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A Look at Wisdom and Apocalyptic Literature

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1 A Look at Wisdom and Apocalyptic Literature
CHAPTER NINE A Spiritual Journey A Look at Wisdom and Apocalyptic Literature

2 Introduction - During Roman domination, two literary responses to faith emerged in the Jewish community 1.) Wisdom Literature • Collections of wise-sayings that offer insights into the proper way to live 2.) Apocalyptic Literature • Symbolic style of writing in which hidden truths are revealed

3 Wisdom Literature

4 Wisdom Literature - Purpose is to gain wisdom
• The wisdom described is moral in character involving lessons in truth, moderation, prudence, and kindness - Messages are universal and timeless • Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise • The limits of art are not reached; no artist’s skills are perfect

5 Wisdom Literature A wise son makes his father glad, but a foolish son is a grief to his mother (Prv 10:1) Wisdom builds her house, but Folly tears hers down with her own hands (Prv 14:1)

6 Wisdom Books

7 Wisdom Books - Central themes and characters in the Old Testament scarcely appear in Wisdom Literature - Wisdom literature focuses on God as Creator and on creation itself • Describes God by what he has made • Similar to modern science (rational and based on observations)

8 Wisdom Books Why wisdom literature was popular:
1.) Inspired by other cultures to collect their own wise sayings 2.) Shared with people of other cultures (area of common ground)

9 Wisdom Books 3.) Comforting to a minority people; reminded Jews how to live 4.) Parents concerned about kids staying grounded in faith; intended to train young people

10 Wisdom Books Books of Wisdom literature: 1.) Job 2.) Proverbs
3.) Ecclesiastes 4.) Song of Songs 5.) Wisdom 6.) Sirrach (Ecclesiasticus)

11 Wisdom Books 1.) JOB - Rejects the idea that good is rewarded and evil is punished 2.) PROVERBS - Teach three types of Wisdom • Knowledge of God’s created world • Skill of making the right choices • Art of living before God

12 Wisdom Books 3.) ECCLESIATES
- Value of human life; determining what brings us happiness 4.) SONG OF SONGS - Love poems

13 Wisdom Books 5.) WISDOM - Divided into three sections
• Book of Eschatology • Praise of Wisdom • God’s Special Providence 6.) SIRACH - Sayings, laments, psalms of praise, moral maxims; updated Proverbs

14 Apocalyptic Literature

15 Apocalyptic Literature
- Means “Literature of Revelation” - Written in the same time period as Wisdom literature - Rather than looking back on creation, looks forward to what God was about to do in history

16 Apocalyptic Literature
Characteristics: • Written in a style of spiritual and social unrest • Sense of urgency that changes are coming soon • History is coming to an end

17 Apocalyptic Literature
Characteristics Continued: • Beyond the catastrophes is a paradise • Writing features a mediator • Describes visions populated by beasts

18 Apocalyptic Literature
Characteristics Continued: • Images are consistent across works • Written under a pseudonym or pen name

19 Apocalyptic Literature
Daniel: Three main divisions 1.) Daniel 1-6: Includes six stories about a young Jewish boy 2.) Daniel 7-12: Contains four symbolic visions that center on the “heavenly battle” with Israel’s enemies 3.) Daniel 13-14

20 Both wisdom and apocalyptic literature teach people to live in the present and behave as members of God’s Chosen People

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