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Addressing Diagnostic Complexity The EDDY Approach End-to-end Diagnostic DiscoveryY Chas DiFatta Mark Poepping

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1 Addressing Diagnostic Complexity The EDDY Approach End-to-end Diagnostic DiscoveryY Chas DiFatta Mark Poepping Joel Smith

2 Problems of IT Management Distributed systems are extremely difficult to diagnose, i.e. complexity, scale. Limited number of domain experts. Need to transfer the experience of experts to less experienced staff. Increasing amount of internal services are increasingly dependant on external resources.

3 Problems of Distributed System Diagnosticians No access to the diagnostic data Discovering valuable information in a sea of data Correlating different diagnostic data types Providing evidence for non-repudiation of a diagnosis Finding time to create tools to transfer diagnostic knowledge to less skilled organizations and/or individuals

4 Application centric: I can’t open or launch the application! I can’t authenticate with the application! The application says I’m not authorized to use it! The application is behaving inconsistently! The application is giving errors! I can’t use all the features of the application! The application’s performance is poor! ? ? ? Workstation Centric: The performance of my workstation seems slow! Is the network down? From the end-user’s view

5 From the help desk’s view Application centric: Vital Signs – “Is the application’s basic functionality working?” Authn/Authz: “can the user log in and what are their privileges ?” Highly focused – “Is a specific feature of the app not working?” ? ? ? Workstation Centric: Does the user have the correct version and configuration? Can the user connect to the network or is it a performance problem? Security problem? E.g. Botnet, virus, worm, other compromise? Is the user having a hardware problem? ? Infrastructure centric enterprise based: Can the user get to key local services? E.g. DHCP, DNS, SMTP, POP/IMAP, NTP, Authn, etc and if so, are they operating properly?

6 From the diagnostician’s view Application Centric: Does the application have enough critical resources? Is the application reporting any internal or external errors? Are the lower, upper middleware and services that the application is dependent on functioning an expectable level? Network Centric: Is there an connectivity problem between the user and the application? Could there be a routing or firewall problem? Is the performance or loss of the network at an acceptable level? Service Centric: Are the middleware services that the end user is dependent upon functioning within an acceptable level and can they get to them? E.g. DHCP, Authn, Authz, DNS, NTP, Email, VPN, Web, etc. ? ? ?

7 From the CIO’s view Finance centric: What will I need to spend resources on? Is my staff’s time being used effectively? What is the growth in specific areas? ? ? ? Business centric: Are my customers being serviced properly? How is the infrastructure operating? Compliance centric: Are our diagnostic procedures consistent with our security and privacy policies? Are we within compliance boundaries for Processes and procedures Legal issues

8 The end-user’s needs Application centric tools that: Verifies that the user has the correct resources Conforms a baseline of functions to the user. E.g. what can the user do and a test to prove to them that they can Provides ways for users to tag errors at any phase of the applications operation and publish them to the diagnostic repository ! ! ! A workstation centric tool that: Verifies basic hardware operation Reports on software versions and any internal errors Reports on network connectivity and performance Verifies that key network services are available Scans system for security external and internal security vulnerabilities Publishes results to diagnostic repository

9 The help desk’s needs Application centric tools: Real-time views into the application as the user is operating Medium depth tools verifies the operation of the application and its supporting services The ability to share diagnostic information with external groups ! ! ! A workstation centric tool that verifies the users: Baseline software and hardware configuration Network connectivity and performance Key network services are available (DHCP, DNS, NTP, Authn/Authz etc.) ! Service centric enterprise based tools: Testing enterprise base services (DNS, SMTP, POP/IMAP, NTP, Authn, Authz, etc.) from the perspective of the user Querying the infrastructure about internal and external problems The ability to share diagnostic information with internal groups

10 The diagnostician’s needs Application Centric Tools: Verification that the application has the correct resources Highly focused tests into specific features and modules The ability to share detailed diagnostic information to the developer in near real-time Network Centric Tools: Forensic tools that query the infrastructure about internal and external connectivity problems Active testing tools that perform network tracers at specific intervals and report anomalies into a reporting infrastructure Service Centric Tools: Highly focused passive and active lower, upper, and middleware diagnostic tools that report anomalies Forensic tools that query detailed events of key services using their logs and other means ! ! !

11 The CIO’s needs Finance centric: Reporting on anomaly and problem costs Reporting infrastructure growth ! ! ! Business centric: Reporting on help desk problems and resolution Reporting on infrastructure health Compliance centric: Security process event process reporting Reporting that specific processes are being done

12 State of Practice Network, application, system and security events separate, therefore extremely difficult to correlate Data represents only what has faulted No end-to-end accountability of transactions. I.e. email, web, VoIP, intrusion

13 Vision Create an activity audit ledger/application that... Provides a means to study the behavior of faults and anomalies Explores the impact of an Internet with assured electronic communications and its influence on infrastructure, security, reliability, privacy and trust Assures the ‘default’ electronic interaction by creating a means of non-repudiation between two or more parties

14 What if? Events (application, network, system, security, environmental) could be collected, disseminated and correlated using a common backplane? The backplane provides access to diagnostic data to tool developers and researchers?

15 Initial Direction Enabling mechanism for investigating: Machine to machine interaction, i.e. services Taxonomic risk analysis of security anomalies Automated diagnostic practices, not just what has faulted but how the fault occurred Perceived anomalies verses actual faults Embedded system events High volume event driven systems

16 What is EDDY? Consolidates events using a simple structure (CER) to enable a high degree of correlation Event management environment to collect, disseminate, store and analyze events Diagnostic tool platform that exposes the events to enhance and leverage existing tools as well as enable the next generation

17 Gory Technical Details

18 Policy Diagnostic Data Lifecycle Access Time Collection Anonymize / Filter AggregationArchive Scour

19 Sponsors This work has been funded and supported by; NSF Middleware Initiative (Cooperative Agreement No. ANI-0330626) Internet2 Carnegie Mellon University

20 To Now Started in Fall 2003: Internet2 mw-e2ed –NSF NMI funding Fall 2005: Release 1.0 –Early code – experimentation; “touch it” –Models/schema will change (partly the point)

21 Looking Forward Other development help (Duke, others) Expand to other use cases external to CMU –Email performance and diagnostics –Lionshare, Shibboleth Operational/Commercial Interest –Abilene/NLR –IBM, Intel, Cisco, Microsoft –Architecture, standards, reference implementation, experimental environment

22 Looking Forward (2) CMU Campus Adopters – initial use cases –CS/Cylab – security research Dragnet – network flows –Architecture – environment monitoring/control Environmental event data from many ultra small devices and embedded systems Intelligent Workplace you may have toured.. –Computing Services: Systems, Middleware, Network, Security Consolidation of application log files, fault analysis Traffic consumption, network event correlation Security event correlation and forensics

23 Looking Forward (3) Expanding… (seeking partners/funding) –Mature base technology –Spawn effort for diagnostic application development –Enable multi-subsystem correlation –Experiment with extending research data flow analysis into multi-campus; federating/automating some diagnostic data sharing

24 Addressing Diagnostic Complexity The EDDY Approach End-to-end Diagnostic DiscoveryY Chas DiFatta Mark Poepping Joel Smith

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