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St. Andrew’s United Church

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1 St. Andrew’s United Church
May 17, 2015 St. Andrew’s United Church “If you want joy- share joy.” Deepak Chopra

2 Opening our Doors Prelude Wendy Hardman Welcome & Announcements - Next Sunday: Congregational Meeting r.e. Presbytery Surveys Children's Message Bianka Warren * Passing the Peace * Hymn "Make a Joyful Noise" (Voices United #820 & Screen)

3 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Make a joyful noise all the earth! Worship our God with gladness. Make a joyful noise all the earth. Come to this place with a song! Know that your God has made you. Know it’s to God we belong. And come to this place with joyfulness and praise. Worship your God with a song! “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

4 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Make a joyful noise all the earth! Worship our God with gladness. Make a joyful noise all the earth. Come to this place with a song! Enter these gates, thanksgiving. Enter these courts with praise. Sing thanks to your God and bless the holy Name. Worship your God with a song! “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

5 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Make a joyful noise all the earth! Worship our God with gladness. Make a joyful noise all the earth. Come to this place with a song! Ages through endless ages, seasons of endless years, the love of our Maker ever shall endure. Worship your God with a song! “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

6 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Make a joyful noise all the earth! Worship our God with gladness. Make a joyful noise all the earth. Come to this place with a song! Deepak Chopra

7 “If you want joy, share joy.”
* Invitation to Worship One: God who spread the boundless prairie when the ancient oceans died; brought to birth the tribes and nations born in dignity and pride; ALL: Now as one we seek your Spirit, reaching for your loving hand, called by you our great Creator, sharing in this sacred land. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

8 “If you want joy, share joy.”
One: God who came to us in Jesus, loved us, suffered, died and rose; guide us well and give us wisdom as the pace of knowledge grows. ALL: Lord remind us when you call us to decisions, ways unknown, once for always you have promised that we do not walk alone. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

9 “If you want joy, share joy.”
One: God who forms a diverse people, call us to a common task, grace and strength you freely give us when in prayer we humbly ask. ALL: Races, genders, you have made us different, yet your great intent joins us in one loving Saviour, sharing Word and Sacrament. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

10 “If you want joy, share joy.”
One: God who raised our rolling foothills crowned with mountain peaks beyond; call us now to love and serve you, joyfully we will respond. ALL: God whose glory past and present lights us on our future way, now baptize us with your spirit, build tomorrow's church today. AMEN. - Herbert O'Driscoll (2002) “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

11 Opening our Hearts Prayers for Peace & Candle Lighting Silent Prayer & Lord's Prayer Presentation of Tithes & Offerings Offertory * Song "God of Love" Screen (sung to the tune of "Edelweiss")

12 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Oh Father Almighty, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as in heaven the same. Oh give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us, forgive us our trespasses. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

13 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Alle-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia; All-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. Lead us not, oh Father, into temptation, but save us from the Evil One, for the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, forever and ever, amen. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

14 Opening our Hearts Prayers for Peace & Candle Lighting Silent Prayer & Lord's Prayer Presentation of Tithes & Offerings Offertory * Song "God of Love" Screen (sung to the tune of "Edelweiss")

15 “If you want joy, share joy.”
God of love, hear our prayer, bless this offering we bring you. May our lives do your will, guide and guard us forever. Give us courage to stand for truth, help us care for others. God of love, hear our prayer, bless this offering we bring you. * Prayer of Dedication * Hymn “It’s a Song of Praise” ( More Voices #30 & Screen) “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

16 “If you want joy, share joy.”
It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the thrush sings high in the tree. It’s a song of praise to the Maker, the gray whale sings in the sea- And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker, too! “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

17 “If you want joy, share joy.”
It’s a call of life to the Giver when waves and waterfalls roar. It’s a call of life to the Giver when high tides dance on the shore- And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker, too! “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

18 “If you want joy, share joy.”
It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the bumblebees hum along. It’s a hymn of love to the Lover; the summer breeze joins the song- And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker, too! “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

19 “If you want joy, share joy.”
It’s the chorus of all creation; it’s sung by all living things. It’s the chorus of all creation; a song the universe sings. And by the Spirit you and I can join our voice to the holy cry and sing, sing, sing to the Maker, too! - Words: Ruth Duck - Music: Ron Klusmeier “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

20 Opening our Minds Ancient Wisdom: Psalm 1 Song "God of Still Waiting" (More Voices #20 & Screen) Contemporary Wisdom: Tosha Silver Message Rev. James

21 “If you want joy, share joy.”
God of still waiting, God of deep longing, God of the heart’s true rest: hold us in fathomless peace, guard us with unwaning love. Spirit of promise, Spirit of purpose, Spirit of ceaseless prayer: bathe us in life full and free, kindle our wonder and hope. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

22 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Word who comes to us, Word who lives with us, Word who disturbs and heals: silence our chattering fears, waken our unconscious faith. Word true and faithful, hope-bringing Spirit, God of enfolding love: come in your fullness and grace; work through our lives for your praise. - Words: Carl P. Daw - Music: Alfred V. Fedak “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

23 Opening our Minds Ancient Wisdom: Psalm 1 Song "God of Still Waiting" (More Voices #20 & Screen) Contemporary Wisdom: Tosha Silver Message Rev. James

24 Opening our Lives * Congregational Prayer One: God is the One whom we seek together, ALL: God is the Life which is part of us all; One: God is the Truth and the maker of mystery, ALL: God is the Love and the Joy that makes us whole. AMEN.

25 “If you want joy, share joy.”
* Hymn "Never Ending Joy" (More Voices #40 & Screen) Never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy- never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy. God of every tribe, every language, God of every river and sea, God of every mountain and island, you bring joy to me. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

26 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy- never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy. God of every hill, every valley, God of every leaf, every tree, God of every cloud, every raindrop, you bring joy to me. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

27 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy- never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy. God of every song, every story, God of every captive set free, God of every dance, every footstep, you bring joy to me. “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

28 “If you want joy, share joy.”
Never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy- never ending joy, never ending joy, never ending joy. - Words & Music: Daniel Damon * Benediction * Song “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

29 “If you want joy, share joy.”
May the God of hope go with us every day, filling all our lives with love and joy and peace. May the God of justice speed us on our way, bringing light and hope to every land and race. Praying, let us work for peace, singing, share our joy with all, working, for a world that's new, faithful when we hear Christ's call. * Postlude Wendy Hardman “If you want joy, share joy.” Deepak Chopra

30 “If you want joy- share joy.”
HAVE A GREAT WEEK! “If you want joy- share joy.” Deepak Chopra

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