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Goran Škvarč Special Projects Manager 21.02.2008..

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Presentation on theme: "Goran Škvarč Special Projects Manager 21.02.2008.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goran Škvarč Special Projects Manager 21.02.2008.

2 2 CARNet  Croatian Academic and Research Network;  Started as a project in 1991;  Officially founded by the Government in 1995.  Headquarters at Zagreb;  Regional centers in six cities of Croatia - Zagreb, Rijeka, Osijek, Split; Pula and Dubrovnik;  Over 80 employees.  Annual budget – 100 mil. kunas (14 mil. euros)

3 3 Users  From the beginning of CARNet:  institutions from the systems of science and higher education:  universities and their respective faculties;  other institutions of higher education, and  scientific and research institutes.  Public/government Institutes;  Student housing sites;  Ministry of Science, Education and Sports;  Ministry’s Agencies;  Staff and students of the above mentioned institutions.  Since 2006.:  Primary and Secondary Schools;  Pupil’s housing sites;  Pupils.

4 4  245 academic institutions @ 380 locations;  1346 educational institutions @ 2606 locations;  Connections from 2 Mbps - 10 Gbps;  All costs covered by CARNet. Users

5 5 Connectivity  GEANT 2 - EU project, 4 years, 10 GBit/s

6 6 Backbone

7 7 Basic Services:  - digital authentication and authorization infrastructure;  Internet - access to Internet;  E-mail;  CMU/MobileCARNet/XCARNet/MetroCARNet - network access;  Edupoint - CARNet Educational Department;  Helpdesk - user’s support;  Network services - ftp, news, irc, ntp…;  DNS - national domain administration;  - Croatia’s Homepage and Catalogue;  Center for Online Databases;  Cisco Academy - Cisco Academy of Network Technologies;  CERT & Abuse - computer security;  ELA - E-learning academy;  CUC - CARNet Users Conference;  Multimedia - room and desktop videoconferencing systems, streaming, MoD;

8 8 AAI@EduHr  AAI@EduHr - virtual electronic identity;  Unique for every CARNet user;  Precondition for almost all services;  561 713 electronic identities in AAI@EduHr system at the end of January 2008.

9 9 HUSO – Hosting Service for Primary and Secondary Schools  For Schools:  LDAP;  DNS;  Web space (school and presonal web pages);  CMS - Content Management System;  National School Portal (;  National Portal for Distance Learning “Nikola Tesla”;  E-library (;  Content filtering.  For individuals:  Electronic identity for everybody;  iPernica - web interface enabling:  e-mail;  Address book  Calendar  Document handling.

10 10 HUSO Users

11 11 CMS  Content Management System:  Dynamic system tor management and creation of school websites on previously defined look and standars using web interface;  Tool to utilize web services;  488 schools within CMS.

12 12 Schools within CMS

13 13 National School Portal

14 14 Educational content  Online courses:  Available through LMS (Learning Management System);  Math, Physics, Biology and Chemistry for Secondary Schools;  ECDL – 7 modules;  Various courses.

15 15 Math, Physics, Biology and Chemistry for Secondary Schools

16 16

17 17 Časopis VIDI

18 18

19 19 E-knjige i časopisi

20 20 Center for Online Databases

21 Seamless Searching and Linking 21 Discovery SearchSeamless LinkingFull Text Journals@O vid

22 Microsoft Encarta 22

23 23 Videoconferencing and MOD  Room and Desktop VC Systems;  Equipment:  Polycom VSX 3000 (150)  PC sistem Polycom PVX (1500)  Adobe Connect in test phase;  32 TCRs

24 24 E-Islands

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