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Chapter 9 - 1981 to 1995 Workstations, UNIX & the Net 1.

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1 Chapter 9 - 1981 to 1995 Workstations, UNIX & the Net 1

2 Next Step - Workstations  Inexpensive microprocessor Motorola 68000  Cost less than mini; more than PC  Main Features UNIX Extensive Networking Capabilities  Idea: Attach these to mainframe rather than dumb terminal 2

3 Apollo - First Workstation  Bill Poduska, from Prime Computer  Domain: own OS and NW system  $40,000  Used for CAD & engineering  Mid-1980 - sold 1,000  1989- bought by H.P. 3

4 Sun Microsystems  1982- founded by Vinod Khosla  Also Bill Joy Grant - UNIX  Stanford University Network Workstation Andy Bechtolsheim  June 1982- SUN-2, $20,000 Berkeley UNIX First SUN Workstation - 1983 4

5 UNIX  AT&T Bell Labs, NJ; Ken Thompson, Dennis Richie  Not a complete OS Set of tools to manipulate & share files  Due to legal actions AT&T couldn’t sell for profit Universities got license for cheap Commercial could also buy  Open Source 5

6 The UNIX Journey  Developed in New Jersey  To easily share files; Very frugal  Not for masses;  Univ. of Illinois-Champagne-Urbana  U.C. Berkeley Extensively rewritten Bill Joy  Took it to SUN 6

7 UNIX and Universities  Cheap source code  Written in C; run any machine with C compiler  Free to modify code - and they did  Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX 1978-Joy offering tapes cheap 7

8 Universities (cont.)  1980 - ARPA backed BSD  Version 4.2 Network Protocol TCP/IP ARPA promoted TCP/IP Forever linked UNIX & Internet 8

9 UNIX * Miscellaneous  VAX - Berkley UNIX w/ TCP/IP Helped transform ARPANET to Internet  Vulnerable to viruses  Never really challenged Windows Not even LINUX, yet 9

10 Vax Strategy - 1980’s  Offer single architecture (VAX) with single OS (VMS) in solitary or networked configurations ranging from desktop to mainframe capability  Networking – Ethernet - from Intel & Xerox  “The network is the computer.”  Several Modes: 11/780, 11/750, MicroVAX II, 8600 (Venus), 9000 10

11 Vax Strategy Risks  Similar to IBM’s “betting the company”  Had to supply customers with everything without seeming to change too much  Entire line had to be high in quality 11

12 Risks (cont.)  Stop marketing own competing H.W. PDP-10- Outdated  Public outcry over PDP-10 & DECtape Phase out an announcement  Historical Perspective- Pg. 186 12

13 Vax Strategy Results  Did not stick with it 1982 - 3 incompatible machines (not IBMPC compatible - fatal)  Strategy went well through 1980’s  1987 stock market crash  Competition - UNIX workstations & IBM PC  DEC couldn’t recover #2 position  Final blow: Did not develop current architecture 13

14 RISC  Reduced Instruction Set Computer  IBM-360, DEC VAX Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) 200+ instructions, each Due to slow access core memory Due to immature compilers Trying to close “English Instruction” gap Cheap ROM allowed low cost of CISC 14

15 RISC- More #1  John Cocke, IBM “wild duck” Improved technology  believed smaller set of instructions with more loads & stores would be faster than 370  Experimental: IBM 801, 1979 Did not make market  1980 - Berkeley- RISC Project  1981- Stanford MIPS (Millions of instructions per second)  Skepticism outside university environment  Everything else booming - so why change? 15

16 RISC - More #2  1987- SUN SPARC- RISC Chip Scalable Processor Architecture Overcame Skepticism  RISC improved microprocessors speeds faster than mainframe & mini- processors were improving  Sun Licensed SPARC to others Hoped it would become the standard But would not be profitable 16

17 RISC – More #2 (cont.)  MIPS computer systems Stanford MIPS project DEC bought RISC chip for workstation Silicon Graphics  1990- IBM R/6000  1990’s early: IBM & Apple Power PC, Motorola Chip 17

18 Workstation vs. PC  RISC Architecture  Scientific & Engineering Apps.  Networking (Ethernet)  Cost 18

19 Ethernet  Developed @ Xerox PARC, 1973  Robert Metcalfe & David Boggs  Metcalfe At MIT in 1969- helped connect PDP-10 to ARPNET – to do same in ‘72 at PARC  Focus @ PARC was local networking  PARC Local Network Data General minis in star technology Expensive, inflexible, not robust 19

20 ALOHAnet  To connect among Hawaiian Islands  Radio Signals  Wireless  Packets of 1000 bits; address of recipient attached to head of each message  Computers turned to UHF frequency & listened for packets 20

21 Network Features #1  Radio (medium) was passive  Computers (Nodes) did the work Process, queue, route  “Ether”- invisible medium Replaced by coaxial cable  New Computer just taps into cable 21

22 Network Features #2  Computer “listens” before sending  Collision: random pause, try again If many collisions, send less frequently  Math analysis showed would work  1974- Running @ 3 million bps Arpanet 50 (telephone) - kilobits/sec 22

23 Ethernet Impacts  Speed changed relationship between small and large computers  1 st affected workstations, then PC market  DEC, INTEL, Xerox: accepted as standard for VAX  DOS/ Early PC chips - not well suited for networking 23

24 Apple  PC’s  With Lotus 1-2-3, Word Processing, & dBase III, IBM compatibles began to replace Apples & Word Processors in office environment  Less expensive clones 24

25 “Personal” Computing in Business  Employees had personal SW Not in line with business goals Some sw not very good  Became problem for I.S. people So LAN’s helped to “control” technology  Irony: networking made it not so personal 25

26 Novell  Networking practical after 80386  1989 - had half business  Complex, expensive, overlaid DOS File server with software  Not as good a UNIX networking with workstations  Backups, messaging, sharing 26

27 Internet  LAN’s provided access to Internet  Key features Descendent of ARPANET Packet switching No dedicated line necessary TCP/ IP- standard protocol Open to public, commercial 27

28 Internet Success  ARPA’s support; adoption of TCP/IP in 1980  TCP/IP inclusion into Berkeley UNIX Not proprietary  Rise in number of LAN’s 28

29 Success (cont.)  Ethernet Speeds  Grove’s Law Telecommunication bandwidth doubles every 100 years  Cable, etc. have improved  “Last Mile Problem” 29

30 Internet Before WWW  Arpanet- goal was resource sharing FTP, Telnet: had to know location of information Email - did emerge  Groups Bulletin Boards, Discussion Groups, Etc.  Gopher- 1990/91 Univ. of Minnesota Search for Data on campus Spread 30

31 Before WWW (cont.)  WAIS - Wide Area Information System Thinking Machines Corp., Cambridge Searched documents & made index of words  All were short lived But demonstrated what could be done 31

32 WWW - The Beginning  Doug Englebart: mouse + on-line system, NLS  Vannevar Bush: 1945 paper - hypertext  Ted Nelson: Xanadu System Computer Lib/Dream Machines Hypertext: forms of writing which branch or perform on request; they are best presented on computer display screens Worked on Xanadu during 70’s & 80’s  Apple Macintosh HyperCard - 1987 32

33 WWW Finally  Tim Berners-Lee @ CERN European particle physics lab Swiss- French border  Features and Goals A shared information space, inclusion Across platforms URL- Uniform Resource Locator  To avoid database restrictions HTTP- to replace FTP HTML 33

34 WWW Early Years  Slow Start - few but CERN supported  Hard to program links  Just a few browsers- Lynx & Viola 34

35 Mosaic  Marc Andreessen & Eric Bina U. of Illinois  January 1993- released Mosaic, a browser, over the Internet  Used Mouse, hypercard  Links in different color  Seamless integration of text and graphics  Re-written for Windows and Macintosh 35

36 Netscape Navigator  1994 – Jim Clark, Silicon Graphics Commercialize Mosaic  Univ. of Illinois – objected Andreessen had been a student there  Clark & Andreessen Netscape Communications Corp Mosaic died  1995 – Public release of stock $28  $58 (day 1)  $150 36

37 Chapter 9 1981-1995 Workstations, UNIX & the Net 37

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