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Deans’ Council July 12, 2012 Presented by: Sara Dorer, Bill Faber, & Paula Sullivan.

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Presentation on theme: "Deans’ Council July 12, 2012 Presented by: Sara Dorer, Bill Faber, & Paula Sullivan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deans’ Council July 12, 2012 Presented by: Sara Dorer, Bill Faber, & Paula Sullivan

2  Academic and Non-Academic concerns are separate  SFMT = Student Feedback Management Team  Focus today on input regarding 2012-2013 goals for SFMT  HLC language: Provides clear information for receiving complaints, responds in a timely manner, and analyzes to ensure improved practice.

3  Summary of academic complaints  Suggestions from 2010-11 Report  Create a form for ESP’s to use  Better communication between Associate Deans and PD/DHs  Coordinate process with Lakeshore Campus  Next step  Monitor and reinforce the use of our online process forms by PD/DHs  Questions?

4  Definition of “complaint”  Tracking  Academic  Non-Academic, Area Specific  SFMT  Tracking Options (Google docs, Excel, Drupal)  Expectations  Guidelines for Tracking  Reporting Tracking  Areas required to track

5  Are the guidelines clear?  Questions or suggestions?  Are the tracking requirements reasonable?  Will you support the idea of each area being responsible for noting improvements made based on trends?  Are there ways to connect this work to current reports that already exist? (Program Review, weekly reports, Department plans, etc.)  Are the areas identified appropriate?  Are there areas missing?

6  Current plan:  In-person training with a representative from all areas required to track complaints  A mailing to each person or to each area with the process handout and service stickers  Other ideas we should consider?  Should we be distributing the Process handout to faculty as well? If so, how?

7  Accomplishments  Process outline/definition/guidelines  Online reporting form  SAS and SWD recording forms  Student Feedback Fairs  College Wide Improvements  Clocks  FACTs payment/Tuition payment buttons  Financial Aid improvements noted because of trends

8  Feedback collected from a variety of sources  Team reviewed all sources for report  Trends broken into three areas:  Feedback we continue to hear, but based on feasibility are not items likely to be changed at this point in time  Feedback we believe is currently being addressed already  Feedback we believe is worth considering – potentially an area for improvement? If so, would be determined and assigned by DC.

9  Develop protocol/guidelines for faculty who want to take students on off-campus trips/visits for class (is there assistance, liability, how to manage logistics, etc.)  Process for notifying students when their classes are dropped (not all students are receiving notification when classes are dropped) – could there be a robo- call or text?  Privacy in the Financial Aid Office (front desk is too public for personal information)  What are solutions/rights for students who get called up for Jury Duty – put FAQ page on Dean of Students page that would address questions like this

10  Encourage DSS to work on door-to-door map/instructions regarding where accessible entrances are, etc. (GRCC mobile app has door to door, could maybe build an ADA version)  Look at software needs at the Lakeshore – if offering classes that need specific resources, need the programs available in the lab (ex. Peachtree and Quickbooks)  Online student center improvements to improve experience:  Courses that cannot be added because past enrollment date, don’t have them show up as “open”  Better communication of our policies that affect students (adding classes, etc.)  Improved navigation on campus (rename “library”, verify room numbers make sense in Cook/Main building, maps on campus (outside) that include DeVos Campus and show you where you are.

11 Feedback/Suggestions?

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