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Wasted Talent Wasted Resources How to effectively support people with intellectual impairment into employment Anne Williams CBE National Director for Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Wasted Talent Wasted Resources How to effectively support people with intellectual impairment into employment Anne Williams CBE National Director for Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wasted Talent Wasted Resources How to effectively support people with intellectual impairment into employment Anne Williams CBE National Director for Learning Disabilities - England NDA – Ireland 13 th April 2011

2 Why things have to change “No one has ever said I could do a paid job” “I’m still at college at 43!” “I worked on a mobile gardening team for 13 years. I didn’t get paid. It was called work experience” “My support worker says I can’t do a job and they haven’t got time to support me” “67% of people with intellectual impairment said they wanted to work”

3  £330m is spent in England on further education for people with intellectual impairment  Approximately £660m a year spent in England on day care, including supported employment for people with intellectual impairment  £70m spent by DWP on employment support  Employment rate for people with intellectual impairment is 6.45% Why things have to change

4 How Change Can Happen Attitudes and Expectations National Levers Making the business/financial case Local Capacity building and tools

5 Attitudes and Expectations  Of all professionals – health, education, social care, employment and family carers  From birth throughout school days  At transition from children’s to adult services  In adulthood  Worth to society  The vicious circle can be come a virtuous circle

6  Positive messages from midwives and all health professionals  Work as a feature of play, discussions and learning at school and opportunities for real work experience  Learning on the job  Effective use of transition planning beginning early (age 14)  Using evidence based practise to engage employers Attitudes and Expectations

7 Making the Business/ Financial Case  Nationally – to Treasury, Department of Work and Pensions, Department of Health, Department for Education, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and Office of Disability Issues.  Showing individuals and their families work pays  Refocusing what is commissioned – Special Educational Needs, Further Education, Benefits  Locally - Evidence base summary document how to save money.

8 National Levers  Ministerial meetings and leadership  National indicators  Cross government steering group (Officials)  Cross government delivery support both national and regional  Partnership Board Guidance and Annual Reports  National Programme Board for Intellectual Impairment  Support from Local Government Group, Mencap, Learning Disability Coalition, Voluntary and Private providers and Employers Forum  Flexible Funding frameworks to promote and support employment

9 Capacity building and best practise tools  Demonstration sites  Web based resource hub  Using existing best practise and structures  Heavy championship of people/organisations supporting people into jobs and successful employers  National and Local role models  Awards and national and local publicity  Quick Wins

10 Demonstration Sites  Getting a Life – A whole system focus on pathways to getting a life at transition  Project Search – Internship model across Further Education, Supported Employment, Employers  Jobs First – using an individual budget to pay for employment support and focus life around work.  Aspirations for Life – Working with parents and professionals of young children with intellectual disabilities to aim for a future job  SHIEC – Showing that people with complex needs can work

11 Connecting Policy and Practise National Learning Disability Programme Board Ministerial Meetings and leadership Regional Programme Boards Cross Government Steering Group Local Partnership Boards Employment Plans Web-based Resource Hub Demonstration Sites Cross Government Delivery Support Team Coalition of Stakeholders Families Providers Sector Advocacy Organisations Leadership Agencies Individuals

12 Any Questions?

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