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SIMCorBSIMCorB 1 Related Projects n ORD Bibliography n Environmental Information management System (EIMS) n Joint efforts with the Office of Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "SIMCorBSIMCorB 1 Related Projects n ORD Bibliography n Environmental Information management System (EIMS) n Joint efforts with the Office of Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMCorBSIMCorB 1 Related Projects n ORD Bibliography n Environmental Information management System (EIMS) n Joint efforts with the Office of Environmental Information ä EIMS-EDR Integration EIMS ä EIMS integration with Programmatic and Regional IM efforts Related Projects

2 2 ORD Bibliography Jeffrey Frithsen SIMCorB Meeting Las Vegas, NV February 22-24, 2000 SIMCorB Organization Policy Systems Outreach

3 SIMCorBSIMCorB 3 Project Summary n Select and integrate a consistent set of tools to assist ORD scientists with finding and managing bibliographic information n Provide access to ORD’s bibliographic database through EIMS n Work with technical information managers (TIMs) to develop approaches to “publish” recent ORD publications through multiple mechanisms, including EIMS Related Projects

4 SIMCorBSIMCorB 4 Expected Outcomes n Increase ORD desktop access to bibliographic resources n Improve interoperability of bibliographic search and management tools n Provide Internet access to inventory of ORD publications and link publications to related projects, models, and data n Provide direct access to more recent ORD publications (PDF, WordPerfect, other) Related Projects

5 SIMCorBSIMCorB 5 Bibliographic Tools Current Contents for finding recent literature Reference Manager for managing lists of references EIMS for managing enterprise literature DBs Related Projects

6 SIMCorBSIMCorB 6 Management Approach n Project Leads: ä Jeff Frithsen (NCEA), Carol Grove (NRMRL), Jonda Byrd (OEI) n Project Team: ä EIMS Development Team ä ORD Technical Information Managers n Contract Support: ä Initial funding $20K; Source NCEA ä Resource estimates for contract support –FY00: 1 FTEFY03: 0.5 FTE –FY01: 1 FTEFY04: 0.2 FTE –FY02: 0.5 FTE Related Projects

7 SIMCorBSIMCorB 7 Project Benefits n ORD publications database is made available to public and stakeholders ä Currently, publications database not available to Agency staff or public n Process instituted for capture of information about publications ä Procedures reflect established peer review and approval process ä Internet publication procedures integrated with document management procedures used by ORD TIMs Related Projects

8 SIMCorBSIMCorB 8 Resources and Schedule n Legacy database (1970-1990) ä Mapping of legacy database with EIMS started (February 2000) ä Loading of legacy database into EIMS planned (April 2000) ä Resources budgeted: $20K n Resources needed for mapping and loading current (1991-2000) database and for developing business process with TIMs Related Projects

9 9 Environmental Information Management System (EIMS) Jeffrey Frithsen SIMCorB Meeting Las Vegas, NV February 22-24, 2000 SIMCorB Organization Policy Systems Outreach

10 SIMCorBSIMCorB 10 Project Summary n Continued development of EIMS as the foundation for the ORD SIMS n Development of EIMS as the ORD metadata repository ä Enhance features of EIMS web application ä Expand content of EIMS inventory n Emphasis on adding partners and integrating with new and existing systems Related Projects

11 SIMCorBSIMCorB 11 Expected Outcomes n Provide comprehensive inventory of the projects, data, documents, and models created or used by ORD n Provide links between ORD data systems through development of a comprehensive data dictionary (data format wizard) n Through the delegation from OEI to ORD, develop EIMS as a part of the Agency’s overall approach to metadata management Related Projects

12 SIMCorBSIMCorB 12 Management & Resources n Project Lead: ä Jeff Frithsen (NCEA), Bob Shepanek (NERL), 0.5 FTE n Project Team: ä ORD Partner Representatives (Gary Robertson, NERL; Vasu Kilaru, NERL; Gary Collins, NERL; Janet Gamble, GCRP; Steve Hale, NHEERL) ä EIMS Development Team ä OEI n Total ORD Resources: ä Approximately: $875K Related Projects

13 SIMCorBSIMCorB 13 Project Successes n ORD Centers and Laboratories using EIMS as a metadata repository ä NCEA, NERL n ORD Programs and Projects using EIMS as a metadata repository ä Therdbase, ReVA, Global Change, UVNet n ORD Programs and Projects integrating with EIMS ä EMAP, ORD Publications DB Related Projects

14 SIMCorBSIMCorB 14 EIMS Architecture ReV A THERdbASE NCEA Global Change EMAP SURF Region 10 Public EPA Only Project Team Only Owner Only Partner Web Site Portals EIMS Web Site Portal EIMS Related Projects

15 SIMCorBSIMCorB 15 Product Maturation Availability POLICY Product Maturity Raw data needing verification/validation PI Team Only Validated data ready for use by project teams EPA Only Internally reviewed data Public Reviewed and released products

16 SIMCorBSIMCorB 16 EIMS Homepage Related Projects

17 SIMCorBSIMCorB 17 EIMS REQUESTS PER DAY 1998 1999 2000 Related Projects

18 SIMCorBSIMCorB 18 ReVA Homepage Related Projects

19 SIMCorBSIMCorB 19 Project Benefits n Improved access to ORD information, data, models and tools n Increased sharing of resources within ORD n Working with OEI, improved access to information from Program and Regional Offices n Reduction in IM costs to individual ORD programs Related Projects

20 20 EIMS - OEI - Regions and Programs Offices Bob Shepanek SIMCorB Meeting Las Vegas, NV February 22-24, 2000 SIMCorB Organization Policy Systems Outreach

21 SIMCorBSIMCorB 21 Project Summary n Expand Agency use of EIMS for “level 2” metadata n Modify EIMS to use EDR as data dictionary n Modify EDR to accommodate science data element descriptions n Other agency use of EIMS Related Projects

22 SIMCorBSIMCorB 22 Agency Metadata Strategy EIMS GILSEDR GILS - Global Information Locator System EDR - Environmental Data Registry EIMS - Environmental Information Management System Related Projects

23 SIMCorBSIMCorB 23 Expected Outcomes n Strengthen working relationship among ORD and other EPA offices ä Regions 10,2,5,9 ä OEI, OW n Strengthen relationship among EPA/ORD and other agencies ä EPA/DOE ä NBII, NSDI n ORD products out/other stakeholder products in! Related Projects

24 SIMCorBSIMCorB 24 Status n Delegation between ORD and OEI in place n OW, Region 10 using EIMS n Meetings with Regions 2,5 and 9 scheduled n EPA/DOE E-Print server operational in April 00 Related Projects

25 SIMCorBSIMCorB 25 Management and Resources n Project Lead: Bob Shepanek, Jeff Frithsen, (NCEA),.4 FTE, OEI, TBD n Project Team:OEI, EIMS Development Team n ORD Resources: 1.5 FTE n OEI Resources:2.0 FTE n Contract Resources: ä FY001.0 FTEFY031.0 FTE ä FY012.0 FTEFY040.5 FTE ä FY022.0 FTE Related Projects

26 SIMCorBSIMCorB 26 Project Benefits n Facilitated discovery, access and use of ORD data, information and tools for external stakeholders n Facilitated discovery, access and use of data, information and tools of external stakeholders by ORD Related Projects

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