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Hertfordshire Disability Sports Hub. The Project Partners Involved Project History Project Need Project Aims Project Plan Project Sports Your Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Hertfordshire Disability Sports Hub. The Project Partners Involved Project History Project Need Project Aims Project Plan Project Sports Your Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hertfordshire Disability Sports Hub

2 The Project Partners Involved Project History Project Need Project Aims Project Plan Project Sports Your Opportunities

3 Partners Involved Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council – Project lead Gosling Sports Park & Finesse Leisure – Facility hosts Hertfordshire County Council – Participant leads Herts Sports Partnership – Project officer hosts University of Hertfordshire, Herts Coaches Association & Activate – Project funders

4 Project History East Regional Disability Tennis Hub Easy Riders Scheme Existing equipment and facilities Pilot project 5hrs of officer time for disability sport Coaching grants for disability sport Successful borough groups

5 Project Need In Hertfordshire: 21,000 adults have a learning difficulty 101,343 people have a hearing impairment 21,000 people have a visual impairment 7.9% of people have a work-limiting disability 68% of disabled community engage in no sport

6 Project Aim Increase the impact sport and physical activity has on addressing social, health and mental health outcomes of disabled people. Increase participation amongst people with disabilities aged 14+

7 Project Plan Officer resource Training & development Volunteer engagement Taster sessions Ongoing opportunities Club development Signposting Day Centre activity

8 Sports Definitely Included Tennis (Gosling) Badminton (Gosling) Indoor Cricket (Gosling) Trampoline (Gosling) Football 3G pitch (Gosling) Boccia/ New Age Curling (Gosling) Skiing (Gosling) Golf Driving Range (Gosling) Sailing (Stanborough) Cycling (Stanborough) Archery (Stanborough) Angling (Stanborough) bell boating (Stanborough) Kayaking/canoeing (Stanborough)

9 Your Opportunities Help co-ordinate, market and deliver coaching courses Help co-ordinate, market and deliver specialist disability coaching and awareness courses Help co-ordinate, market and deliver leadership courses Grow the number of sports clubs that can cater for and host disability sport Provide support to day care centres and special schools Disability sports hub for your sport Grow Sports Participation

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