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Deploying Tata Steel’s R&D Algorithms at Corus (M. SHOAIB JAMEEL - 200411054) Under the Guidance of Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Ghose Mr. Fredi B. Zarolia Head of.

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Presentation on theme: "Deploying Tata Steel’s R&D Algorithms at Corus (M. SHOAIB JAMEEL - 200411054) Under the Guidance of Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Ghose Mr. Fredi B. Zarolia Head of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deploying Tata Steel’s R&D Algorithms at Corus (M. SHOAIB JAMEEL - 200411054) Under the Guidance of Prof. (Dr.) M. K. Ghose Mr. Fredi B. Zarolia Head of Department Senior Manager, I.T. Department of Computer Science I.T.S. and Engineering, Tata Steel Limited Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology Jamshedpur

2 Introduction Project was undertaken in Three Phases Phase 1: Apache HTTP Server Configuration. Phase 2: Linux Adapter Phase 3: CPU Load Balancing in Linux Cluster

3 Problem Statement Proprietary algorithms have been developed over the years at both Tata Steel and Corus These programs were developed by scientists and researchers in the companies and as such are not built as per software development standards The programs were developed using the following: Languages : Delphi at Corus, Fortran and C at Tata Steel Platform: MS Windows/DOS and Linux Compilers : GNU Fortran or C and Visual Studio based

4 ASP.NET Web Services Infrastructure – Algorithms exposed as Web Services Windows Backend Server (With Windows based Algorithms ) Linux Backend Server (With Linux based Algorithms ) Linux Backend Server (With Linux based Algorithms ) DOS Backend Server (With Dos based Algorithms ) DOS Backend Server (With Dos based Algorithms ) Windows Adapter Client Linux Adapter Client DOS Adapter Client Meta Repository Algorithm Invoker Service Windows Adapter Linux Adapter DOS Adapter Proposed Solution Architecture - Microsoft

5 Proof of Concept 1. User fills up a form and submits 2. The values are passed onto the Algorithm 3. The algorithm processes and returns the result

6 Challenges 1. Should map to the solution architecture – Generic 2. The consumer, the web service host and algorithm are on separate systems 3. Consumer and web service host run on Windows 2003.The algorithm runs on a Linux Cluster @ R&D. 4. The output is a graph plot – a JPEG image 5. Communication among systems to be on TCP/IP stack (cannot use Disk or File system i/o)

7 GNU/Linux System Microsoft Windows System Consumer/User Web Service Modeling Algorithms of R&D Dept. Tata Steel 1.Invokes Web Service 2.Form Loads Linux Adapter (C Program) 3. Enters values & Clicks “SUBMIT” 4. Connects to the Adapter via sockets and passes values along with the file name 5. Passes values to the modeling algorithm 6. Algorithm creates an image 7.Image encoded to Base64 format by the adapter 8. Encoding passed to Web service via sockets 9. Decoding, Image Displayed

8 Adapter Algorithm Listens to a port. Receives values of the form 1#2#4#5#...%32893823829223892 Segregate numbers and unique identifier. Count values. Invoke Modeling Algorithm. Return to the web service.

9 Output – User Input

10 Base64 Encoding sent to Web Service

11 Image Output – base64 Decode

12 CPU Load Balancing in Linux Cluster Design Description: One Master Server One Load Balancer Client Machines – includes Master and Load Balancer.

13 Solution Architecture

14 The Master Server

15 The Load Balancer

16 Major Accomplishment – Worth Mentioning Solving the Readers-Writes Problem

17 Conclusion Adapter Currently serving requests from Corus Load Balancer Functioning at R&D’s Computing Cluster

18 Achievements Source codes of the adapter and CPU Load Balancing architecture to be made Open Source under GPL. Invitation to build and compile their custom Linux Kernel. Invitation to study the ClickThrough Data. Design and problem solving appreciated by all including Microsoft. The project will also feature in the Research and Development Department’s Annual Report. Presentation at Knowledge Management Seminar (K.M.) at Tata Steel Limited

19 Future Work Language Support – Dutch, Chinese, French. Security

20 References Definitions from Wikipedia and Books – Coreman,T.H., Leiserson, C.E., Rivset, R.L., Stein, C., Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, Mc-Graw Hill Book Company, Second Edition. Mall, Rajib., Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall India Private Limited, Second Edition ISBN-81-203-2445-5 Stallings, W., Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 4/E, Pearson Publishers Newcomer, Eric; Lomow, Greg (2005). Understanding SOA with Web Services. Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-321-18086-0 Sinha, P.K., Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design, Wiley-IEEE Press 1996

21 Acknowledgements Project Guide at Tata Steel – Mr. Fredi B. Zarolia Project Guide at SMIT- Prof. M.K. Ghose Microsoft Corporation Teachers at School Teachers of SMIT

22 Thank You Questions Ideas Criticism Suggestion s

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