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Key integrating concepts Groups Formal Community Groups Ad-hoc special purpose/ interest groups Fine-grained access control and membership Linked All content.

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Presentation on theme: "Key integrating concepts Groups Formal Community Groups Ad-hoc special purpose/ interest groups Fine-grained access control and membership Linked All content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key integrating concepts Groups Formal Community Groups Ad-hoc special purpose/ interest groups Fine-grained access control and membership Linked All content can be tagged at a variety of level of detail Incentives to contribute content Content is visible in key reports – accepted by sponsors Technologies and Functionalities of the Platform for Linked Science of the Deep Carbon Observatory Community Xiaogang Ma, Yu Chen, Han Wang, Patrick West, John Erickson, Peter Fox Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8 th St., Troy, NY, 12180 United States Acknowledgments: DCO Data Science Team W3C Provenance Working Group Earth Science Information Partners Sponsors: AP Sloan Foundation Tetherless World Constellation Abstract Deep Carbon Observatory-Data Science is assembling a Deep Earth Computer for the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO). The efforts will create a fundamental change in the conduct of Carbon-related research, resting upon a 21st century data science platform, and a series of aggregate data holdings that have never existed before. Data science combines aspects of informatics, data management, library science, computer science and physical science using cyberinfrastructure and information technology. The Deep Earth Computer we build provides these functions at minimum: an concept-type repository, an ability to identify and manage all key entities, agents and activities in the platform, a repository for archiving datasets and associated metadata, collaboration tools, and an integrated portal to manage diverse content and applications, with varied access levels and privacy options. The Deep Earth Computer sets up a platform for the Linked Science of the Deep Carbon Community, that is, not only scientific assets like data and methods behind scientific settings are opened and inter-connected, but also the people, organizations, groups, samples, instruments, activities, grants, meetings, etc. are recorded and inter-connected. Such a platform will promote collaborations among DCO community members, improve the openness and reproducibility of Carbon-related researches, and facilitate accreditation to resource (including publications, datasets, instruments, etc.) contributors. Community Data and Groups An Integrated Portal for Diverse Content and Applications VIVO - represents academic research communities Every person, organization, or other data entity in VIVO has a unique identifier VIVO enables the discovery of research and scholarship across disciplines at one institution or across many Records are both human-readable and machine-readable We have extended VIVO ontology to include the science network – datasets, instruments, sites, etc. Feeding this back to VIVO Knowledge network – implements both the collaboration and the integration Many means of population User generation Machine generation Substantially contributing these enhancements back to open- source community (CKAN, VIVO, GHS) Information models provide domain level view and logical models implemented in ontology leverage a wide variety of vocabularies and encoding schemes. DCO ontology extends the VIVO ontology to make the model more suitable for the DCO community needs. “CKAN is a powerful data management system that makes data accessible – by providing tools to streamline publishing, sharing, finding and using data. CKAN is aimed at data publishers (national and regional governments, companies and organizations) wanting to make their data open and available.” -- “Drupal is an open source content management platform powering millions of websites and applications. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world.” -- All the complex IT concepts and architectures are hidden from the users, who browse and operate with friendly user interfaces on “The Handle System is an infrastructure on which applications serving many different purposes have been built. Among the objects we know of that are identified by handles are journal articles, technical reports, books, theses and dissertations, government documents, metadata, distributed learning content, and data sets.” -- Visualized Information Viewing Current DCO members who have registered on deepcarbon.n et portal. Each color represents a community within DCO. The map is live – if a new user is registered, there will be a new bubble on the map. All information on the map is linked and traceable. Another visualization under development now

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