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UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Process Improvement Initial Focus Areas: - Travel - HR (On-boarding) - Award Processing - Procurement - Chemical Purchases.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Process Improvement Initial Focus Areas: - Travel - HR (On-boarding) - Award Processing - Procurement - Chemical Purchases."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Process Improvement Initial Focus Areas: - Travel - HR (On-boarding) - Award Processing - Procurement - Chemical Purchases

2 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Travel uProcess Mapping From creation of TA to payment of TER uPotential process improvements Expand travel card use to include lodging (expand overall use of university credit card use for travel) Create shared resource centers to improve efficiency and maintain compliance Note: Travel processed will be significantly changed with the implementation of the soon to be purchased Banner travel module

3 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS HR – On-boarding uProcess Mapping On-boarding: new employee Banner access delays uRecommended Process Improvements Change security coordinators’ priority for activation/de-activation of employee accounts Modify training and access requirements Consolidate multiple access authorization forms to a single form

4 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Procurement (Restricted Funds) uProcess Mapping Overall restricted fund procurement process Sub-processes: Requisition, ProCard, Subaward uCurrent Process Improvements Vendor W-9 form collected by department Central email repository for backup documents uRecommended future improvements Increase research procurement training Procurement Technician Program Continuous re-evaluation of process

5 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Grant Award Setup uProcess Mapping Pre-award and Post-award processes Sub-processes: PI review, compliance review, match/cost share, F&A, negotiator uPotential Process Improvements Reduce suspense log entries Return fully signed award to agency electronically Modify budget setup using FRAPROP screen uRecommended Improvement Consolidate collection of IRB/IACUC protocol forms at the department

6 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Procurement (Restricted Funds) uProcess Mapping Overall restricted fund procurement process Sub-processes: Requisition, ProCard, Subaward uCurrent Process Improvements Vendor W-9 form now collected by department Central email repository for backup documents uRecommended future improvements Increase research procurement training Procurement Technician Program Continuous re-evaluation of process

7 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Chemical Purchases uMapping Process Identified: Pathways by which chemicals reach UAF labs Three different mechanisms for ordering chemicals Four types of locations where chemicals are delivered

8 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Chemical Purchases (cont’d) uOutcomes of Process Map Developed means of identifying ProCard purchases Identified risk w/chemical deliveries to office areas (plastic bins purchased for depts.) Mapping led to additional process map of chemical inventories

9 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS Chemical Purchases (cont’d) uBenefits to UAF Identification of ordering process and inventory updates enables EHS to assist faculty/staff in management & use of chemicals Bins help reduce chance of injury/illness/property damage if damaged package is delivered to business office Improved knowledge of chemicals on campus

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