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28/09/2001(C) SWsoft 1999-2001 1 Make the SWITCH to Fortune 500 Network Management.

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1 28/09/2001(C) SWsoft 1999-2001 1 Make the SWITCH to Fortune 500 Network Management

2 (C) SWsoft 1999-20012 28/09/2001 xLswitch-enabled network xLswitch Router Admin workstation (GUI)Server Farm Internet

3 (C) SWsoft 1999-20013 28/09/2001 Load Balancing  Maximizes performance and scalability for growing businesses  Protects the value of prior investments High-Availability  One server fails, the rest take the load  Less downtime means more satisfied customers

4 (C) SWsoft 1999-20014 28/09/2001 Quality of Service Bandwidth Management  Optimizes network resources for better information flow Static QoS  Prioritize traffic for interactive application  Control unwanted traffic and better manage the information that’s most important to you Dynamic QoS  Only xLswitch allows seamless session QoS parameters changes based on L7 protocol attributes

5 (C) SWsoft 1999-20015 28/09/2001 Control Information Flow Level 7 Switching  Intelligently directs site traffic to maximize performance Centralized GUI  Control over site traffic is now just a click away! Protocol SDK  Develop customized applications to support specific site needs

6 (C) SWsoft 1999-20016 28/09/2001 High Performance Dynamic load balancing Works in Kernel Mode Partial check-summing tcp-splicing algorithm Full HTTP/1.1 keep-alive support 30% faster than competition on the same hardware Almost linear scalability

7 (C) SWsoft 1999-20017 28/09/2001 xLswitch Major features:  Level 7 Switching – Intelligently directs site traffic to maximize performance  Bandwidth Management – Optimizes network resources for better information flow  Load Balancing – Maximizes performance for growing businesses  High-Availability – Less downtime means better site performance and satisfied customers  Centralized GUI – Control over site traffic is now just a click away!  Open API for Protocol Support – Customized applications support specific site needs Arms services providers with the highest level of network management control, allowing them to maximize the revenue potential of their business.

8 (C) SWsoft 1999-20018 28/09/2001 Competitive Landscape Major competitor is Resonate xLswitch Advantages:  Bandwidth Management  Open SDK  Lower Cost  Platform-Neutral

9 (C) SWsoft 1999-20019 28/09/2001 Marcom Strategy Highlights Leverage,,  Free Trade Shows  Industry & Market research  Banner Advertising  Public relations, Partnering Aggressive online campaign - “free”  Partner sites, Vertical portals, Search Engines  Off-shore marcom  In future: Web Seminars Joint Marketing with our strategic partners  Joint seminars  Joint press releases on their websites Targeted Public Relations  Case Studies, Success Stories, Press Coverage

10 (C) SWsoft 1999-200110 28/09/2001 SWsoft: Closer Look Singapore Sales & Marketing Support, Services 6+ Moscow R&D 48+ Headquarters San Francisco Sales & Marketing Coordination Support, Services 6+ Founded in 1997 by MIPT graduates in Singapore Privately funded by (4.5m$) previous successful ventures of the founders Started HSPcomplete and Virtuozzo™ mid 1999, fully focused 2001 Expert team: 60+ employees (hiring few more), mostly engineers (45+) Engineering/Technical team is offshore, total cost is much lower – <$180K 11 patents pending in USA Partnership with Dell, Sun and Intel Sales pipeline $900+K, 30+ prospect after 12+ weeks sales

11 28/09/2001(C) SWsoft 1999-2001 11 Thank You!

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