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Presentation on theme: "INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY BOARD SPRING 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 Spring 2011 Advisory Board Meeting Agenda: Career Pathway Summary Skills USA Illinois Results Enrollment Update NIMS Course High School Visits and Tours Equipment Update TAAACT Grant

3 Illinois Pathways to Results (PTR) Initiative Programs of Study (POS) Development and Improvement

4 Program of Study --Sequence of courses from 9 th grade thru two years of post-secondary, and on to 4 year programs, if appropriate. --Non-duplicative academic and CTE content. --Challenging standards and rigorous content. --Leads to at least a certificate or degree. --Includes an industry-recognized credential.

5 Phase 1: Launch --Identified the Improvement Team Partners --Documented the initial improvement objectives --Secured organizational buy-in for PTR

6 Phase 1: Goals --Improve the image, awareness and understanding of educational and employment opportunities in our three programs of study that fall within Manufacturing, Installation and Repair (MIR). --Define an educational path for students in manufacturing. --Market careers in manufacturing.

7 Phase 2: Equity and Outcomes Assessment --Assessed our outcomes --Assessed outcomes for racial/ethnic groups and special populations --Identified performance improvement areas and promising practices

8 Phase 3: Process Mapping --Analyzed the processes used by our organization to reach its objectives. --Identified processes most important to improving performance and achieving our goals. --Chose a Functional Process selected for detailed review: Marketing and Recruitment

9 Phase 3: Opportunities In addition to fulfilling our goals as stated in the PTR Charter, we seek to: 1)Increase enrollments in our three manufacturing programs. 2)Prepare and distribute marketing materials to CTE instructors and counselors. 3)Increase the number of African-American, females, low income and special population students enrolled in our three manufacturing programs.

10 Phase 4: Process Improvement Solutions --Increase non-traditional students’ awareness of careers in manufacturing. --Develop relationships with schools having high minority enrollments. --Conduct a summer camp for high school students to expose them to the technical trades. --Host and help conduct Tech Ed expo days in the spring for junior high students.

11 Phase 4: Process Improvement Solutions (Continued) --Revise the website for the Technical Education Division to make it more informative and more user-friendly. --Visit Boards of Control each semester to update them on new programs. --Conduct high school visits. --Conduct Manufacturing Camp for High School CTE Instructors.

12 Phase 5: Review and Reflection --Review and Reflect on first four phases. --Put in place a plan to ensure improvements to POS are sustained. --Determine how to extend PTR process to other POS. --Primary Outcome: Lessons learned and sustainable solutions.

13 What’s Next? --We will implement the changes to Marketing and Recruitment process. --We will maintain our relationships with our partners and the state-level awareness of our marketing programs. --We will share our PTR story with others (Boards of Control, High Schools, Industry, etc) --We will collect data on other organizational processes: Retention and Placement Information. --We will extend PTR to other POS: Construction, CAD and our other apprenticeship programs.

14 Skills USA Illinois Results: Precision Machining Precision Machining 1 st Place Jerry Bonifield CNC Milling 1 st Place Alex Deatherage CNC Turning 1 st Place Jerry Bonifield National Competition June 20 th to 24 th in Kansas City, Mo

15 Skills USA Illinois Results: Welding Mitchel McFarland – 1 st Place Edgar McClary – 2 nd Place Chris Johnson – 3 rd Place National Competition June 20 th to 24 th in Kansas City, Mo

16 Enrollment Update Precision Machining Technology 2007/08 - 3 students 2008/09 - 11 students *2009/10 - 24 students 2010/11 – 28 students Plus over 30 students updating their skills in related course! **Industrial Maintenance Mechanics 2010/11 – 10 students *First year of the new Precision Machining Technology ** First year offering in the new Industrial Maintenance Mechanics Degree

17 NIMS Course --Approved course for both the associate degree and certificate. --12 students have earned level 1 certificates.

18 High School Tours and Visits --Presented to over 40 high school classes (Over 500 students) --8 High Schools toured SWIC’s Industrial Technology Center. --5 High Schools toured Ehrhardt Tool and Machine.

19 Equipment and Supplies Update --New Equipment: Sharp Surface Grinder HAAS Super Mini Mill HAAS ST-10 Lathe 5 Additional seats of Master Cam (X5) 3 Hydraulic Trainers --Donated Equipment: Surface Grinder (Ehrhardt Tool and Machine) Comparator (Ehrhardt Tool and Machine) Drill Presses (Boeing) --Supplies Cutting Tools (Boeing) Aluminum Plates (Austin Machine) Misc. Steel ( Ehrhardt Tool and Machine) Electrical Panels (Ehrhardt Tool and Machine) Air Cylinders – Including Proportional Feedback Cyls. (Bimba Mfg) Misc. Electrical Components (Lou Marino)

20 Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training --Partnered with three other consortiums: -Lewis and Clark Community College -Parkland Community College -Illinois Green Economy Network (IGEN)

21 Equipment Requested in the TAACCCT Grant PMT Super Mini Mill ST-10 with bar feeder Dual Spindle Lathe with live tooling 4 th Axis Rotary Table 5 Axis Trunnion VF-2 Surface Grinder Industrial Maintenance PLC Controllers Analog and Digital I/O Servo Drives Conveyor Systems Panel View Terminals HMI Panels

22 New Certificate Advanced CNC Programming and Set-up Focused on Multi Axis Programming and Set-up Possibly an additional CNC Programming class and a Master Cam class!

23 Industry Trends --Any new technology that we need to be on the look out for? --Job outlook? --What is the number one skill that you look for in a new employee?

24 THANK YOU!!! Final thoughts or comments??


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