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Seasons Change and so should you Barry Mathis – Gets Results 916.225.7777.

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Presentation on theme: "Seasons Change and so should you Barry Mathis – Gets Results 916.225.7777."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seasons Change and so should you Barry Mathis – Gets Results 916.225.7777

2 There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens: …. Ecclesiastes 3 Barry Mathis – Gets Results 916.225.7777

3 A rising tide raise all ships Before After

4 Fix and Flip Purchase Price = $ 250,000 Improvements = $50,000 Out of Pocket = $300,000

5 Fix and Flip Purchase Price = $ 250,000 Improvements = $50,000 Out of Pocket = $300,000 Sales Price Target = $400,000 Accepted Offer = $384,000 Gross Profit = $84,000

6 Fix and Flip Cost of Funds = $5,000 Title & Escrow Fees = $3,840 Commissions = $ 23,040 Capital Gains Tax = $18,850

7 Fix and Flip Cost of Funds = $5,000 Title & Escrow Fees = $3,840 Commissions = $ 23,040 Capital Gains Tax = $18,850 Net Profit = $ 33,270 Internal Rate of Return = 11.09%

8 Fix and Flip 4 Months Annual Return on Investment ROI = 33.27 % 6 Months Annual Return on Investment ROI = 20.51 %

9 Buy and Hold Purchase Price = $ 400,000 Down payment = $80,000 Loan Closing Cost = $8,000 Out of Pocket = $88,000

10 Buy and Hold Monthly Payment (PITI) = $1869 Monthly Rent = $2,000 Monthly Cash Flow = $ 131 Monthly Payment (PITI) = $1869 Monthly Rent = $2,000 Monthly Cash Flow = $ 131

11 Buy and Hold You spent $88,000 to get $1572 in Cash Flow Your ROI from Cash Flow was 1.79% { $1572 divided by $88,000 =.017863 } You spent $88,000 to get $1572 in Cash Flow Your ROI from Cash Flow was 1.79% { $1572 divided by $88,000 =.017863 }

12 Buy and Hold INTEREST DEDUCTION You spent $88,000 to get $5698.95 in deductions Your ROI from Interest Deduction was 6.48% INTEREST DEDUCTION You spent $88,000 to get $5698.95 in deductions Your ROI from Interest Deduction was 6.48%

13 Buy and Hold PRINCIPLE REDUCTION You spent $88,000 to get $5158 in loan pay off Your ROI from Principle Reduction was 5.86% PRINCIPLE REDUCTION You spent $88,000 to get $5158 in loan pay off Your ROI from Principle Reduction was 5.86%

14 Buy and Hold Asset Depreciation You spent $88,000 to get $3840 in paper losses Your ROI from Depreciation was 4.36% Asset Depreciation You spent $88,000 to get $3840 in paper losses Your ROI from Depreciation was 4.36%

15 Buy and Hold Asset Appreciation You spent $88,000 to get $16,000 in gain Your ROI from Appreciation was 18.18 % Asset Appreciation You spent $88,000 to get $16,000 in gain Your ROI from Appreciation was 18.18 %

16 Buy and Hold ROI from Cash Flow = 1.79% ROI from Interest Deduction = 6.48% ROI from Payment Reduction = 5.86% ROI from Asset Depreciation = 4.36% ROI from Appreciation = 18.18% Effective Total ROI = 36.67 % ROI from Cash Flow = 1.79% ROI from Interest Deduction = 6.48% ROI from Payment Reduction = 5.86% ROI from Asset Depreciation = 4.36% ROI from Appreciation = 18.18% Effective Total ROI = 36.67 %

17 HYBRIDs  Buy Ugly and Fix it up and then Move In save 100% of the capital gains tax (repeat every two years)  Buy Ugly – Fix and Hold for 1 year – Sale save up to 42% of the capital gains tax  Buy a multi unit complex and juice your returns with less head ache  Buy Ugly and Fix it up and then Move In save 100% of the capital gains tax (repeat every two years)  Buy Ugly – Fix and Hold for 1 year – Sale save up to 42% of the capital gains tax  Buy a multi unit complex and juice your returns with less head ache You can do 3 of these with the same cash as a typical flip for nearly 100% ROI

18 Free Consultation 916.225.7777 Team of 4 Agents and 1 Full Time Admin for proven high volume and hands on support for your project Top 2 % of local agents 83.1 % Referral and Past Client Repeat Business 77.5 % Investor Based My Listings outsell the competition by more than 14% on average

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