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Site Visit. 2 Process Intent Observation (IO) Strength to Comment Intent Observation: “Double plus on the process used for strategic planning.” Comment:

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Presentation on theme: "Site Visit. 2 Process Intent Observation (IO) Strength to Comment Intent Observation: “Double plus on the process used for strategic planning.” Comment:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Visit

2 2

3 Process Intent Observation (IO) Strength to Comment Intent Observation: “Double plus on the process used for strategic planning.” Comment: “The applicant uses a formal twelve step process for strategic planning. It involves the SLT and selected members of the LT. They begin with an ISO 9001 Management Review, move to SWAT analysis, and progress to definition of strategic objectives.” 3

4 Process IO OFI to OFI Comment Intent Observation: “Single OFI on the lack of a process for assessing workforce engagement” Comment: “The applicant has not established a process for assessing workforce engagement. Lacking this process, the applicant may not fully understand the extant of their workforce’s commitment, and this could have a negative impact on retention, which is a strategic challenge of the organization.” 4

5 Results Strength IO to Comment Intent Observation: “Single plus on trends for customer satisfaction” Comment: “Customer satisfaction levels have increased each of the past 6 years. The aggregate increase amounts to a CAGR of 15%. These results are in support of the organization’s mission statement of “customer focus”. 5

6 Results OFI IO to OFI Comment Intent Observation: “Double OFI on lack of aggregate measures of financial return” Comment: “The organization does not have a measure of financial return. Without such a measure, it may be difficult for the organization to assess the return on investment for entrance into a new market. Entering new markets is a strategic objective of the applicant.” 6

7 How TL’s Use their time Saturday  Review the process of taking IO’s to comments.  Teach your team how to use the new SVI worksheet.  Start the SVI’s.  Work with the weaker and less confident examiners on their SVI’s.  Start making duo’s for Monday.  Meet with the Senior examiners at the end of the day. 7

8 How TL Use their time Sunday  Report-outs on status of SVI’s  Set time for review of SVI’s  Work with the weaker team members on their SVI’s  Finalize the duo’s  Finalize the SVI’s  Finalize the plan day-by-day and hour-by- hour for the week 8

9 How TL Use Their Time Each Evening  Rove the room  Assess each examiner’s comfort  Help the weaker examiners with their comments  Teach again on how to turn an IO into a comment  Have each examiner report-out for 5-7 minutes on what they learned each day 9

10 Scoring without Comment Balance Guidance  Become an expert on the following: 1.The scoring guidelines 2.The definitions of: A. Basic requirements B.Overall requirements C.Multiple requirements D.Le/T/C/I for Results 10

11 Scorebook Navigator  During site visit, the team leader should continue to use the ITEM ASSIGNMENTS feature of the Scorebook Navigator  This allows team members to update category Items as applicable in closing out site visit issues and in working to convert IOs to comments. 11

12 Scorebook Navigator  When the team is ready to turn everything over to the Feedback Writer, all Item Assignments should be changed from the Category Leads to the Feedback Writer.  When this is done, the Category Lead will have read-only access to their work.  While at site, this process can be changed at any time, by changing the assignment of any Item back to the Category Lead if they have additional work to do on their Item. 12

13 Scorebook Navigator  Make sure a member of your team becomes an expert on it.  Lean on them! 13

14 Tips  Think efficiency!  Make your team members successful.  Use the Pareto principal – spend 80% of your time with 20% of your team - the least capable ones.  Know the criteria better than your team.  Know the application better than your team. 14

15 Questions and Answers Please…. ask any question that occurs to you. 15

16 Step 9: Results Example 16

17 Saturday -- Arrive at Hotel Site 1 P.M. – Team convenes to 1. Review Intent Observations marked --, ++ 2. Record these on Site Visit Issue Worksheets 3. Use affinity process to consolidate SVI 4. Select SVI’s to address 17 Suggested Site Visit Timeline: Saturday

18 Include in the opening agenda a review of the a. Purpose is to Clarify and Verify b. Ethics c. Code of Conduct d. General site visit behavior e. Pointers for interviewing f. Interview Log g. Document Log h. Matrix to track what requested, when received, related to SVI, note impact on item 18 Site Visit Planning -- Opening Agenda

19 Sunday A.M. – 1.Develop strategy for SVIs 2.Make team interview assignments 3.Practice opening meeting 4.Practice interview process 5.Map out week and tasks 6.Develop Site Visit Daily Agenda Evening -- break, supper together, continue planning if needed 19 Suggested Site Visit Timeline: Sunday

20 Tools 1.Site Visit Ground Rules 2.Cross Cutting Issues / Themes 3.Item Request Tracking Form 4.Document Log 5.Interview Log 6.Walk Around Questions 7.Comment Assessment Checklist 8.Site Visit Preparation Meetings Timeline 9.Site Visit Calendar 20

21 1.Meet with Executives: led by TL, team members, PC observe 2.Support TL as requested and as needed for TAPE process requirements 3.Stay focused on the criteria and KFs 4.Work in pairs 5.Caucus as needed during the day 6.Assign owner, action and plan for resolution as new issues identified in daily caucus 21 Onsite with the Applicant

22 8. Request only the documents you need 9. Follow site visit behavior guidelines 9. TL, PC meets with the Applicant’s contact at the end of each day to review schedule, needed changes 22 Onsite with the Applicant

23  Record applicant materials received  Update key findings  Update KFs, SVI Worksheets by Item  Update Key Themes  Discuss any emerging issues  Discuss / identify role model strengths  Review SVI potentially closed  Review next day agenda: who, when, where, what 23 Evening Caucus

24  Confirm / review Walk Around Questions  Review / discuss any team issues, concerns or questions  Review / discuss TL / Official Contact Person discussion items  Walk the Wall  Practice close out meeting the evening before close out 24 Evening Caucus

25 25

26  Ensure document return  Be sure to not give any indication of how the applicant performed during the onsite closing meeting  Participate in onsite closing meeting  Assist team members in writing final Intent Observations and rescoring  Help facilitate consensus and writing of final comments, key themes  Feedback Writer, TL moves report from SN to Examiner Depot for final team review 26 Closing the Process

27  Ensure team members delete all computer records, documents, etc. and hotel meeting room is clear of any data, charts, etc.  Check that TL, Back up TL, FW has copy of the final Site Visit Report (SVR)  TL delivers a copy of SVR to Quality Texas  Complete travel reimbursement 27 Closing the Process

28  Participate in the call as needed  Shred documents when notified by the TL that all is finalized  Complete “Site Visit Report”; submit it to Quality Texas  Provide input on how to improve the process  Plan to attend the awards banquet and return to a leadership role next cycle 28 Panel of Judges Meeting

29 Questions before we Wrap up?

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