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Vienna, 24 April 20151 SOCIEUX Social Protection EU Expertise in Development Cooperation EuropeAid’s expert facility supporting social protection systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Vienna, 24 April 20151 SOCIEUX Social Protection EU Expertise in Development Cooperation EuropeAid’s expert facility supporting social protection systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vienna, 24 April 20151 SOCIEUX Social Protection EU Expertise in Development Cooperation EuropeAid’s expert facility supporting social protection systems in partner countries

2 Vienna, 24 April 20152 WHAT IS SOCIEUX? Technical Assistance facility Supports Partner Countries to better design and manage Social Protection systems Demand-driven, actions to be fine-tuned to the Partner Country’s needs Simple, quick and flexible support Short-term peer-to-peer assistance, 2 weeks (one action up to 6 activities) Experts drawn from public administrations primarily from the EU Member States. Focus on South/South / Triangle Cooperation.

3 Vienna, 24 April 20153 SOCIEUX: ESTABLISHED BY EUROPE/AID DG FOR DEVELOPMENT & COOPERATION, WHY? 1st instrument to implement the Communication on SP in EU Dev. Cooperation (Aug 2012) – and subsequent Council Conclusions. Flagship initiative that confirms the EU commitment to the development of inclusive, nationally owned SP systems in Partner Countries. The peer-to-peer approach constitutes an added value to traditional TA programmes and allows to share the long European experience on social protection.

4 Vienna, 24 April 20154 ONCE MORE: WHY? EC-Report: “Communication on Social Protection in EU Development Cooperation” 20.08.2012 COM (2012) 446 final Only 11 pages!

5 Vienna, 24 April 20155 Established and under EuropeAid Consortium: – GVG (GE), managing member – ADECRI (FR) – GIZ (GE) – FIIAPP (ES) Programme team established in Brussels. STRUCTURE OF SOCIEUX

6 Vienna, 24 April 20156 SOCIEUX AS A BRAND Starting in 2013/2014, three year programme SOCIEUX now works on Over 25 Social Protection programmes in Partner Countries all over the world In the sphere of Social Insurance, Social Assistance and Access to basic social services.

7 South America Caribbean North America EuropeAsia Africa Australia ENPI South ENPI East 9 18 4 2 Middle East 3 4 Pacific 0 0 Vienna, 24 April 20157 40 REQUESTS RECEIVED FROM 2014, OF WHICH 9 REJECTED

8 8 FIVE AREAS OF SOCIAL PROTECTION ASSISTANCE 1.Social insurance 2.Social assistance 3.Access to basic social services 4.Financing of social protection systems 5.M&E systems, statistics and registration systems. Vienna, 24 April 2015

9 9 EXAMPLES OF TYPES OF INTERVENTIONS: CORE PROCESS Policy and strategy: Training to set up a Strategic Plan, Manual and documentation, worksheets, forms and methodologies. Legislation and regulatory framework: Reviewing and drafting of legislation to identity gaps and future steps and possibilities for extension of SP-coverage. Financial resources system: Seminar on how to develop and implement a financial reporting mechanism, including a MIS- system. M&E, Audit, incl. Budget and Quality management measure system: Workshop on developing and implementing a financial monitoring & reporting mechanism.

10 Vienna, 24 April 201510 EXAMPLES OF TYPES OF INTERVENTIONS: HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS Administrative organisation and management: Analysis and elaboration of recommendations for the organisational (re)structuring of an operational scheme. Operational Financial Management System: Workshop to identify and implement measures to secure financial sustainability of schemes. Management and development of HR: Training and coaching/specific training on the spot to design and implement a HRM-policy, including recruitment and incentives policy, staff, training and job descriptions. Internal & external communication: Training in developing and implementing an effective external communication plan and channels (leaflets, updated websites, broadcasting radio).

11 11 HOW DOES SOCIEUX WORK From request to approval + M&E in 4 steps: 1.Request made by Partner Country: simple form. Working on AAF (in 3 weeks planned) 2.Approval Process EuropeAid (in 2 weeks planned); start expert search 3.Preparation/Implementation Process: briefing content, finance/contracting, travel, insurance, visa (in 7 weeks planned) 4.M&E: Mission Report, Questionnaires: any follow up? Vienna, 24 April 2015

12 12 ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES; WHO CAN BENEFIT? European Neighbourhood Countries Latin America, Asia (including Central Asia) and the Middle East African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries. Vienna, 24 April 2015

13 13 SOCIEUX’S ADDED VALUE FOR EU-MSs Actions will possibly contribute to strengthening relations and cooperation between the PCs and EU MSs countries. Actions are in line with and complement national supportive initiatives. Mutual learning process (peer-to-peer). Networking.

14 Vienna, 24 April 201514 SOCIEUX’S ADDED VALUE FOR EXPERTS Learning and gaining international experience, under a safe SOCIEUX-umbrella. Improve skills in training delivery and feedback under different and sometimes difficult circumstances. First-hand experience of social protection systems. Incentive for staff, or a test of skills. New ideas and input from different cultures and perspectives, inspiration to look “outside-inside”.

15 Overview Vienna, 24 April 2015 15 EU MSs EXPERTS, WHERE FROM?


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