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MLE or VLE - is that the question? Moira Bent Newcastle University Library.

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Presentation on theme: "MLE or VLE - is that the question? Moira Bent Newcastle University Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 MLE or VLE - is that the question? Moira Bent Newcastle University Library

2 What’s in an acronym? w MLE w VLE w LMS w IMS w ALN

3 What’s in an acronym? w MLE w VLE w LMS w IMS w ALN w managed learning environment w virtual learning environment w learning management system w instructional management system w asynchronous learning network

4 Managed Learning Environment “ A system that uses technology to enhance and make more effective the network of relationships between learners, teachers and organisers of learning, through integrated support for richer communications and activities”

5 Characteristics of a MLE w Encompasses all activity in university w Coherent coordinated infrastructure w Info strategy/ T&L strategy w Interoperability between systems w Includes administrative info w Distributed resources w Support and guidance w Content management

6 Virtual Learning Environment “Components in which tutors and learners participate in on-line interactions, including on-line learning” “a focus for student learning activities and their management and facilitation, along with provision of content and resources”

7 Characteristics of a VLE w Software packages which support on- line learning w part of a MLE w concerned with content, communication at programme level w require few additional skills

8 Reproduced with permission of Becta

9 Examples of VLEs w WebCT w Lotus Learning Space w Campus Pipeline w Oracle Learning Server w Blackboard w Wolf w COSE

10 Issues for Libraries w What is our role in MLE/VLE? w What skills do we need? w Management of resources w Grey Intranet w Interoperability of LMS w Use of VLEs for information skills w Attitudes- management/vendors w Copyright

11 “The hard truth is that without an MLE/VLE a University is not sustainable far into the 21st century” JISC MLE Workshop

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