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Published bySheena Johnson Modified over 9 years ago
Executive Summary Our last increase in membership was in 1980, approximately 34 years ago. The combination of the drastic decline (by 50%) in initiated members along with the enormous 65,000 average of annual non-pays is creating an annual average loss of 25,000. When we were growing in the late 1970’s through 1980, we initiated more than 100,000 new members every year. Our annual non-pays average was 75,000. While we were growing membership, the enormous average of annual non-pays was less of a concern than today. Reducing non-pays is our top priority.
We have assembled notes on lodges that were successful in terms of growing membership for ten consecutive years, each bucking the national membership trends. They displayed many consistencies. Most notably embraced modern communication strategies and a strong presence in their communities. They are all passionate recruiters and provide a family friendly environment. All were active Elks Lodges with a bar….not active bars with an Elks Lodge. All displayed a good understanding of the Order’s programs/opportunities and how that translates back to the community they serve.
Current State We initiate or reinstate approximately 60,000 new members a year. However, with 60,000 annual non-pays, 9,000 annual absolute dimits, and 16,000 annual deaths, we lose more than 85,000 members each year. We have an annual deficit of approximately 25,000 each year. Simply, we need to increase our annual new member initiated and reinstatement totals to above 70,000. We need to reduce non-pays and absolute dimits to fewer than 50,000 annually. These are realistic and attainable goals. This requires a promotional plan which will help us increase our new initiated members with a focus on adding quality more than quantity. We want to add “active Elks”, not just short-term card carrying members.
Objectives: Increase new initiated members by 10,000 through two national campaigns. Drive enthusiasm and results with a low- cost, highly visible recognition program. Focus on adding quality more than quantity. We want to add active ‘Elks”, not just short- term card carrying members. Reduce non-pays and absolute dimits by 20,000. Focus on payment solutions and inspired collection campaigns.
MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM & PLANNING MANUAL Get the Membership Manual out of the Lodge Secretary's Office. Print or Order additional copies based on the size of your Membership (one Manual per every 100 Members). More on this. Read it Cover to Cover (It’s the most important 10 minutes you may spend this year). Keep this Manual with you and refer to it often.
It Takes an Army to Win a WAR Do you have the correct size Committee to get the job done? 1.Exalted Ruler 2.Lodge Secretary 3.Leading Knight 4.Membership Chairperson 5.Add at least one additional committee person per 100 members in your lodge. 200 Member Lodge- add 2 500 Member Lodge- add 5 1000 Member Lodge- add 10
Lapsation Review duties and timelines with your committee. Know your numbers. Dig a little deeper so you know more about members on the delinquent list. Use your best judgment with Members in distress.
Legacy Recruitment Drive Contest to recruit Members’ spouses, children, grandchildren, etc. Web/Recognition: Members initiating or reinstating one family member into the Order will receive mention on the new “Share the Pride” page on the Elks website (similar to the ENF donation recognition). Members initiating or reinstating two or more family members into the Order will receive mention and photo recognition (post initiation) on the new “Share the Pride” page on the Elks website (similar to the ENF donation recognition).
GER PIN AND WATCH Recognition: Members initiating or reinstating three members into the Order will receive the prestigious GER pin award. Members initiating or reinstating eleven or more members into the Order will receive the prestigious and attractive Elks watch (male or female sizes available.)
Reinstatements-Our Low Hanging Fruit We have more than 10,000 reinstatements a year. Review sample reinstatement letter from Manual. Ask the Lodge Secretary to run you a list of all the formers that were dropped for non-pay over the past three to five years. Former Members have misperceptions on the costs and process to reinstate. It’s easy to come back home to the Elks…show them how and many will.
So you want to be reinstated? It is really quite simple to reinstate your membership in the Elks Reinstate in your same lodge: Go back to your old Lodge and ask the Secretary for an Application for Reinstatement. Fill out the form. Pay the prescribed fee of $____ and this years dues of $___. Your application will be forwarded to the Investigating Committee, who will contact you for an interview. After the interview, the committee will make their recommendation to the members at a regular meeting. After the Lodge vote, you will be notified by the Secretary. You will be required to pay a prorated portion of annual Lodge dues. Then you will be issued your membership card.
So you moved and want to be reinstated in another Lodge? Reinstate in a new lodge: Should you wish to reinstate your membership in Elkdom with a Lodge other than the one in which you were initiated, you must reside in the jurisdiction of that Lodge. Before you reinstate you have to obtain a Certificate of Release from your old Lodge. Write a check payable to the old Lodge in the amount of $25 and ask the Lodge Secretary to forward a Certificate of Release. When you receive your Certificate of Release present it to the Secretary of the Lodge you want to reinstate your membership with. Then you would go through the steps previously described. If a Lodge has no proof of prior membership, the burden of proof falls on you. Proof of prior membership can be: An old membership card A canceled check An affidavit signed by two members attesting to prior membership (which must be notarized) If you cannot provide proof of prior membership, it will be necessary to apply for membership as a new member
SPECIAL REINSTATEMENT FEE Section 14.180 Lodges may, BY BY-LAWS establish a sixty (60) day consecutive period or a two (2) consecutive month period during the Lodge year in which any reinstatement fee otherwise required by this section is reduced to one (1) dollar except the months of February, March, April and May. In order to take advantage of this a Lodge must amend their By-Laws to include this special reinstatement period.
Delivering the Membership Experience through the Lodge Secretary By mailbox, inbox or mobile device, your annual renewals must connect with your members. We help you maximize the opportunity to create an experience with your members along all communication lines and build a more solid relationship. From traditional print and mail invoices to electronic invoice presentment and payment solutions to inspired collections campaigns.
We have a Collection Problem! We all know getting members to pay dues in a timely manner can be a gruesome task. In fact, nearly 40% of our membership does not pay their dues by the first week in April. More than 30% of our members will be more than 90 days past due. More than 15% of our members will be more than 180 days past due. We know that more than 6% of our membership will not pay at all. We dropped more than 60,000 Elks on March 31, 2014 for non-payment of dues. Nationally we lost more than $4.5 million dollars in uncollected dues revenue. Yes we have a BIG collection problem
Top Tips to make ‘em pay! 1.Let your members pay – in any way possible and as quickly as possible. Online, mobile, snail mail, or in person. At the end of the day, you need to provide your members with a quick and easy way to pay you in a method they prefer. Let the member click one link to pay you online via credit card. Don’t make paying a chore. Period. 2.If it doesn’t look professional, you’re not a professional. Make the dues invoice look nice and branded to your lodge. While still remembering its primary purpose. 3.Everybody could use a reminder. Make sure all dues invoices are on a healthy 30 day cycle. Bill every month starting on May 1 st.
Top Tips to make ‘em pay! 4.Watch your tone with collection letters and calls. Don’t get all “official” just because this is a late invoice and you’re talking about money. Remember that you have formed a fraternal and social relationship that’s supposed to be mutually beneficial. Be personable, humble and friendly. 5.It’s time to get over it find a solution in your collection letters and calls that takes the edge off things like understanding that times are hard, or understanding that many (not just seniors) are on fixed incomes. The sluggish economy has made an impact. 6.It’s my Life (membership) this should be reviewed annually by the Lodge Secretary to see who is eligible well before the close of the fraternal year. In general people are living much longer…well into their 80’s. However many are not financially prepared to maintain their membership.
The Secretary Bill all delinquents monthly Use personal notes on late notices Cooperate with the Exalted Ruler and Membership Committee with up-to-date figures. Secretary is a paid Officer of the Lodge, who is largely responsible for dues collection. Monitor the monthly duties and schedule. Verify the Secretary’s Membership work is getting done.
Revamp Dues Invoices Make me Proud to be a Member Make it Easy for me to understand Make it Convenient for me to pay Make it Easy for me to donate online Allow me to be Active from anywhere
First Step: A Gentle Reminder Letter The first step in successful collection letters is to send a gentle reminder. Rather than a simple "past due" notice, the first set of debt collection letters you send should be a personal letter addressing your member in pleasant terms. If the letter is worded as a reminder, it gives the member a chance to maintain their self- image. Be business-like and include the date of the first invoice, the amount and when the first payment was due. Your first and second collection letters are positive and helpful, the third collection letter may show concern for their situation, and so it builds. In today's electronic age, handling your entire invoicing and collection letter process by email is simple and quick. However, it also can result in your correspondence being buried in an overstuffed inbox and given low priority. Therefore, use additional means of sending out your collection letter correspondence including faxes, phone calls, and regular mail.
1 st Collection Contact – Post-it note or “gentle reminder” letter with 2 nd dues invoice Hi_____(hand write first name): Just a gentle reminder. We have not received your annual dues payment of $_____, which was due on April 1 st, 2014. Please send it to us right away in the enclosed envelope. You can also go online to our lodge website and pay with a major credit/debit card right away at It’s fast and convenient and just takes a minute or two Please feel free to give me a call_________or email________with any questions or concerns. Stay well and we hope to see you soon down at the lodge. Fraternally, Rick Gathen PSP Lodge Secretary
2 nd Collection Contact – Post-it note or letter with “gentle reminder” with 3 rd dues invoice Hi_____(hand write first name): Have you forgotten to send us your annual dues payment? The amount of $_____was due on April 1st, 2014. If you have not already mailed it to us, please do so today in the enclosed envelope. You can also go online to our lodge website and pay with a major credit/debit card right away at It’s fast and convenient and just takes a minute or Please feel free to give me a call at_______or email________with any questions or concerns. Stay well and we hope to see you soon down at the lodge. Fraternally, Rick Gathen PSP Lodge Secretary Uh Oh! Did you forget?
3 rd Collection Contact letter – “not so gentle” typed reminder with 4 th dues invoice Dear ____: I have written to you three times without any answer concerning your annual dues of $_____ which was due on April 1 st, 2014. We have also tried to contact you by phone, but again without success. I am surprised I have not heard from you since you have been a good and reliable member for _____years. If there is a health or financial hardship please give me a call at_______or email________ explaining your unfortunate situation so I can work with you. Remember….You can go online to our lodge website and pay with a major credit/debit card right away at That’s fast and convenient and just takes a minute or two. Fraternally, Rick Gathen PSP Lodge Secretary
INTEGRATING CLMS AND LAPSATION PROCESS APRIL: Submit Annual Report Utilizing the Mail Merge Features to send the following letter: Mail April 1st to members dropped on March 31st 2 ND Dues Notice should be mailed/emailed to all 2014-2015 delinquents MAY: Utilizing the Mail Merge Features to send the following letter: Mail May 1st to members not reinstated Mail May 1st to all 2014-2015 delinquents (1 st gentle reminder letter) JUNE: Mail 2 nd Gentle Reminder letter to all delinquents
JULY: Mail 3 rd Gentle Reminder Letter to all delinquents AUGUST: 3 rd Dues Notice should be mailed/emailed to all 2014–2015 delinquents SEPTEMBER: Utilizing the Mail Merge Features to send the following letter: Optional Lapsation Letter OCTOBER: Utilizing the Mail Merge feature to send a letter from the Exalted Ruler to all delinquents NOVEMBER: Utilizing the Mail Merge Features to send the following: Lapsation Questionnaire Submit November Mid-Year Report
JANUARY: 4 th Dues Notice Mailed/Emailed to all 2014 – 2015 Delinquents FEBRUARY: First Dues Notice for 2015 – 2016 Year Utilizing the Mail Merge Feature to send the following: Mail on Feb 1st Owe More than Half – Lapsation Comm. Mail by end of February Final Notice Mail before End of Elk Year MARCH: Review delinquent list and evaluate who may need assistance Drop Delinquents by March 31
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Share Your Lodge Impact You've likely heard it time and time again, but it bears repeating; you need to routinely share where your Lodge has made an impact. Not only does this help recruit new members, it also allows Lodges to retain the support of current members. Regardless of whether people support the Lodge by donating or volunteering time, they'll likely want to know they're contributing to making the community and nation a better place. It's your job to make sure they're able to see the impact they're having through their involvement with your Lodge.
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Increase New Members When deciding whether or not to join the Elks and volunteer, many people want to get a feel for the impact they'll be having. Effectively helping them visualize this impact through advanced Public Relations programs can boost your recruiting efforts.
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Increase Membership Retention Even after candidates have joined your Lodge, they likely want to know what impact their work had. Studies have shown that members are more likely to stop supporting the local Lodge and leave the Order if they're unsure if the Lodge was making an impact in the community. Sharing the fruits of their labor through Public Relations can improve the chance they'll volunteer more and remain members.
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Increased Name Recognition No one is capable of supporting a cause or event they don't know exists. Beyond simply getting your Lodge name out there, people are far more likely to support an organization they trust. While such trust is developed over time through repeated positive exposure, it starts with simple awareness of your Lodge existence and mission. Of course not everyone you touch will ultimately become an active participant. But the more people you're able to reach in some way, the greater likelihood you'll reach people who are interested in participating.
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Maintain Relationships With Current Members It can be tough to find volunteers who are dedicated to helping your cause through donating or working with your Lodge. But once you've managed to find such people and make them members of the Order, maintaining these relationships should be of prime importance. Cultivating long-term relationships with members who have demonstrated their willingness to support your Lodge should be mutually beneficial.
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Connect With New Members No matter how good you are at retention, you'll need to recruit new members. A person will likely be more receptive to joining your Lodge if your message comes with an endorsement from someone they value. Public Relations provides a huge opportunity for such peer recommendations to help spread your communications to prospective new members. And since your members are the ones sharing your message with their friends and family, those friends and family will be more likely to actually listen to what you have to say and join your Lodge.
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Increase Overall Fundraising More new members coupled with better membership retention should help lead to better fundraising as a whole.
Share the Pride of Elkdom! Pictures Speak 1,000 Words When you complete a community or committee project, It’s essential for our members to see their impact with photos. Replace the typical long-winded article with photos.
Establish Your Authority on a Topic People are more likely to support an Elks Lodge that consists of knowledgeable Officers and committee chair people. Public Relations success stories gives your Lodge even more credibility and exposure. Share the Pride of Elkdom!
Why Your Lodge should Publish To increase awareness about your Lodge or add money to its coffers, a newsletter, website and members-only social media page are essential. The reasons that Lodges should publish a newsletter, website, and members-only social media page are many. Whether small or large, it is important that your Lodge communicate effectively with members, foundations, donors, legislators, media, and the general public. Start by determining the primary purpose you'd like the publication to serve, and go from there. Some of the ways that newsletters, websites and members-only social media pages can help Lodges are described below.
Why Your Lodge should Publish Boosting Contributions Often, the best future contributors to a Lodge are the people who have donated in the past. Recognizing this, many Lodges publish a newsletter, website, and members-only social media page just for their donors and volunteers. These important vehicles focus on communicating the work the organization is doing for an important cause and highlight why that work is important. Such communication vehicles are often filled with appeals for additional support and photographs of the people who benefit from it. It's also common practice to profile and praise volunteers so that other people are inspired to sign up for some volunteer time.
Why Your Lodge should Publish Creating a Sense of Community Some people are compelled to join the Elks because they crave a connection to people with whom they work or live. In addition to making new members feel welcome, successful Lodges use their newsletter, website, and members-only social media page to remind existing members how they benefit from belonging to the Elks and encourage them to remain involved.
LODGE BULLETIN-MEMBER OPTION Section 1.115 You must offer your members a choice to receive the lodge bulletin electronically or by postal mail. You can’t force them to accept the electronic version as the only option by Statutes (below). “Except as otherwise directed by Executive Order, any notice required to be sent or mailed to all Members of a Lodge may be included in the Lodge Bulletin or sent electronically to any Member who has given written authorization to receives notices electronically”.
Social Media, Membership and Public Relations are Cousins
Have A Reason There's a good chance at some point someone has told your Lodge you need to be utilizing social media. They're right-there's huge potential to leverage social media to help your Lodge fulfill its mission. But the use of social media is not an end in itself. Far too many Lodges are rushing into using social media without a reason to do so. Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you should be too.
Spread the Word Messages sent through social media channels have the uncanny ability to spread like wildfire. Empower your influential members to promote your Lodge by distributing your messages. Communicate Social media facilitates two-way communication, some real time, that enables you to engage in conversations directly with your members. It makes your Lodge seem more accessible and personal allowing members to be active and engaged from anywhere. Bringing Elkdom closer to peoples' hearts and minds is good Public Relations.
Social Media Statistics
One in every nine people on Earth is on Facebook ( This number is calculated by dividing the planets 6.94 billion people by Facebook’s 750 million users) People spend 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook Each Facebook user spends on average 15 hours and 33 minutes a month on the site More than 250 million people access Facebook through their mobile devices More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook 30 billion pieces of content is shared on Facebook each month 300,000 users helped translate Facebook into 70 languages People on Facebook install 20 million “Apps” every day 190 million average Tweets per day occur on Twitter (May 2011) Twitter is handling 1.6 billion queries per day Twitter is adding nearly 500,000 users a day Social Media Statistics
Measuring Organizational Impact The key questions to ask yourself when beginning your use of members-only social media is: What outcomes will serve as indicators that you're using social media effectively? These outcomes should be metrics you're already tracking, like: Number of new and repeat volunteers Total number of volunteer hours Overall fundraising Number of new and repeat donors Number of new and repeat meeting attendees Number of new and repeat event attendees Increase membership If social media is to truly serve your Lodge, it needs to have a tangible impact on your organization's ability to serve your community. It's up to you to figure out what impact makes the most sense as a starting point for your organization.
Do’s & Don'ts Do be clear about your objectives. Do accept only Members as “Friends”. Do set privacy controls. Do know when to ask for help. Do focus on using social media to encourage attendance at lodge social events. Do post photos of committees performing charitable work. Don’t dive in head first. Social media beginners should focus on a few things and do them well. Don’t accept non-Members as friends. Don’t post photos of members drinking or smoking. Don’t post photos that may be “harmful” to the Elks image and reputation. Don’t post names of children. Don’t post Lodge business that would be in violation of your Obligation.
Lodge Website- Your Portal to the World Promote Being active and posting fresh content can help drive traffic to your Lodge website and help you promote and position your various programs and committees. Raise Support Drive members to specific pages on your lodge website where you need support the most with links to your online donation or volunteer sign-up pages.
Suggested Must Haves (or jobs): Who We Are What We Do Why Join How to Join How to Reinstate How to donate online Who is in charge What is happening at the Lodge Make me Proud to be a Member List all community projects and donations your Lodge has supported Keep the site fresh and relevant
Suggested Not Haves: Don’t post Lodge Official business. This may be considered a violation of your Obligation. Don’t post photos of Members/guests drinking or smoking. Don’t post photos that may be considered “harmful” to the Elks image and reputation. Don’t post names of children. You may be putting them at risk from online predators. Do not use tiny fonts. Do not require a registration unless it is necessary. Do not play music.
Suggested Not Haves: Avoid “drop down” menus: the user should be able to see all the navigation options straight a-way. Using “drop down” menus might confuse things and hide the information the reader was actually looking for. Use a simple navigation structure. Sometimes less is more. This rule usually applies to people and choices. Make sure that your website has a single, clear navigation structure. The last thing you want is to confuse the reader regarding where he should go to find the information he is looking for. Do not use harsh colors. If the user is getting a headache after visiting your site for 10 consecutive minutes, you probably should pick a better color scheme. Design the color palette around your objectives (i.e. deliver a mood; let the user focus on the content, etc.). No spelling or grammatical mistakes. This is not a web design mistake, but it is one of the most important factors affecting the overall quality of a website. Make sure that your links and texts do not contain spelling or grammatical mistakes.
Membership Growth Lodges that are growing membership have a strong presence in their communities. Each have from one to four community service projects which are well publicized. The Lodges are well known for these community projects. All have successful Legacy recruitment drives. Member’s spouses, children and grand children are joining. Making the Elks a true “American family tradition”
Examples From Growing Lodges Red Lion PA #1592 Hickory NC #1654 Potsdam NY #2074 Falmouth MA #2380 Lake Hopatcong NJ #782
Get Out in the Community Falmouth MA #2380 is well known in the community for their scholarship night, Dictionary program, and bicycle helmet giveaway program. Potsdam NY #2074 is well known in the community for placing American Flags throughout the area, and providing “bounce around” for young children/families to enjoy from 8 am to 8 pm, strong youth activity programs, and they partner with other local organizations to benefit the community. Hickory NC #1654 is well known in the community for their projects to assist the homeless. Lake Hopatcong NJ #782 is well known in the community for their Leap in the Lake for Special needs children and the largest Christmas Appeal program in the county.
Ideas That Will Work For Your Lodge Red Lion PA #1592 have a member appreciation day in April. All members are free. The Lodge gets about 200 members to attend. The members are encouraged to bring a guest. The Lodge received more than a dozen applications for membership, more than 40 dues renewal payments, and nearly a dozen reinstatements. Soon after they initiated 29 new members. With the reinstatements added 41 members to their rolls. A great event. Falmouth MA #2380 encourage members to bring guests every month. All guests are well received and receive a Lodge pin, making them feel welcome. All Officers wear “Ask Me” buttons encouraging questions. All guests are made to feel welcome and ask to join. MEMBER APPRECIATION APPRECIATION DAY DAY
Recruiting in the Community What We do and How to Join All community events should include a strong Public Relations and Membership presence. Set up a table with handouts. Think of an airplane. Public Relations and Membership are wings that allow the plane to take flight. Earn a good reputation as a premier chartable organization in your community. Provide a family friendly and member friendly environment. DARE TO SOAR
ON THE HORIZON The new indoctrination CD. The emphasis will be on lodge committees and how joining lodge committees is exciting. It will be much more effective in terms of making our lodges stronger….and enhance membership retention.
ON THE HORIZON Membership/Public Relations webinars Topics will include: Best membership practices around the nation. Public Relations tips to promote upcoming venues with Elks annual calendar. Advice and examples on how to best tie in and leverage all your communication assets. Lodge bulletin, email blasts, lodge website and members-only social media page. The coordination and proper use of Elks logos and marks. How to maximize all of the communication muscle that a Lodge/state has in its arsenal. How to communicate with one voice.
ON THE HORIZON We will be adding a Membership/Public Relations page to the Grand Lodge website in the near future. Items will include recommended press releases and other valuable tips…and show case some of the best practices around the nation.
ON THE HORIZON We will be opening the lines of communication to the lodges/states inviting questions, and sharing accomplishments to my email.
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