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DARE 2 Project Disability Awareness – a New Challenge for Employees 2009-2011 Ireneusz Bialek Malgorzata Perdeus Dagmara Nowak-Adamczyk Project implemented.

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Presentation on theme: "DARE 2 Project Disability Awareness – a New Challenge for Employees 2009-2011 Ireneusz Bialek Malgorzata Perdeus Dagmara Nowak-Adamczyk Project implemented."— Presentation transcript:

1 DARE 2 Project Disability Awareness – a New Challenge for Employees 2009-2011 Ireneusz Bialek Malgorzata Perdeus Dagmara Nowak-Adamczyk Project implemented as part of the Lifelong Learning –Transfer of Innovation - initiative of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme

2 student academic staff Disability Support Service

3 Transfer

4 Training courses Teachers SME managers manual for trainer training materials for participants

5 DARE training Small group (12 people) Acquisition through experience; Independent development of solutions in debates and individual reflection; Variety of working techniques; Use of experience contributed by individual participants; Activation methods like shower mind, debates and role playing; Program can be adapted to expectations and needs of different institutions.

6 Disability Visual impairment Hearing impairment Mobility impairment Mental health difficulties Dyslexia, dysgraphia

7 Structure of the training Modules Stereotypes Communication & Teaching strategies Experience of disability Assistive technologies & disability

8 Methods & materials Indywidual work Mind shower Discussion Short lecture Educational films Case study Work in pairs

9 DARE general Disability language Stereotypes Models of disability Communication Assistive Technologies Experience Disability




13 Summary

14 Disability Support Service Jagiellonian University ul. Retoryka 1/210 31-108 Krak ó w tel.: 48 12 424 09 50

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