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Slide 1 OMG, Montreal, August 2004 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt SWIFTStandards (UNIFI – ISO 20022) “MDA-like” approach Frank Vandamme Tools, Products & Methodology.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 OMG, Montreal, August 2004 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt SWIFTStandards (UNIFI – ISO 20022) “MDA-like” approach Frank Vandamme Tools, Products & Methodology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 OMG, Montreal, August 2004 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt SWIFTStandards (UNIFI – ISO 20022) “MDA-like” approach Frank Vandamme Tools, Products & Methodology SWIFTStandards

2 Slide 2 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Agenda Introduction Development methodology Development infrastructure Implementation infrastructure

3 Slide 3 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Introduction What is SWIFT?  Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication  Community of +7,000 financial institutions in +200 countries: –Payments (e.g. cross-border, domestic, corporate) –Securities (e.g. equity, fixed income, funds) –Treasury (e.g. foreign exchange, swaptions) –Trade Services (e.g. letters of credit)  Mission: “To enable interoperability between our members, their market infrastructures and their end-user communities”  Concrete activities: –Establish secure and reliable network application –Standardize information flows (messages)

4 Slide 4 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Introduction What is UNIFI (ISO 20022)  Standard developed under ISO/TC68 (financial arm of ISO)  Modelling-based approach to develop standardised messages  Used in the financial industry  Described in 5 parts: –Part 1: overview of the main components – modelling-based approach – repository –Part 2: registration bodies –Part 3: modelling guidelines –Part 4: XML design rules –Part 5: Reverse engineering approach

5 Slide 5 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Introduction Drivers for the MDA approach  Stability –Business-driven approach  Interoperability and convergence –End-to-end based on common semantics  Neutrality –Acceptable common description for existing standards  Flexibility –Cater more easily for market practices and market evolution  Predictability, consistency and speed –Foster reuse and automation capabilities Note: not used by SWIFT for application generation

6 Slide 6 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development methodology Overview  Three layered approach  Business-oriented  Communication needs  End-to-end view  Formal notation (UML)  Representation-neutral  Implementation-neutral  Foster reuse (dictionary)  Involve industry experts Business Analysis Requirements Analysis Logical Analysis Logical Design Technical Design Technical Implementation Understand the business What is the communication problem Define the solution Refine the solution Physical implementation (automated)

7 Slide 7 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development methodology Business analysis  Understanding the business –Processes: what activities are happening –Roles: who (functionally) is involved –Data: what information is used  Results of business analysis –Business activity diagrams (roles & activities) –Business component diagram (data) Business Analysis Requirements Analysis Logical Analysis Logical Design Technical Design Technical Implementation Understand the business What is the communication problem Define the solution Refine the solution Physical implementation (automated)

8 Slide 8 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development methodology Requirements analysis  Identifying communication requirements per activity –Who owns the information –Who can provide the information –What are the required information flows  Identifying additional requirements and constraints –Which types of physical actors can play which roles –Market specific information requirements  Results of requirements analysis –Activity diagrams with required information flows –Requirement description documents –Business test scenarios (high level) Business Analysis Requirements Analysis Logical Analysis Logical Design Technical Design Technical Implementation Understand the business What is the communication problem Define the solution Refine the solution Physical implementation (automated)

9 Slide 9 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development methodology Logical analysis  Identifying the transactions (collaborations) –Sequence of messages –Pre- and post-conditions, triggers, …  Identifying the messages –Message granularity guidelines –Message content (based on business elements) –Message usage authorisation / restrictions –Business cases for “variants”  Results of logical analysis –Sequence diagrams –Message scope & content –Business test scenarios (refined) Business Analysis Requirements Analysis Logical Analysis Logical Design Technical Design Technical Implementation Understand the business What is the communication problem Define the solution Refine the solution Physical implementation (automated)

10 Slide 10 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development methodology Logical design  Identifying the message structure –Identify message components –Include required “technical” elements –Define structural message organisation –Formalise required business rules  Results of logical design –Message definitions (structure) –Message components –Business & technical test cases (detailed) Business Analysis Requirements Analysis Logical Analysis Logical Design Technical Design Technical Implementation Understand the business What is the communication problem Define the solution Refine the solution Physical implementation (automated)

11 Slide 11 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development methodology Technical design & implementation  Preparing the physical implementation –Add syntax-specific information (e.g. tags)  Applying the syntax-specific design rules –UML-to-XML generation  Results of technical design & implementation –XML Schemas –XPL rules –Message samples Business Analysis Requirements Analysis Logical Analysis Logical Design Technical Design Technical Implementation Understand the business What is the communication problem Define the solution Refine the solution Physical implementation (automated)

12 Slide 12 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt ISO 20022 Standards Repository DATA DICTIONARYBUSINESS PROCESS CATALOGUE Standards development infrastructure Standards repository are described with use BUSINESS AREAS support execution of BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS BUSINESS CONCEPTS MESSAGE CONCEPTS DATA TYPES are derived from

13 Slide 13 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt DATA DICTIONARY Business ConceptsData TypesMessage Concepts Standards development infrastructure Data Dictionary Message Component Message Element Rule Data Type Data Type Representation is based on Code is value of Business Actor Business Role Business Association Business Component Rule relates plays role Business Element is derived from is of type

14 Slide 14 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Business Process Catalogue Standards development infrastructure Business Process Catalogue Business Area Business Process Business Transaction supports execution of Business Transaction Syntax Message Scheme (s) Message Definition uses Syntax Message Scheme (s) Message Definition Syntax Message Scheme (s) Message Definition Message Flow Diagram uses Message Flow Diagram Message Flow Diagram

15 Slide 15 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure UML profile: used diagrams  Which diagrams are used (business layer)? –Business Analysis – Use Case diagram : highest level decomposition in business processes – Activity diagram (swim lanes) : details of business processes: activities & roles – Class diagram : dictionary (business components, data types, actors) –Requirements Analysis – Activity diagram (swim lanes) : required information flows – Complemented by textual information : e.g. links with business components

16 Slide 16 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure UML profile: used diagrams  Which diagrams are used (logical layer)? –Logical Analysis – Sequence diagram : description of message flow (business transactions) – Class diagram : messages –Logical design – Class diagram : dictionary (message components, data types) – Class diagram (hierarchical) : message structure  No additional diagrams used in technical/physical layer

17 Slide 17 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure UML profile: stereotypes identify concepts  Some examples of stereotyped concepts: –Classes – > – > ( >, >, …) – > –Associations – >

18 Slide 18 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure UML profile: tagged values add information  Some examples of tagged values –Synonyms (business terms) – Business components – Business elements – Messages –Administrative information – Requestor – Registration status –Supplementary information for data types – Code list owner – Format (facets) –Traces between “business layer” and “message layer” – Business components to Message components

19 Slide 19 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure UML profile: platform specific information  Through stereotypes, tagged values or properties  Some examples –Operations – “Injectable” in validation engine (via “export control property”) – SWIFTNet error code (tagged value) –Message elements – XML tags (tagged value) –Data types – > (to be included in Schema) – > (for documentation only)

20 Slide 20 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure Tool (“Standards Workstation”)  UML modeling tool for modeling activities  Add-ins to support and enforce methodology & guidelines –Traceability between “business layer” and “logical layer” –Formal rules –Conformance checking –Completeness checking  Link with data dictionary  Import and export of sample data Standards Workstation

21 Slide 21 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure GUI for formal rules

22 Slide 22 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure GUI for formal rules

23 Slide 23 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards development infrastructure Supporting process  Continuous quality control –Check non-automated rules & guidelines –Check conformance with approval process –Freeze models for audit purposes –Check consistency across phases – Are all requirements covered – Are all messages based on approved requirements – …  Mandatory review activities –By registration authority –By business experts  Change log entries for dictionary components

24 Slide 24 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt More to come … Repository instance (XML) Message samples SWIFTNet Standards implementation infrastructure Automated generation: overview “Injection” Internal Repository “Publication” Business Process Catalogue Financial Dictionary XML Schemas Documentation Standards Workstation XML Schemas Validation rules Samples

25 Slide 25 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards implementation infrastructure Automated generation: documentation  HTML (available) and PDF (in development)  User view and implementer view  Combines model information with “auxiliary documents” (= text)  “Click-able” sequence diagrams  Message tree structure (expand / collapse)  Dictionary information (data types, …)  Delta documentation (for versions and variants)  Generated sample messages

26 Slide 26 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards implementation infrastructure Automated generation: XML Schema  Consistency in XML –Business information  XML element/value –Metadata information  XML attribute (usually not in instance)  ComplexTypes are globally unique / elements are local  Traceability from XML to repository (based on XML element name and/or XML type name)  Message identifier = aaaa.bbb.ccc.dd (business area - message number – variant – version)  Character encoding = UTF-8  Data types: Text, Code, Identifier, Amount, Rate, Quantity, Indicator, DateTime  XML facets: Pattern, Length, MinLength, MaxLength, TotalDigits, FractionDigits, MinInclusive, MaxInclusive, MinExclusive, MaxEclusive

27 Slide 27 OMG_SWIFTMDA_200408_v2.ppt Standards implementation infrastructure Automated generation: repository  UML repository is converted to: –Relational database – Basis for web query tool on “” and on “” – Also used for impact analysis –XML instance – Prototype

28 Slide 28 & & uestions Answers

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