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Discover Your Technology Load John Allan Niagara College Stephen Roney College of the North Atlantic - Qatar.

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Presentation on theme: "Discover Your Technology Load John Allan Niagara College Stephen Roney College of the North Atlantic - Qatar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover Your Technology Load John Allan Niagara College Stephen Roney College of the North Atlantic - Qatar

2 abstract Are you overloaded in your teaching and administrative tasks? This workshop will allow you to identify the tasks that your job requires to meet the goals of the classroom and the institution. The presenter will provide an overview of 16 categories of digital responsibility. The participants then complete a rubric to discover their technology load. Coping strategies will also be presented and discussed at the conclusion of this workshop.

3 Hopefully…we will cover teaching and administrative tasks introduce workshop task identify 16 categories of digital responsibility complete check list to discover their technology load coping strategies

4 Why is this relevant? Technology wealth varies Stress teachers support administration STUDENTS Awareness for future negotiations

5 Your checklist Determine your load

6 Communication  Email  Chat  Instant messenger  FaceBook - social communities  Twitter – mobile device and web  IP telephones

7 Office applications (versions) Word processor -- Word Word processor -- Word Presentation -- PowerPoint Presentation -- PowerPoint Spreadsheet -- Excel (gradebook) Spreadsheet -- Excel (gradebook) Database – Access (old school CALL) Database – Access (old school CALL) Publishing --- MS Publisher Publishing --- MS Publisher

8 Human Resources (apps)  SharePoint  (Hr docs stored here)  PeopleSoft  Dedicated HR software

9 Grade book  TNG  On-going grades archive  Calculates grades  PeopleSoft  Grade entry for official purposes  Simple spreadsheets  Many schools create their own

10 LMS Learning Management System Desire-to-Learn, Moodle, Blackboard Administration Creation Set up Facilitation Mixed media Accessing learning objects

11 Assistive applications Special needs students Speech recognition Speech recognition Text to speech Text to speech Zoom Zoom

12 concordancers Material developers & linguists

13 concordancers Used as a teaching tool “rule generation” from a concordance WordSmith or LexTutor

14 Internet resources Wikipedia Wikipedia Google Google Dave’s ESL Café Dave’s ESL Café WebQuests WebQuests Translators Translators Dictionaries Dictionaries …… ……

15 Web 2.0

16 Compression/decompression WinZip Windows

17 Content management system?  SharePoint  Instructor support  the “portal”

18 CALL software Multimedia Proprietary packages Customized learning opportunities Outdated? Ellis, Focus on Grammar, Rosetta Stone, Tense Buster,…..

19 Basic computer hardware Microphones Headphones Audio mixers VHS players DVD [players

20 Audio visual Data projector & remote Data projector & remote Audio mixer (usually software) Audio mixer (usually software) Video switcher (at the teacher podium) Video switcher (at the teacher podium) Complex integrated lecture and classroom control podiums Complex integrated lecture and classroom control podiums

21 Virtual Personal Network  Allows access to intranet resources  From outside an institution

22 Media Editors Audacity Audacity Imovie Imovie Windows Movie Maker Windows Movie Maker Flash Flash

23 Image editors Vector/pixel Vector/pixel Photoshop Photoshop Online (Sumo Paint) Online (Sumo Paint) MS Paint MS Paint Illustrator Illustrator

24 Self paced training  Large repositories of on line training opportunities  Atomic Learning  Adobe  Microsoft

25 E - whiteboard  Whiteboard (reduction)  SoftBoard  SmartBoard

26 DVD or CD replicator  Desktop (which one do you use?)  Roxio  Windows Explorer  Nero

27 Security Norton Norton Cisco Clean Access Cisco Clean Access Browser security (Pop up blockers) Browser security (Pop up blockers) Spam blockers Spam blockers Ad Aware Ad Aware

28 Mobile devices  Pervasive learning is here & getting bigger  ITunes university  Ipods, mobile phones, PDA, BlackBerry  Uploading  File naming

29 Paper generators  Fax machines  Photocopiers  Printer scanners

30 Schedulers Instructional coordinators only Benchmark Timetable Assignment Class planner

31 Library Access, reserve & monitor resources Online journals, mags & newspapers Online subscriptions to resources & media

32 Virtual spaces  Second Life  3D Virtual Worlds

33 Filters and Blockers Websense Telecoms (National)

34 Laptops Access the institution systems & Internet Power outlets Communicating with an e-whiteboard Behavior management Students and laptops?

35 Networking  Specialized mailing lists  TESL-L  TESL-L listserve  Social networks (NING) Classroom2.0

36 Trouble shooting Task manager Wiring Who is responsible?

37 Example What technologies are involved in creating an eportfolio?

38 eportfolios  Proprietary system  Wordprocessor  Scanner  Printer  Graphics  Server  CD copier  Email  Photocopier  Spreadsheet  Others?

39 suggestions Include stakeholders in process of technology acquisition Include stakeholders in process of technology acquisition Upgrades of technology (equal, training, timely) Upgrades of technology (equal, training, timely) Training – cycles, just-in-time, system (check list) Training – cycles, just-in-time, system (check list)

40 suggestions Optimization of learning objects Optimization of learning objects Logical archiving of learning and administrative media – for easier access Logical archiving of learning and administrative media – for easier access Common desktop (workstation) Teacher/Lab Common desktop (workstation) Teacher/Lab

41 considerations Mentoring system (tech champion) Dedicated team to support tech

42 considerations Consistent Bookmaking on browser & portal page Development of suitable activities to make technology relevant Development of suitable activities to make technology relevant

43 considerations Development of suitable activities to make technology relevant Development of suitable activities to make technology relevant Don’t use technology unless it adds value to the learning

44 Inauthentic labour

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