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1 Mrs. Cordiak Kyrene del Cielo 2015-2016. Who is Mrs. Cordiak??? Grew up in Rhode Island and Ohio Graduated from Bowling Green State University and got.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Mrs. Cordiak Kyrene del Cielo 2015-2016. Who is Mrs. Cordiak??? Grew up in Rhode Island and Ohio Graduated from Bowling Green State University and got."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Mrs. Cordiak Kyrene del Cielo 2015-2016

2 Who is Mrs. Cordiak??? Grew up in Rhode Island and Ohio Graduated from Bowling Green State University and got my Masters’ Degree from ASU Married with 3 children (Nathan, “Senior” at ASU; Tanner, attending Chandler Gilbert Community College, and Abbie sophomore at Corona. Taught 3 rd grade for 14 years in Mesa, then stayed home to raise my children. This is my 6 th year teaching 3 rd grade at Cielo. Love teaching! 2

3 3 Teaching Philosophy  All students progress  All students have strengths to build upon  Partnership  Learning should be fun

4 Key Teaching Strategies  Individual goals when appropriate  Flexible groupings  Find what works  Making changes to meet the needs of the group/individual 4

5 5 Third Grade Arizona College and Career Ready Standards Language Arts Reading Writing Listening/ Speaking Language

6 6  read a variety of genres for literary appreciation and content understanding, including non-fiction, fiction, poetry, folktales, fables and myths  comprehend as well as critique  value evidence  increase understanding of phonics, vocabulary, and conventions of language  come to understand other perspectives and cultures  use technology and digital media to communicate Reading- Students who are college and career ready will…..

7 7 Reading Whole /Small Group Guided Reading Independent Reading Variety of reading materials We will use non-fiction, fiction, poetry, folktales, and fables

8 8 Third Grade Curriculum Children will use the writing process write in a variety of genres for different purposes and audiences –Opinion, narratives, informative/expository use sources and references for informational writing Writing

9 What is Move on When Reading? Arizona State statute requires screening of the reading ability of all students in kindergarten through third grade. The law, (A.R.S. 15-701) passed in 2010, states that when a third grade student scores far below the third grade level on AzMerit, they will not be promoted to fourth grade. Requires additional instruction or retention for students who are not meeting minimum requirements by the end of third grade. Exempt students include: –ELL or LEP students who have received less than two years of English Instruction. –Students with an IEP in Reading or Language and the student’s parent or guardian agrees that promotion is appropriate.

10 What is the identification process and timeline? –All students are screened using DIBELS by the end of August. Parents of students identified for intervention are contacted by their child’s teacher prior to Fall Parent- Teacher conferences. –A parent-teacher conference is requested by the school to create an intervention plan. Mid-year progress –Students reading progress is closely monitored and check-in points are identified. Interventions are updated as needed. End of Year –Notification of 3 rd grade promotion or retention occurs upon receiving results of AzMerit.

11 11 Writing

12 Major Writing Goals Adding supporting details Using rich language Be able to write a solid paragraph, and then move into multiple paragraphs. Editing and Revising 12

13 13 Spelling Program  Harcourt Trophies Spelling Program  Classroom pre-test on Monday  Challenge Spelling words not part of grade…earn Cordiak Cash.  Test every Friday.

14 14 follow and give directions recount personal information, knowledge give opinion and critique information listen and respond orally participate in group discussions prepare and deliver information for variety of speaking purposes Listening/Speaking

15 15 Third Grade Curriculum and Common Core Standards Operations and Algebraic Thinking – Number and Operations in Base Ten - Adding and subtracting with regrouping, Number and Operations--Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry Mathematical Practices Math

16 Did I mention… the importance of your child FLUENTLY knowing his or her multiplication facts? Practice, practice, practice at home please!

17 17 Example: Key “Operations and Algebraic Thinking” Learning Goals Multiplication and division, properties of multiplication, and the relationship between multiplication and division. Multiply and divide fluently within 100. Solve problems using the four operations and explain patterns.

18 Example: Key “Measurement and Data” Learning Goals Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. Represent and interpret data. Understand area and perimeter 18

19 Example: Several “Mathematical Practices” Learning Goals Make sense of problems and solve them. Attend to Precision. Construct arguments and critique reasoning of others. 19

20 20 Third Grade Curriculum Develop essential technology skills Perform basic computer operations Develop keyboarding skills Create documents with software applications Use technology to demonstrate learning in other content areas Use technology resources Technology

21 21 Science Units Rocks Erosion And Weathering Ecology Plants Light and Sound

22 22 Social Studies Exploration of North America: Explorers American historical figures Civil War Greece and Rome Government Map skills

23 23 Purpose of Homework practice skills demonstrate responsibility develop study habits share learning with family

24 Homework Expectations  Kyrene guidelines for third grade- 3 nights 20-40 minutes.  Student should complete homework  Parents should check homework 24

25 Homework Schedule Monday-Thursday: Read for 20 minutes every night. Child should fill out Reading Log, due Fridays! Assigned 1-3 tasks from homework study list, and #’s written in Weekly Planner. Worksheets assigned are due the next day. Parent signs each week that tasks were completed and reading was done with a good attitude and no whining!  One book report per quarter assigned.  There could be some other long term projects. 25

26 Weekly Planners Behavior Chart (clip chart) for the week is marked here. Weekly Behavior Report will be filled out each Friday by student, and I will initial and make any changes I deem appropriate. Please sign behavior report and take time to discuss how they marked their behavior. Graded papers come home on Monday from prior week. 26

27 Behavior Management/PBIS Students receive a Firebird ticket when they are caught doing the right thing! Clip chart is a classroom management system that promotes and encourages positive behavior. 27 Whoooo is showing Firebird Pride????

28 28 PBIS continued Firebird Café Students earn Firebird tickets. They are entered into a monthly drawing, 2 are drawn per month. Usually a guest speaker, and lunch with Ms. Nicks. **New fun! Students collect 10 Firebird Pride tickets and they earn a special “fun” activity!

29 Odds and Ends Rewards: - Cordiak Cash – Saving for their “Businesses” – Fun Friday! (study hall) -Apple punch cards…trip to treasure box when filled. (Donations for treasure box greatly appreciated!) 29

30 30 Odds and Ends Book Clubs great selection, great price On-line ordering – no checks accepted Birthdays No treats, please. Child will receive a certificate and a bracelett, and we’ll sing “Happy Birthday.”

31 31 Odds and Ends Monday- PE* Tuesday- Music Wednesday – Buddies & Library Thursday- Computer Lab Friday- Art *please help your child remember to wear tennis shoes. Specials:

32 32 Odds and Ends Snacks Children bring daily snack…healthy snacks only! Water bottles are encouraged! Accepting class donations. Donation Requests: * 6” Styrofoam balls (will need 13 total) *Model Magic clay Terra Cotta color. *2 liter soda bottles washed out (please save until I ask for them!

33 33 Questions If you have a specific question about your child, use the index card to leave me a note. I am always available by email.

34 6 x 1 = 6 6 x 6 = 36 6 x 2 = 12 6 x 7 = 42 6 x 3 = 18 6 x 8 = 48 6 x 4 = 24 6 x 9 = 54 6 x 5 = 306 x 10 =60 One more time…mastery of multiplication facts is in the curriculum! Practice, practice, practice at home!

35 Cielo’s Discovery Room A place where kids can scientifically PLAY & explore during lunch recess. The DR desperately needs room Volunteers during lunch recess (11:15-12:45) Mon, Tue, Thurs, & Fri - No Science Background Needed!! Grandparents welcome!! Our Discovery Room Day is Monday. Kids of volunteers get a special pass to come when their parent/grandparent is volunteering. If an adult visits a child for lunch, they can both come to the DR. Please stop by the Discovery Room to see what it is all about!

36 36 Before you leave tonight… Look around the class and in child’s desk. Email me tonight (if you haven’t already done so) so you can be on the classroom distribution list! Stop by Discovery Room to check it out. Thank you!

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