolio A collection of files and documents that showcase your strengths, market your individuality, and improve your chances of being hired. Provides a more in-depth picture of who you are and what you’ve accomplished Supports what you claim in your cover letter and resume Can be hard copy or digital

19 May include but is not limited to:
Educational transcripts, diplomas, certificates Honors, citations, letters of recommendation Scholarships and awards Internships and co-op experiences Workshops and seminars attended Volunteer and community service Published or printed works Sports and co-curricular leadership positions Travel, languages, relevant hobbies Photos and videos; music and audio samples

20 Skills/Qualities Employers Want (in order of importance)
1. Communication skills 2. Strong work ethic 3. Teamwork skills (works well with others) 4. Initiative 5. Analytical skills 6. Computer skills 7. Flexibility/adaptability 8. Interpersonal skills (relates well to others) 9. Problem-solving skills 10. Technical skills

21 7 of the 10 Skills are “Soft” Skills with Technical Skills listed last
How can you convey these skills in your resume, cover letter, portfolio, and, ultimately, an interview?

22 Your resume is a reflection of YOU! Strive for the BEST!

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