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Addressing a Context Prompt Style 2 – Persuasive.

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1 Addressing a Context Prompt Style 2 – Persuasive

2 Persuasive O Implies that you are arguing in a persuasive manner O Utilises persuasive language features O Rhetorical questions, exaggeration O Emotive, inclusive and loaded language O Statistics, expert opinion, generalisations etc O Generally follows the following forms: O Speech O Opinion piece O Editorial O Like in expository/discursive style, requires a heading/headline and helps if you’ve created a persona O Eg – For a letter to the editor, you’re a middle aged Asian resident of a street which is experiencing gang violence O Eg – For a speech, you’re a year 12 school captain addressing your classmates during International week

3 Persuasive Introduction O Depending on the form you take, but usually: O Sentence 1 O State the focus of written piece, reword the prompt O Sentence 2 O Develop sentence summarising some arguments for prompt statement (sentence 1) O Sentence 3 O Develop sentence summarising some arguments against prompt statement O Sentence 4 O Write your contention

4 Sample Persuasive Introduction Sample prompt: Prejudice says more about the perpetrator than the victim (Form chosen – editorial/speech) S1Prejudice is a difficult topic to tackle because more often than not, no one wants to admit it’s happening; the victim because they are embarrassed – to say the least – and the perpetrator because they don’t want people to make assumptions about them. S2On the one hand, studies often show that reliving experiences of prejudice can take a toll on those involved. S3On the other hand, why should prejudice be a difficult topic to tackle? We assume as a society that we are all logical people with more than a shred of common sense, and the effects of experiencing prejudice are very clear to us all, so why avoid it? S4Clearly, it is not the victims that should worry about society’s squeamishness in facing prejudice, it is the perpetrators, because prejudice says more about them than anyone; none of it good.

5 Activity – Write Your Own Sample prompt: Prejudice says more about the perpetrator than the victim S1 S2 S3 S4

6 Persuasive Body Paragraphs - Write Your Own Sample prompt: Prejudice says more about the perpetrator than the victim OrderIdeaSupporting PointsConcluding Sentence

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